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Puppet Master(FFXI version of necromancer... well that's what the director said in an interview anyway), Corsair(YAR! I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate! Functions kind of like a gambler from what I can tell), and Blue Mage(how they balanced this out to work with the game is beyond me, but I've always wanted to see it done, so yay!).

I'm not too partial about these, well, maybe Blue Mage, though. I wanna go for either monk, thief, or ninja.

The new jobs aren't really any more soloable than the others, but they've added a lot of things that make it easier to solo overall. A recent update adds an effect to Signet (and Sanction, the Aht Urghan equivalent) that makes it so you don't lose TP while resting as long as it's active. Red Mage is VERY soloable, especially with the right subjob, Ninja is relatively soloable if you know what you're doing, Dragoon is fairly soloable, with a few drawbacks, Beastmaster was practically MADE to solo with, Puppetmaster is indeed very easy to solo, but can and will become very expensive, and Blue Mage is very soloable early on, but gets very difficult to solo mid-levels (around 25-40ish) until you get the ability to self-skillchain/magic burst.

Puppet Master(FFXI version of necromancer... well that's what the director said in an interview anyway), Corsair(YAR! I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate! Functions kind of like a gambler from what I can tell), and Blue Mage(how they balanced this out to work with the game is beyond me, but I've always wanted to see it done, so yay!).

These weren't the three jobs I was referring to - these are just the three new jobs. I was referring to Puppetmaster, Beastmaster, and Summoner, the three generally considered soloable jobs (Harder, perhaps, on summoner). Though I also know a guy who went mostly to 75 on Dragoon soloing.

Well I guess it depends on the player, but I found WoW pretty boring past lvl.20. I won't mentioned the grouping factor of FFXI, 'cause what needs to be said has already been said for the umpteenth time, but I will say that I pretty much remained solitary in WoW even when I was in the five different guilds that I joined. People just never talked much. I don't even see the point of partying in WoW. "Casual game, casual friends" is what it feels like.

It depends on a guild. A small guild with 10 people who don't play very often is naturally gonna be less talkative than a 500 man guild (yes, they exist). The guild I'm in now has about 50 active players, and the guild chat might as well be IRC. As far as partying goes, it's really only necessary for the occassional group quest and for instances. There's nothing stopping you from grouping up with a couple of guys and blazing through a bunch of quests, though. My only real complaint is that the new LFG system WoW uses sucks compared to the global LFG channel it used to have.

I like a sense of direction and purpose, AKA, a story to involve me in a game while I play, and quite frankly, the convoluted storytelling used in the Warcraft and Starcraft series as a whole has left me disappointed. Another point for FFXI.

Wait what? Warcraft has RIDICULOUS amounts of lore. There's entire wikis dedicated to it.

Wait what? Warcraft has RIDICULOUS amounts of lore. There's entire wikis dedicated to it.

yeah, I'd put warcraft complete story and world against any FF, any day.

Of course, if you (not you suzu) are a mindless grinder that don't even care to take a look at what those texts you see scrolling down in quests mean, then you won't have an idea of what's going on.


Yeah, but every time I glance at any Warcraft-related story it seems more and more 'hey we shat this... out our ass'.

lol are you fucking kidding me? have you ever read the warcraft story and lore? cuz I have, and I know the story of each final fantasy to date as well. And none is as big, as epic or as well thought as warcraft's. I can resume each final fantasy story as "have whiny kids + good vs evil battle". Warcraft is not your usual "good vs evil" battle, is so much more than that


lol are you fucking kidding me? have you ever read the warcraft story and lore? cuz I have, and I know the story of each final fantasy to date as well. And none is as big, as epic or as well thought as warcraft's. I can resume each final fantasy story as "have whiny kids + good vs evil battle". Warcraft is not your usual "good vs evil" battle, is so much more than that


Final Fantasy storylines are getting generic.

Warcraft storyline was based on Warhammer Fantasy's storyline.

They're both cliche'd and overused as hell.

It's basically Japanese cliche VS American cliche.

Pick your poison.

Final Fantasy storylines are getting generic.

Warcraft storyline was based on Warhammer Fantasy's storyline.

They're both cliche'd and overused as hell.

It's basically Japanese cliche VS American cliche.

Pick your poison.

No one has said that Warcraft story is original. Is it bigger and better than any FF to date? hell yes.

Again, if you knew the complete arc of warcraft and the complete arc of the final fantasy games, it's a no brainer.

It depends on a guild. A small guild with 10 people who don't play very often is naturally gonna be less talkative than a 500 man guild (yes, they exist). The guild I'm in now has about 50 active players, and the guild chat might as well be IRC. As far as partying goes, it's really only necessary for the occassional group quest and for instances. There's nothing stopping you from grouping up with a couple of guys and blazing through a bunch of quests, though. My only real complaint is that the new LFG system WoW uses sucks compared to the global LFG channel it used to have.

Wait what? Warcraft has RIDICULOUS amounts of lore. There's entire wikis dedicated to it.

It doesn't have to be EPIC, it has to be structured and flow properly. Like I said, I never knew what the fuck I was doing and why in WoW.

You can defend it all you want, but any player who really looks at it will see that the storytelling in WoW is ass. I happen to like a lot of the Warcraft lore(even though it IS generic American stuff), but again, like Demetri said, it's like "hey! I took this... from my ass! Now go find me some spider silk!"

Maybe I have a bias since I played FFXI first, but I didn't even last 3 weeks into my 30 day trial for WoW. WoW is great for "pick up and play" factor, and since it panders to a dumber audience(it HAD to in order to get that many subscribers), it'll get more ratings. I mean christ, everyone and their families including their retarded younger brother and sister play WoW 'cause of those two main factors. To put it bluntly, WoW played out more like a game for people with ADD than anything else.

Of course, that's pretty harsh, and everyone's entitled to play what they want, but god knows I tried WoW on and off for close to a year and a half, and I could NEVER get myself to play past lvl.25.

It doesn't have to be EPIC, it has to be structured and flow properly. Like I said, I never knew what the fuck I was doing and why in WoW.

You can defend it all you want, but any player who really looks at it will see that the storytelling in WoW is ass. I happen to like a lot of the Warcraft lore(even though it IS generic American stuff), but again, like Demetri said, it's like "hey! I took this... from my ass! Now go find me some spider silk!"

Maybe I have a bias since I played FFXI first, but I didn't even last 3 weeks into my 30 day trial for WoW. WoW is great for "pick up and play" factor, and since it panders to a dumber audience(it HAD to in order to get that many subscribers), it'll get more ratings. I mean christ, everyone and their families including their retarded younger brother and sister play WoW 'cause of those two main factors. To put it bluntly, WoW played out more like a game for people with ADD than anything else.

Of course, that's pretty harsh, and everyone's entitled to play what they want, but god knows I tried WoW on and off for close to a year and a half, and I could NEVER get myself to play past lvl.25.

You fail it.

I've played tons of MMOs. I played Everquest before the whole MMO boom started. I've played asian and american MMOs, and WoW is one of the deepest, biggest and more varied Battle-oriented MMOs out there. Also one of the easiest to level up through the first half of the game if you do things properly. I mean, you could get past 25 in a week. shut off your internet plzkthnx.

FFXI is dumb and full of flaws. Slow as fuck, and made to suck you out of every penny.(paying for each character, what the fuck?) In Most MMOs out there you aren't forced to join a group to level up, and good ones keep you doing quests to avoid the endless grind that is found in these games. Sorry but if it weren't because of the FF name slapped to the title I wouldn't have seen this game last even a few months. Good UI? who needs that! just give them crappily designed mobs that spawn every year or so and let them grind to death. Fast Travel times? meh. The more they last from one city to another, the more money we make!

One could argue that WoW is made for "Dumb" people. But are only "Dumb" people those in need of a good UI? those who like to do lots of stuff other than fighting all the time? those who don't want to play the game for hours to get one simple quest done because of the outrageous travel times? those who want some freedom with their chars without having to give their salary to sony? well yeah. Dumb people indeed.

You fail it.

I've played tons of MMOs. I played Everquest before the whole MMO boom started. I've played asian and american MMOs, and WoW is one of the deepest, biggest and more varied Battle-oriented MMOs out there. Also one of the easiest to level up through the first half of the game if you do things properly. I mean, you could get past 25 in a week. shut off your internet plzkthnx.

FFXI is dumb and full of flaws. Slow as fuck, and made to suck you out of every penny.(paying for each character, what the fuck?) In Most MMOs out there you aren't forced to join a group to level up, and good ones keep you doing quests to avoid the endless grind that is found in these games. Sorry but if it weren't because of the FF name slapped to the title I wouldn't have seen this game last even a few months. Good UI? who needs that! just give them crappily designed mobs that spawn every year or so and let them grind to death. Fast Travel times? meh. The more they last from one city to another, the more money we make!

One could argue that WoW is made for "Dumb" people. But are only "Dumb" people those in need of a good UI? those who like to do lots of stuff other than fighting all the time? those who don't want to play the game for hours to get one simple quest done because of the outrageous travel times? those who want some freedom with their chars without having to give their salary to sony? well yeah. Dumb people indeed.

Still had LOADS more fun on FFXI than I ever did on WoW. I've played my fair share of Korean MMOs and others like GuildWars, Everquest, Eve, etc.

WoW just bored the fuck out of me. Quests are lame, storytelling's still goofy, why the fuck would I even want to play a game online if I wanted to play by myself, although yeah, I won't lie that it's slow, and that's where WoW wins out, but have you ever thought that people don't mind the pace? I know I didn't. If anything, it gave me more time to chill with my group. With FFXI, you pay a meager 13 bucks a month, and you can do ANYTHING with that one character, and if you want more, you could make 2 more characters that can do and be anything at any time and be at the same price as WoW, which is 15 a month and there's what? 8 classes and you can only have two professions at a time? No thanks. I won't even begin to mention the MASSIVE delays on the latest expansion that I might add is pretty much the same price as a full game. Good going, Blizzard. "Quality control" my ass.

Again, WoW just bored the fuck out of me. You go play that if it tickles your fancy. As for me, I'll be over here playing FFXI.


WoW just bored the fuck out of me. Quests are lame,

Oh yeah. Quest are so different between MMOs.

storytelling's still goofy

Again, RTFM.

why the fuck would I even want to play a game online if I wanted to play by myself

Who says you have to? you don't have to. You can go solo or party until level 70. What's more, you can go questing or grinding with almost the same effectiveness, unlike FF, they don't force you to do either.

but have you ever thought that people don't mind the pace? I know I didn't.

ORLY? I wonder why 90% of hardcore and amateur players complain about how snail-paced slow FFXI is. Bunch of whiners. Everybody loves to spend your entire life on a game to accomplish next to nothing.

you pay a meager 13 bucks a month, and you can do ANYTHING with that one character, and if you want more, you could make 2 more characters that can do and be anything at any time and be at the same price as WoW

ORLY? I wonder in which MMO you can't do ANYTHING, as you say, with your character. Besides, in WoW, if I get tired of being a NE Hunter I just log off and create a new char. i don't have to go check my wallet. Plus, you have 8 Classes and 10 Races. Plus Jobs and Sub-Jobs. And yes, TBC took ages to come, but it was worth it. Blizzard "Quality control my ass"? LOL :lmassoff: . If Anything, Blizzard is the company with one of the highest quality control in the industry. That's why WoW has 8.5 M subscribers and counting and FFXI does not. That's why Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo are considered some of the best games ever made.

You're comparing a higly flawed game to a great, polished game(although with it's flaws, but which game is really flawless?)


I've played Wow and FFXI quite a bit. I prefer the Job's in FFXI as opposed to the classes in Wow. But Wow plays a bit better. FYI on FFXI i played warrior to 37, samurai to 57 and ninja to about 20. On warcraft i had a warrior about 35 and a paladin at 60 (both alliance, Non pvp server). I love the fact that in Wow you can solo pretty much solo the whole game until the raids. I hate the end game in Wow, i never went to MC or ZG or anything, but i did some instances, strat/Diremaul stuff like that. I hate the fact in XI that you HAVE to party but i think the party aspect works alot better than it does in Wow. I'm antisocial as all hell though, I'm the guy who never plugs his Mic in on XBoxlive, i don't care where the hell you're from or that you just "pwned" my ass.

Anyways i hope they make a next gen sequel to FFXI, it does alot of stuff right, the world is fun and the job system was pretty sweet.

Anyways i hope they make a next gen sequel to FFXI, it does alot of stuff right, the world is fun and the job system was pretty sweet.

They just need to make it cheaper, and less addicting... I know a couple people that dropped out of school to keep playing... And I didn't want to do ANYTHING for a while when I was playing... Except help develop Windower Plugins...


Yeah, you guys really aren't getting anywhere. Obviously, neither of you are giving in, only slamming the other one using your own opinions. Not everyone thinks like you and you can't expect them too, either.

This doesn't even seem like a friendly thread or anything anymore. You guys are totally going at it, putting down the other one.

All I'm saying is that I'd like to read you guys' arguements, but it's getting out of hand and not as enjoyable as it was when the thread started. I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this way, but could you tone it down a little?

They just need to make it cheaper, and less addicting... I know a couple people that dropped out of school to keep playing... And I didn't want to do ANYTHING for a while when I was playing... Except help develop Windower Plugins...

Yeha I knew a guy who would not do anything but play... People stoped hanging out with him cause he would just play ff11... oh and he quit HS.


Have they sped the game up past "dead grandma"?

Am I still paying extra per character?

Is it still required that I group past level 5 in order to live?

No? They should probably work on that too.

Yeha I knew a guy who would not do anything but play... People stoped hanging out with him cause he would just play ff11... oh and he quit HS.

Ok guys, failures like these do not represent the majority (or even a considerable percentage) of the MMO players across the board. People who "lose their friends/jobs/significant others/lives" to games like these are not victims of addictive gameplay. They lack priority and time management skills and most likely deserve whatever loss they incur if they think poking another elemental to death is more important.


I'm gonna have to second what sephfire said on page one:

If the visual concept and aesthetic of FF11 was put together with the gameplay from WoW, I would be hooked immediately.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVED 11 when I played. Level 74 BLM, 61 WHM, 63 RNG Taru (plus all the other jobs up a good ways ways). I did Sky, Dynamis, Sea, etc, so I definitely put in the time and really enjoyed it.

I will say, however, that people with busier schedules with blocks of free-time that don't exceed 2-3 hours prolly ought to not pick up FF11 :). This is prolly why I have enjoyed WoW so much recently. It has been a nice relaxing break :). I can play when I like to, and can stop relatively soon after I start playing if needbe.


when FFXI for 360 cameout i revived my old Ps2 character. Having sold ALL my stuff and gave my gils to a friend, i was somewhat screwed. The economy was so fucked up too, I'm not paying 70K for some fucking lizard gear. Anyway i bought gil, like 8 million which lasted me awhile, i was finally able to have some good equipment. And even then i quit after a couple months. In FFXI even using the bathroom takes like 8 hours. It's like the sand'oria bathroom door's locked and the key is in Yuhtunga jungle and then you gotta take it to a key smith in bastok, and then you get back to sandoria with the key and you gotta go to crawlers nest and slay a scorpion to get the epic toilet paper. Stupid shit like that made me quit. (I'm exaggerating but still)

and you gotta go to crawlers nest and slay a scorpion to get the epic toilet paper. Stupid shit like that made me quit. (I'm exaggerating but still)

Yeha but that TP was so good...


They fixed the economy like ages ago when they mass banned gilsellers/spawnwhores across the board. Some couple hundred accounts or something on Valentines Day last year. T'was epic.

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