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Oh sure, bahamut, if you have no other choice then buy Oblivion for the 360. It's still a good game, plus you can get some official mods, if you pay for them. Also, is the 360 getting bioshock?

Oh sure, bahamut, if you have no other choice then buy Oblivion for the 360. It's still a good game, plus you can get some official mods, if you pay for them. Also, is the 360 getting bioshock?

thats the thing, PC's oblivion is <superior> to the 360s but not everyone has $2000 to blow on a pc gaming rig. and then if they did they would just buy pc games and miss out on the 360's exclusives.

And yes, it is. and im gonna buy it.

also: top 3 on my 360 list

1. Gears of War

2. Burnout

3. Xbox live (in general)


ur a fag

no u!

faggy fanboy

no ur fagy fanboy

Jesus... now I have to change this thread's title to "SilverStar and Phthisis bitch at each other", and get it moved to UnMod.

I don't recall any of the other system threads going so downhill so quickly...

Evilhead vs. Nintendo fanboys?

Yeah, it's getting Bioshock - saw a display for it in EB.

Goddammit, the reasons for me to get it keep piling the fuck up.

Now it's a matter of weighing choices:

-Do I want to starve myself and do random jobs like I did with the Wii? If so, would I be willing to spend it on a 360 instead of a PC upgrade?



ur a fag

no u!

faggy fanboy

no ur fagy fanboy

Jesus... now I have to change this thread's title to "SilverStar and Phthisis bitch at each other", and get it moved to UnMod.

I don't recall any of the other system threads going so downhill so quickly...

You call that downhill?

Maybe what should happen, is just a broader Wii60 thread is made? It seems to me that, in a lot of cases, existing 360 owners actually want a Wii, because it offers such a wildly different play option, and at the same time a very large number of Wii owners are also looking at, eventually, getting a 360.

Here's a stat for you: I don't. Now get your fanboy shit out of this thread. The rest of your post was fine.

Here's a stat for you: Fanboys ignore everything that was said, if it contains anything other than praise for their system of choice. Re-read what I said. "It seems to me that, in a lot of cases..."

So, welcome to school. Reading comprehension helps, doesn't it?

You're completely dodging what I said. There's no need for a "broader Wii60 thread". That is an incredibly dumb idea. Maybe we should combine the PSP and DS thread? That would be great. Two machines that have no relation other than that they play video games for people to talk about. After all, most PSP owners are eventually going to buy a DS and express their desire for one.

No, dude. You said to get the fanboy out of the thread, because I suggested we actually make it about something that is being, quite virally, marketed as the superior choice. The Wii60 combination. You said nothing else, so there wasn't anything for me to dodge.

And PSP/DS? It's pretty much entirely one or the other. Relatively few people have or want both. Wii60? Since MS suggested it, it's been catching on. An increasing number of gamers want both, for both the choice of games and the difference in playstyles. Just like PC gaming is different from Console gaming.

Hell, go take a look at other message boards. Once you get past your own apparent flaming fanboyism, you'll see that there's as much good faith coming from the Wii camp toward the 360, as there is good faith coming from the 360 camp for the Wii(minus the shots at how "kiddy" Nintendo is). And both camps point and laugh at Sony's short-bus riding spawn.

So, just because -you- don't want a Wii, doesn't mean that, oh, say.. 4 million other 360 owners wouldn't enjoy one. Just from current numbers.

When I was waiting in line for my Wii on launch day, more than half the people in line already had a 360. That alone speaks volumes about the appeal.

Now, if you will kindly stop being an anal ostrich, you'd see that I'm also praising the 360, and I'm someone who was quite firmly a Nintendo fanboy. ;)

Please just shutup. I can't stand anymore of your corporate cock-wrangling.


ur a fag

no u!

faggy fanboy

no ur fagy fanboy

Jesus... now I have to change this thread's title to "SilverStar and Phthisis bitch at each other", and get it moved to UnMod.

I don't recall any of the other system threads going so downhill so quickly...

You call that downhill?

*looks at the following comment*

No, I'd say THAT is downhill.


stfu you two, I want to hear about XBox 360 games, not petty bickering.

Also, Katsurugi suggested Table Tennis (the Rockstar game) - is that game any good? Upon more searching, it seems Amped 3 might be a good purchase too. Fight Night Round 3 sure looks gorgeous too of course.


Yeah, so maybe not all 360 owners care about the Wii and maybe some Wii gamers would not care for other consoles. So what? This is not worth arguing about.

As for Table Tennis, I hear it's pretty good as a sports game and though I only played the demo, what was there was just really solid and probably the best ping-pong style game made yet.

And the Fight Night series, for being an EA game, has had a great history of having a great, involving gameplay on top of the graphics.

stfu you two, I want to hear about XBox 360 games, not petty bickering.

Also, Katsurugi suggested Table Tennis (the Rockstar game) - is that game any good? Upon more searching, it seems Amped 3 might be a good purchase too. Fight Night Round 3 sure looks gorgeous too of course.

I played Fight Night for the first time tonight.

OH MY GOD. Unbelievable. Graphically, it's some of the best visuals I've ever seen; characters cut and bruise visibly, and the slow motion replays of punches show face-rippling glory.

Gameplay wise, it is absolutely incredible. It's easy enough to pick up and mess around with, but it's deep as hell. I'm kind of reminded of the old WCW/NWO and WWF games on the N64 in that there was always a way to escape or counter a move. It's the same in Fight Night. You can walk around the ring, duck, block, dodge, and you have light jabs and slow heavy punches.

This game is all about situational strategy. It's a great example of focusing on your opponent's tendencies and reacting accordingly.

So for example, playing my friend tonight, he bloodied up the ride side of my character's face pretty badly in the first round, and it was weak to attack. So he was focusing in on that side in the following rounds. I, in turn, used a high right-side block to counter is punches, and it opened him up to some huge shots from me, allowing me to win a couple rounds in a row.

It's a wonderful game of give and take, and it's very very intelligently designed. I had no interest in it before tonight; now I am picking this up ASAP.


Fight Night is pretty fun for a few hours, then all you do is haymakers and it's extremely boring.

Table Tennis is the worst game I've played for 360. I'm serious when I say all 3 Burger King games are more fun. Some people seem to love it for some reason though.


Been playing tons of Rainbow six : Las Vegas with my buddies on the weekend. Co-op is always fun, Rainbow six and Gears of War made me dust off my xbox360.

Now looking forward to Lost Planet, best in game smoke effects evar!. :P

Fight Night is pretty fun for a few hours, then all you do is haymakers and it's extremely boring.

Career modes on the Fight Night games have been very addicting as far as I remember. And it has Xbox Live play to boot.

Table Tennis is the worst game I've played for 360. I'm serious when I say all 3 Burger King games are more fun. Some people seem to love it for some reason though.

It's a very simplistic game in a similar way any other tennis games and 3D Pong games are. And yeah, the BK games are insane value for what they have. Not too fair a comparison actually.

Quick question. How is PSU on the 360?

A little prettier than the other versions. But if you wanna play online, you have to pony up $10 a month to Sega, regardless if you're paying for Xbox Live or not. That, my friends, is what is called a SHIT DEAL.


Im debating about getting a 360. The ps3's price is just out of my wallet league but at the same time theres more ps3 games that interest be than the Xbox's. My main reason for buying one of them is whenever resident evil 5 comes out

Well, right now Microcenter has an XBox 360 for $200 after $100 mail in rebate deal.

Are microcenters located nationwide? I dont really recall seeing one by me but the offer is greatly tempting

Well, right now Microcenter has an XBox 360 for $200 after $100 mail in rebate deal.

Are microcenters located nationwide? I dont really recall seeing one by me but the offer is greatly tempting

I'm not sure - I haven't seen any in NY :( .

Edit: Oh yeah, there is one in NY, but in crappy Long Island. Here's all the store locations, and looks like none in MD. Ironically, one of them is at the site of M5.

Well, right now Microcenter has an XBox 360 for $200 after $100 mail in rebate deal.

Are microcenters located nationwide? I dont really recall seeing one by me but the offer is greatly tempting

I'm not sure - I haven't seen any in NY :( .

Edit: Oh yeah, there is one in NY, but in crappy Long Island. Here's all the store locations, and looks like none in MD. Ironically, one of them is at the site of M5.

Thanks for the link.

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