orkybash Posted June 5, 2002 Posted June 5, 2002 Mega Man: The Wily Wars 'Break the Beat in Half, Dr. Wily (Extra Pie Mix)' Well, this mix has an interesting title, but I guess that's to go along with the interesting sound. This definitely takes some getting used to - the first time through it sounded a bit too messy to my ears. It's grown on my, though, just as it will on you once you realize how creative Shael Riley can get even when his groin isn't involved. There's so much going on in this mix that I can't even begin to describe it, so I'll just say get it. Even if you don't end up liking it, it will be the most interesting (as in "different") mix you'll hear on this site in a while. Quote
Captain Red Posted July 2, 2002 Posted July 2, 2002 First off: this one isn't to my taste. Really well done, but it stutters off and on too much at times for me. The stuff in between the stutters is gold though. The track is almost worthy of two versions- stutter and non-stutter. :¬) About halfway through the first listen I realized what the stutters reminded me of- a cheat in the original MegaMan game(and, coincidentally, the only way I beat that gold-golemish boss). the cheat played off the "game freeze" pause that the select button activated. Elecman's weapon would hit the enemy it was over once each time the game was unpaused like this. It froze the music in much the same way as in this track... Second(third?) thing that impressed me- if I'm not much mistaken, the voice bits(most of them anyway) were sampled from the megaman cartoon show(and man, that's a trip too). Twas nice. :¬) I guess I do actually like it... I just don't think I could listen to it repeatedly. Worth at least one listen... just stick it out through the stops. *honk* Quote
skawttieboy Posted July 4, 2002 Posted July 4, 2002 I like the clip from the Mega Man cartoon....but it about ends there.. Just not really to my liking, just going a little too far maybe? Quote
Heero123 Posted July 4, 2002 Posted July 4, 2002 That voiceclip of Mega Man made me realize his voice actor also did Goku in the first season of Dragon Ball Z. Couldn't help but notice. Quote
rebirth9283 Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 To be completely honest, I'm surprised to see something this "normal" after hearing the Groin Incident. I use the word normal very, very loosely. As for the song itself, I definitely agree with djpretzel's use of the word schitzophrenic. It does have more awkward twists, turns, and cd-skip-like halts (more like crashes) than anything else I've ever heard anywhere. The use of voice samples was... shall we say... unique. I never imagined that the MegaMan cartoon would find its way onto OCR. And the way that the voices are mixed can only be described as dizzying. But one thing is for sure, they set the mood perfectly. I knew what I was in for the second I heard "Now I've got your power!" This is a very entertaining mix. That's really all there is to say about it. I look forward to hearing more from Mr. Riley on my quest through the site. And I doubt that there's anything of Shael's that won't get this award... =Stamp of General Weirdity= Quote
The King of All Kupos Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 After hearing The Atomizer and Music of My Groin, this is tame by comparison. Extremely good music, but not quite up to the insanity of those other two...pieces...I hesitate to even refer to them as music. Their in a class of their own. Quote
Bruk Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 I liked the usage of sound effects in this remix. Pretty good overall. Thumbs up, Shael. Now go and take Music of my Groin off of OCR, please? Quote
Icct Hedrix Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 you know...the first thing that got me when i listened to the this track was not the amazing skill put into it oh no, it was at how many kbites it ran per second, get this 256k, which is more than some computers can do. But other than that this is one of the best mixes ive ever heard Quote
CJ_Sparx Posted July 2, 2004 Posted July 2, 2004 At first, the clips from the cartoon sort of bothered me. Then came all the Protoman clips--especially "Give me that! You robotwit...". Suddenly, it was all worth it. Makes me want to break out my tapes. The actual music pops in and out quite a bit, so if you don't like interruptions, you may not like this. I personally like the song that was remixed, though, so even with all the jumping around, I still like this. Quote
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 I enjoy this mix alot. I do not find it to be schitzophrenic... or suffering from any other mental ilness. My favorite element of this song is the sudden cut-aways to silence... or near silence. This has the effect of turning everything happening in the moment into a single instrument.... like a perverted orchestra hit. It makes what ever rhythym patterns that take place in these spots have 10 times the impact that they would normally have. Definitely one of my favorites on the site. Quote
Red Shadow Posted February 10, 2005 Posted February 10, 2005 I dont know what it is with me and vocals in techno, but their inclusion often ruins the piece for me. I love this mix, but the vocal stuff just bothers me enough to warrant it a backseat ride. Great arrangement, but the voices did it in for me. Quote
Slime Master Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 This is a perfect example of what Strong Bad was talking about in his E-Mail about Techno Music. I found the Vocals to be worth a couple of chuckles myself. Quote
Liontamer Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Man, that is some weird shizzle. A big part of the section full of voice clips from was lame (1:52-2:19). But the mix itself was pretty interesting/catchy. Cool older stuff. Quote
Bummer Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 If you would call this remix different, that wouldn't be enough. This is one of a kind. This is one of the weirdest thing mankind might ever heard of. This is an endangered specie that's the only in its kind that killed itself by driving themselves crazy by using many diffent kinds of voice and game samples together with gaps all over the place. But I did strangely like most of it. Got a little confused by the opening line, but the introducing synh was actually darn good. The occasional monkey sounds and random places of vacuum actually help this remix to create a weird and freaky atmosphere. The latter continued with it's baffling and unexplainable rhytm with an another interesting synth. So as the music in question I think it was good. Unfortunately all those Megaman voices in the middle of the arrangement destroyed my will of downloading it, the line ”Protoman to the rescue” got reallt disturbing after some listens. Shael has created a monster, but it was one funky remix. Quote
MooMan1 Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Man, did this song ever rock. It was fun to listen to, what with all the breaks and stutters everywhere. Plus, it makes good headbanging music. I almmost forgot the voice samples. Those really elevated the song. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Man, a lot of haters on this one. I'm inclined to disagree, this is some pretty cool stuff, and though in the vocal breakdown there are a few seemingly dropped beats, the rest is solid and very creative. Maybe ahead of it's time? It's super catchy and the breaks make it really interesting. They pretty much demand your attention, so as a way to encourage (ok require) active listening, it's really ingenious. I could live without the vocals, but it makes the mix pretty funny, so no worries. This mix is all about taking one idea so far (silent stops) that it actually becomes the focal point of the song itself. Imagine the song without the breaks, and it's a lofi synth version of the theme, but with them, it's way more than that. It's very experimental, but unlike some other "out there" tracks, this one works. Are you a bad enough dude to appreciate this inspired mix? Quote
Polo Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 The production feels free to color the vibe how it wants, when it wants, creating one show-stopping number after another. Sometimes it tweaks the arrangement by pitch bending notes on the leads (0:42, 0:54) or by adding rubbery countermelodies ( 0:14, 0:22, 1:08 ). Panning consciously distinctifies each player during the mainstream sections and polarizes the timely percussion hits. In-game sound effects work best when they segue into new sections (it occurred to me that the Mega Man 2 boss intro bears a passing resemblance to the start of the source tune. Maybe that's why the mix starts out that way and then detracts going "Wait, wrong source!"). While a few sound effects have a dose of reverb or are briefly chopped up, most of the cartoon voice clips are manipulated more liberally (splicing "Oh my" and "Boy, that's gratitude for you" is welcoming at 2:53). And the trigger-happy gating effectively bottles, builds, and bursts with energy as it silences one or more channels at a time. Some of my favorite moments: 1:24 - The explosion sound epitomizes the aforementioned release of tension like a cork popping off a champagne bottle. 2:01 - A spotlight on the drumwork is an easeful break like the wind+guitar section later. 2:10 - Viciously sped up "Proto Man" = LOL 2:44-2:48 - The vocal pitches in the unchopped " 'You're welcome!' 'Boy, that's gratitude for you' " echo the mood of the notes played, amusingly. Overall, it's malleable while it maintains a cohesive flow. "Works for me." Quote
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