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Does it make me a bad person because I am actually excited for SatSR? The game just looks fun.

No it doesn't. Even if the game sucks, it will still be ten times better then the new Sonic the Hedgehog game.

No it doesn't. Even if the game sucks, it will still be ten times better then the new Sonic the Hedgehog game.


No one needs to tell me if SSR is a good title. I've known since E3 it will be a title I will greatly enjoy.


I've been a huge fan of sonic games. I own carts of Sonic 1, 2 3, S&K and sonic spin ball (I also bought a Sega CD solely for Sonic CD). I also have Mega collection and SA 1&2 for the Gamecube.

all in all I've liked most sonic games. however I just can not get into 3D blast or the Advanced series. I *loved* SA when it first came out. It looked great at the time and I really like the sort of RPG aspect of it. granted, it was VERY weak, but it was somewhat cool to see it go in a different direction.

what I didn't like about it was the fact you had to play a total of 5(?) characters to totally finish the game. it's not so much that I didn't like the idea of different characters, it's that some of them were just AWFUL. there should be absolutely zero fishing in a sonic game, period. I also wasn't too thrilled with Amy's stages either. giant hammer? wha? oh, and I swear to god, that pumpkin hill zone for knuckles has the worst stage music ever.... why does he knuckles have hip hop music associated with him now? playing it again after 5 years, the game really shows its age.

SA2 is where things just went totally wrong for me. 2 story lines that end up the same? making 2 very gimmicky characters just to balanced out the "good" and "evil" teams? being FORCED to play through strange robot stages along with treasure hunting to progress the story? no, not good. plus the already awful voice acting somehow found a way to get worse. I know sonic has a "tude" but come on... and the camera, oy the camera!

I tried Heroes for all of 10 minutes before turning it off and saying "No. Never again....". The Shadow the Hedgehog game seemed blasphemous to me and I haven't touched it. the new sonic game looked great at first, but then more and more bad reviews started to hit the net. I really have no idea why they stuck him in the real work in the SA series. though it was "reality", it was still sort of detached, he didn't really interact with any humans that much. now I guess theres this really lame kiss, thats just bizarre. I mean... hes a giant talking hedgehog... kissing a teenage girl....

I have low expatiations for the Wii title (Just got one last week though. yay me!) but I'll give it a rental when it comes out. The next gen titles have just been getting worse and worse, so my hopes for a good new sonic game are pretty dismal.

/rant off


Sonic Advance is usually deemed too slow for a Sonic game. Admittedly, I'd agree with the statement. Your character's run speed was a little on the pokey side for how fast you were supposed to be able to go. Moreover, another problem with the Sonic Advance series is really that you don't have enough view in front of you to see what's coming ahead, so it's quite easy to run into badniks that are just off of the screen.

This problem got aggravated in Sonic Advance 2 when your running speed picked up to unseen levels in a 2-D Sonic game. Now you had maybe a quarter of a second to react to incoming enemies if you're going at full tilt, and maybe half a second to hit the jump button to avoid a potential death by falling in a bottomless pit. Which happened *a lot* in Sonic Advance 2. There were way, way too many pits in that game.

And what's more, you basically could just hold down right on the control pad and hit jump a few times to clear the level for the first couple of zones. While to some degree you could do that in other Sonic games, usually by the second Zone you'd have to slow down to get through some dangerous areas, such as the crushers in Marble Zone, or the staircases and traps in Chemical Plant Zone.

Now, it must be said, for all negative I've said about these two games, they're still pretty fun and certainly much better than their counterparts in the 3-D realm.


change Eggman's name back to Dr. Robotnik.

Yeah. This Eggman shit has got to go. We need Dr. Robotnik. And perhaps those 2 robot henchmen he had. Can't quite remember what they were. But I do remember one had a drill nose and drills on his arms. As for the other characters hmmmm..?

Shadow should get lost finding himself and Silver should back to planet fuck yourself. And uh I think that's it.


And perhaps those 2 robot henchmen he had. Can't quite remember what they were. But I do remember one had a drill nose and drills on his arms. As for the other characters hmmmm..?

Scratch and Grounder


Also, don't forget about Coconuts


my bad, that was from SA2 upon looking up lyrics.

granted I'm not the biggest fan of hip hop. but come on...

You know me, the fighting freak Knuckles

And we're at Pumpkin Hill

You ready?

I ain't gon lef it get ta me

I'm just gonne creep

Down in Pumpkin Hill

I gotsta fine my lost piece

I know dat it's here

I'ka sense it in my feet

Da great emeraldz power allows me ta feel

I can't see a thing, but it's around somewhere

I'm gonna hold my head

'Couze I have no fear


maybe it's not the worst EVER, but damn, it's pretty bad.

who ever wrote those out really got into the feel of that song. lol http://www.sonicsdomain.com/lyrics.htm if anyone wants some sonic lyrics.


Also maybe they should kill off all the extra characters. Except Tails - we need to laugh at the horribly funny AI trying to follow us around and getting his ass kicked trying to keep up.

I liked one of your remixes here, but as a hard-core Tails fan, you lost all respect from me :(

He only composed maybe one or two songs for Sonic 3 (I know he did the Act 2 Boss theme). It was his very first project for SEGA.

Really? I did not know that. That is my all time favourite track from Sonic. I really enjoyed his latest tracks, but god damn, i didn't know how much he rocked!

Sonic died the day Dr.Robotnik was renamed to Eggman.

I always thought it was stupid when he started calling himself 'Dr. Eggman.'

It's like this: Sonic says, 'you're a shit face'

Dr. Robotnik replies, 'I am Dr. shit face. Take me seriously!'


I agree with most of the sentiment in this thread. Sonic really needs to get his act together, and it should be done thusly:

1. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik. No other characters, and no humans pottering around. These are the Sonic games, not Sonic X

2. I really like the idea of an on-rails camera. Cinematic and useful

3. 2D side-scroller FTW!

This thread gravitates towards Sonic and the Secret Rings.

Because there's a general consensus that it's probably the only game that will be able to pull Sonic out of his current funk, and if that doesn't work, he's further in the hole.

Because there's a general consensus that it's probably the only game that will be able to pull Sonic out of his current funk, and if that doesn't work, he's further in the hole.

Don't get your hopes up. I'm forwarding what I posted on a sonic fansite's forums:

"There'll be eight stages with 100 missions,"

Sounds fun....

"We split up the team, and we started development from last January, so we only had one year to complete this game, with the usual time for a Sonic game being two years."

Prepare for some major disappointments.

Quoted from the Q & A on game spot.


I don't know about that. It seems like Secret Rings is taking Sonic in a way better direction than Shadow's misguided efforts. This game is basically set in an Arabian-style story, where each of the Sonic cast are acting in the roles of notable characters, like Ali Baba or Sinbad.

The game apparantly is supposed to have about 100 missions, most of them about obtaining powerups that can have a variety of effects, like Timestop, Firebreath, and so on. It doesn't seem bad to me, and watching the better gameplay videos on YouTube, the game looks speedy enough and nice.

Don't get your hopes up. I'm forwarding what I posted on a sonic fansite's forums:

"There'll be eight stages with 100 missions,"

Sounds fun....

If the stages are large and varied enough, with missions taking place in different sections of each stage(Or different paths through stages, with overlap on some points), there's not much to worry about.

"We split up the team, and we started development from last January, so we only had one year to complete this game, with the usual time for a Sonic game being two years."

Prepare for some major disappointments.

Quoted from the Q & A on game spot.

So, time spent on creating a game determines if it's good or bad? Duke Nukem Forever will be fucking awesome then.

"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."

A bit of an oversimplification, but generally games that get rushed out to meet a deadline pay the toll. ET, anyone?

Yet there's nothing about rushing to meet a deadline mentioned, just that they had less time(And compensated for it). In fact, here's the full quote:

Ogawa-San: Yes, usually for Sonic titles we have two years to develop, but this time we only had one year. Since we had two different game modes – Adventure and Party – we had separate teams working on each mode and the number of team members we had were three times the usual number. The size of the game means it is essentially two games in one, so it was a very big project. Directing the teams as a developer and as a director was very challenging, but I enjoyed it very much.



Just as a heads up, this isn't fully confirmed, but I'm near positive each of the 8 stages has two acts.

Plus, there's supposedly gonna be at least a couple unlockable ones. I'll spare the details on one though, as I suppose that could be spoilers.

Also, you don't need to complete all 100 missions to beat the game, it's called there being extra so people don't complain about only having 8/16 goals.


I don't think I trust IGN's review scores for Sonic games. Matt essentially gave the game a 6.9 because the experience isn't evolved and refined. Good review, bad review score.

7.5 range seems fair.

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