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MEETUP: Baltimore, MD + pixietricks' recital – pics p.9, recordings p.11

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Well, it's been a crazy day. Baltimore was raped by the weather, so school was canceled... which normally would be an awesome thing, but it gave rise to a couple complications. There was supposed to be a Wind Ensemble concert at Peabody tonight, but it has now been postponed to tomorrow night. This means a) DrumUltimA probably won't be able to come to more than a couple songs in my recital, and B) my clarinetist for Shepherd on the Rock had a direct conflict.

Good news is that she found a sub for the concert, so I'll still have her all to myself until 8:00. I just wish Daggu didn't have to miss it, and the dinner party afterwards. :<



Wheeeeeeeee! The recital went really well! I'll put pictures up tomorrow, and hopefully recordings as well (depends on how soon my roommate can get those to me). There will be a video eventually, but it may take a couple days to edit and format.

zircon, Upthorn, Jiggles McPuff, and Ferret all came, so we had a fun time watching Star Trek after the dinner party, haha. XD

Thanks for all your support, everyone!

Winter picked the worst time to suck.

We're slushed here, and I've run out of tolerance for

below-freezing temps. I finally leaned too far into

the decision not to come, and I just hope to catch

the next time Jilly performs. :(

can you explain to me why big puddles in new york city look just like the streets because i stepped in like 5 today and it was TERRIBLE...so bad that I didn't get to go to the chinatown fair and have fun AHHHH


I'm now home and safe and wishing I'd asked pixie for a kiss (instead of hug but zircon'd probably deck me for that :P )

Aasaw;oi3jrw my toes are still cold, damn you snow!

But lots of fond memories and did we really spend two hours talking? Also Noob must not chew on my hand, it is not a cuttlebone. Birdie beep!


Thank you so much for inviting me! I had alot of fun. Oh, and to all you who missed it, you missed out on a freaking awesome performance! I was absolutely floored. It was flawless! Jill is someting else. She's incredibly talented, as you all pretty much already know, but to actually hear her perform live was simply amazing. :) I really liked all the emotion she put into it as well. Much love!

And damn.... it was good, like, really good

Jill = Pro


I was hoping you'd be wearing white gloves so I could follow up on the "giving a rectal" joke. But that's okay, the last two posts satisfied the part of my brain that's still 8 years old.

Congrats, the pics look great! It's great that everybody went out to dinner with your family, but I can't stop laughing imagining the "mom, dad, can I bring 4 guys I met on the internet to dinner?" conversation :)

I was hoping you'd be wearing white gloves so I could follow up on the "giving a rectal" joke. But that's okay, the last two posts satisfied the part of my brain that's still 8 years old.

Congrats, the pics look great! It's great that everybody went out to dinner with your family, but I can't stop laughing imagining the "mom, dad, can I bring 4 guys I met on the internet to dinner?" conversation :)

Considering zircon is her boyfriend, somehow I don't think it so weird.


The recital was indeed very well done. I was taken a bit by surprise, because I haven't been keeping up with OC Remix lately, and pixie's vocal skill has appearantly improved a great deal since its (already impressive) showcase in "The Place we Knew".

Very well done, Jill, thank you for inviting us all (even though the group pic you posted makes me look like a stoner).

and pixie's vocal skill has appearantly improved a great deal since its (already impressive) showcase in "The Place we Knew".

Errr... To be fair, you can't really compare The Place We Knew with anything I do classically. I sound completely different singing in a pop style. And while people say I have been continually improving in the classical style as well, the difference isn't that drastic. You'd have to listen to the other classical stuff up on my website now to make an accurate comparison. ^_~

Not to mention the fact that she's met the other 3 in person as well.

Yeah. And in the worst case scenario, if I were pixie, I would be like "As you all know, this is my boyfriend and these are his shady friends that I'm just meeting for the first time."


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