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25 years....


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I just randomly was thinking that OCremix was started in December, and checking online, see that it says December 11, 1999.  For me right now, thats an hour and half away.

Myself finding this awesome place in 2003.  Not knowing how to make music, but as a lover of listening to it, I don't post much....but, I didn't see anywhere on here it being mentioned about the 25th anniversary.  (maybe I just missed it)

So anyways....

Just wishing this place a HUGE HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY.

And of course a huge thanks to everyone who has contributed and kept this place alive for so long.

Heres to 25 more years....

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Just a head's up, most of the community is on the Discord server these days, and on the off chance either of you aren't there, hop on over! There's a hangout for the anniversary starting around 8:00 PM. (I'll be on an hour later after I get children to bed, which is something I cannot imagine typing back in 2003-2004, haha. :p)


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The oldest files currently on my computer which have jumped from hard drive to hard drive over the years are mp3s from this site which show a "Date Modified" of November 21, 2000. Based on the fact they all share a 9:03 PM timestamp though, I suspect that they're actually slightly older than that and the date got modified as they were being copied from one location to another or something.


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