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I'm no RPG fan, but the only FF game I've played is FF X and the music from that game is simply amazing, and is now one of my favoutie game soundtracks of all time.

Anyway, I was wondering on how do the other FF games compare to this? I've been listening to a few tracks from XI which I find are awesome, and I'll probably end up buying the soundtrack. Does Nobuo work on every FF game?


Nobuo worked on Final Fantasy 1-10, Chrono Trigger (with Yasunori Mitsuda), and a few other small projects. I've yet to find a song of his that has not impressed me. While Final Fantasy X is probably the best quality work he's done (because the PS2 has a greater audio capacity than earlier systems), it is doubtful that you will find any of his earlier work displeasing. I encourage you to check more of his stuff out.


yeah nobou is awesome, I think he is doing what he wants right now.

the IX sound track is good. as is all the others.

Then For some reason he decided "I want a rock band" so he made the Black Mages which makes some of the FF songs rock.

And if he was not cool enough he composed the intro for SSBB.

Yeah Nobou is pretty much the best


Ah, Final Fantasy X was not Nobuo only. Watch yourself here, he only composed around half of the sountrack. Download the chiptunes from zophar, it has the name of the composer for each track. Nobuo wrote some of my favourite, and some obvious ones, like To Zanarkand, Yuna's Theme (and it's variations), all the character themes (including all the seymour tracks).

The other two guys are:

Junya Nakano: He wrote the worst tracks imo, like Enemy Attack, and Inflexible Determination, Hurry, those ones. Redeemeing tack is Aeon Battle, pure awesome. I mean they were good, but hes got nothing on Nobuo.

Masashi Hamauzu: This guy is cool. He wrote a lot of the more epic songs, aswell as the ambient type tracks. He did Thunder Plains, Challenge, Blitz Off, and the awesome Besaid's Island.

In terms off the other soundtracks, VIII was awesome but fairly short. IX was a bit weaker but way more tracks, and lots of nice variations. A bit more Rennaisance then the others, with harpsichords and recorders and stuff.


The SNES work Uematsu did has really grown on me, but I haven't played any of the Playstation Final Fantasies before. Well, I started FF7 last year [finally] but I found the music in that one really grating. I stopped playing it very early on, like, I was trying to rescue Tifa from the circus or something. I could start it up again sometime, but I really don't feel like it.


I've yet to find game album by Uematsu that has taken my breath away. He does have good stuff though, and it is possible to find a gem or two in each game that he has composed. For FF7, I liked Tifa's theme, the Main theme and Jenova. But I can't say I the same for the rest, but they do help me reminisce. Also, by preference, I can listen to piano collections for most of the FF games but that's only because it's piano.

It's important to be able to take the music out of context. Do you like FFX music simply because of how it was integrated into the plot or some moment? By itself, I don't like the song, "Isn't it Beautiful." But I can see how it can tug some heartstrings for people who have played the game.

It's important to be able to take the music out of context. Do you like FFX music simply because of how it was integrated into the plot or some moment?

Well, to be fair, game music isn't written primarily to be stand alone. I wouldn't say it's important to take it out of context considering the importance of it's context. It's like saying butter is nice in cakes but I don't like eating chunks of it by itself. The primary importance of game music is how well it fits the job of integrating with the scenes, characters and story-lines. I think it's unfair to judge it otherwise.

If it does all those things well, when you buy the OST, you're going to love it regardless of whether or not you would have liked it having never played the games. If you like an OST having never played the game, even better, but you could enjoy it more by playing the game.


Uematsu...in a way, I'm glad he's no longer exclusivly working on FF. I mean, yes, his tracks are awesome and The Prelue & Final Fantasy Main Theme are now classics. But in my mind..it's like he plateaued. It's...there's only so many times you can do epic sweeping music before it starts to sound similar.

That said, I love the epic boss battle tracks. Dancing Mad, etc.

Do you like FFX music simply because of how it was integrated into the plot or some moment?

Indeed, it fit the scenes so well in the game, which makes it extra special to listen to, and makes you remind yourself of the scenes in FF X. By saying this, I think if I don't play the other FF games, and only listen to the soundstracks, it just won't be the same. But then again, I've been listening to XI music and it's already grabbed my attention, even though I haven't played it.

I also own the FF X piano collection which again is awesome :) Takes a whole new look on the songs.

Also, if you like heavy metal, you ought to check out the Black Mages. That's Nobuo's metal band, and they freaking rock bells.

Sure do, I'll check them out :)

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