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The only bad thing about the game is that it seems to have regressed a bit as far as the comedy goes (what happened to the constant laughs from San Andreas?) and the gameplay is still a tad bit inferior to Saints Row's.

The multiplayer is fun as long as people know what the hell they're doing, which they don't most of the time.

I picked up The Orange Box for $30 today, new. It felt good. Now I have yet another reason to ignore the GTAIV-hype

You guys have to realize it's cheaper being really slow :3

Joke's on you.

I paid 30 for it as well.

Even though it is worth soooo much more.


I got COD4 off amazon shipped for $35 the other day. The Darkness came free with Bioshock for $50 back in November on Amazon I think. And I recently found Guitar Hero III with Wireless guitar for $50 shipped. And I got a free $10 gift card with GTA4 at Circuit City. Oh, and Assassin's Creed for $40 a month after it came out.

www.cheapassgamer.com !!

I got COD4 off amazon shipped for $35 the other day. The Darkness came free with Bioshock for $50 back in November on Amazon I think. And I recently found Guitar Hero III with Wireless guitar for $50 shipped. And I got a free $10 gift card with GTA4 at Circuit City. Oh, and Assassin's Creed for $40 a month after it came out.

www.cheapassgamer.com !!

Hear that people - CAG is a gift to gamers.


i just buy a lot of games when they come out. assassin's creed (with the tin and everything), after buying, playing, and selling it back, cost me a total of eight dollars. bioshock: seven. gtaiv: i actually earned three dollars because of rebates and credit from aforementioned used games. h3 cost me eleven dollars for the pack with the nice tin.


So, with the Stimulus check, I picked up a 360 Pro. Grabbed Crackdown, DMC4, and Project Sylpheed with it.

Sylpheed was traded in for Senko no Ronde.

I was very amazed at how smooth it was to stream stuff from my computer to the 360, but one thing bothers me. I'm trying to stream Whose Line episodes to it..and over 3/4ths of them stutter like mad, making them unwatchable. The audio is fine, it's just the video. What the hell's going on?

What the fuck

I gave it a whirl and found that while I liked the combat, the roughly 70 million different controls you need to use to win made it somewhat unfun. And then about seventeen people told me that the Ace Combat series offered the same type of combat of Sylpheed, but better and less complicated. So I went and got rid of it. They had no copies of Ace Combat in, so I grabbed Senko no Ronde for $5 for some shootan fun.

Could be a janky video file that is messing up. Didja download them in a torrent?

Yes. Some of them work, but the vast majority of them don't. None of them have any problems running on my computer, so I'm almost positive it's something on the Xbox.

I haven't even got a 360, but knowing my experience when I was round at a friend of mine's: the campaign will probably suck and the online will be the main highlight. That is, until a new Halo or Call of Duty gets released.

My experience with Gears of War was actually the opposite. I did splitscreen co-op with a friend (multiple times) and it was a blast, but we both felt it didn't really translate well to online multiplayer.

But yeah, definitely looking forward to Gears 2.


Anybody wanna recommend some games? I'm Getting my elite tomorrow. Not gonna pay for the gold account so no online play and I'm not a big FPS fan so take that into consideration.

Don't let me down guys :<

Anybody wanna recommend some games? I'm Getting my elite tomorrow. Not gonna pay for the gold account so no online play and I'm not a big FPS fan so take that into consideration.

Don't let me down guys :<

Most games come with some form of XBLGold trial. Hell, I know a few people who just buy a big name game once a month and stay on gold via the trials.

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