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It's both. The Galactrix version is going to be released sometime soon and the expansion to Challenge of the Warlords (named Revenge of the Plague Lord) is coming even sooner.

Cool, I would have never expected an XBLA game to be getting an addon.

The only 'problem' I might have with the game is when the enemies just go overboard with their attacks purely on luck. I just hope that doesn't happen too much in Galactrix.

Source? This is some great news if it's true.


posted over in the MM9 thread

Additionally, we've got some news to report. First, Capcom has confirmed to IGN that Mega Man 1 and 2 will be coming to the Virtual Console soon. And second, Mega Man 9 will also release for Xbox Live and PlayStation Network respectively. No, it's not a WiiWare exclusive, but nevertheless, it's going to make an excellent addition to the libraries of all three consoles.
Cool, I would have never expected an XBLA game to be getting an addon.

The only 'problem' I might have with the game is when the enemies just go overboard with their attacks purely on luck. I just hope that doesn't happen too much in Galactrix.

Yeah the randomness can suck but it's also part of the fun.

Actually, a few XBLA games has gotten expansions and addons. They even have 50 extra gamerpoints to put in expansions of XBLA titles according to their agreement. Carcassonne for one has an expansion. Undertow too. Gripshift, that crappy minigolf game, Outpost Kaloki X and Boom Boom Rocket has some kind of expansion, lumines has quite a few too!


Downloaded the Tales of Vesperia demo the other day. Very much like ToS, which isn't a bad thing IMO (it being my favorite RPG of last gen). The boss was ridiculous though, and in the three attempts I still didn't beat him.

Incidentally, it's funny that of all the home consoles, the 360 has the vast majority of JRPGs.

Also tried the Too Human demo, and it's definitely not my cup of tea. I didn't really care for the designs, the controls were not bad until the miniboss-like character with a hammer for a hand (it told you to press a to get on top of the enemy but after that no button seemed to do anything aside from balancing with the left analog stick), and I didn't find their manner of storytelling to be particularly engaging.


I thought Too Human was pretty cool once I got a hang of the sword and gun play, which is definitely awkward at first. I thought that was the most badass death sequence I've yet to see. Seriously, how awesome is it to die only to have a cybernetic Valkyrie descend from the heavens to take your body to Valhalla?

That's pretty badass if you ask me.

At first, I was iffy about ToV, of course you're looking at a guy who never played a Tales game past Phantasia on the SNES. Once I got acquainted with the formations, skills, artes, battling and whatnot, I started enjoying it a lot more, and I liked the voice acting, the concepts, and the art direction, so I think I'll be grabbing this real soon.

It is interesting that there are many JRPGs for the 360 now, but I think we're seeing a split in terms of console dominance this generation that we haven't seen thus far. I think many Japanese developers are going to start porting games between systems for different regions more frequently.

I can't help but feel a little apprehensive about it.

Might be a good time to mention that I'm working on the soundtrack to a game that will be released on the new "Community Games" thing. Might be on XBLA at some point too.

Cool :o Being the XBL-nutter that I am, I'm looking forward to it.

Now give me one of those gigs!! >:(


I plays teh DOA4-oh wait! :-(

You mean upcoming or current? 'Cause I can give you a list of close to 20 games on my upcoming must haves.

Currently I'm just playing this and that 'til I get my next paycheck. Although I've been playing through Eternal Sonata again along with Ninja Gaiden and Guitar Hero 2. Been on and off with Puzzle Fighter. I'm dying to actually play the full version of Tales of Vesperia.


If you're a JRPG fan, Tales of Vesperia is coming out mid-August, and I'm enjoying the battle system the more I play it. Might not be your cup of tea, but give the demo a shot.

There's Too Human coming out soon. It's a cross between Diablo-styled skill trees, co-op and loot collecting, Mass Effect's visual style(although not quite), and the action element of a Devil May Cry game(I'm being base here, it's deeper than that). It also has a demo out on Live, so give it a shot. I liked it a lot.

Bad Company is a pretty good iteration of the Battlefield series.

There are many more, but I don't feel like typing all night. :-P

so, i looked through my collection, and besides having played a bit of bioshock, haloz, gta 4, assassin's creed, and mass effect...i haven't played anything else made specifically for 360.

WHATS YOUR MUST-PLAY GAME that's not in the genre of one-v-one fighting (like soul calibur or something)?

The orange box + xbox live makes for good happy success. And portal if you haven't played it yet.

I really enjoyed Aegis wing, and Ikaruga as well.

so, i looked through my collection, and besides having played a bit of bioshock, haloz, gta 4, assassin's creed, and mass effect...i haven't played anything else made specifically for 360.

WHATS YOUR MUST-PLAY GAME that's not in the genre of one-v-one fighting (like soul calibur or something)?



I just got me a 360 in a bundle with Blue Dragon, an extra controller, and 3 months of XBL free!

I am exited... I saw some good games mentioned over the last couple pages... what else are some good ones?

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