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Rez 'Fear (Arrakis: GIGA)'

I have a confession to make: I've never seen Dune. Or played Rez

*stunned silence*

Now on to the mix... it's very interesting, but not my cup of tea. I'm never fond of mixes where the voice samples seem to take center stage as they do in here (unless it's Daknit finding some great innuendo in innocent StarCraft lines. ^^) but maybe I'm biased cause I'm not familiar with any of the source material. Once the music takes center stage it gets a tad better, but it plays the same short theme over and over and over... I'll be humming it in my sleep now. :) So I guess there's not much stuff here that I really enjoyed. But if you're into Dune or Rez, you might.


I'm not a big fan of this one either. The only thing i like about dune is the astral projection song. There isn't too much substance to this remix, IMO. I find it extremely rare that samples are used well enough to warrant being used at all in a song.

I'll pass on this one, thank you very much.


This mix is fucking awesome!!! I love it! I'm a huge fan of Rez and this is an awesome remix. Captures the feel of the level VERY well. I dont think people enjoy it much because most of the other music in Rez was upbeat and MUCH faster and happier. Not Fear.

The ONLY think I will nitpick about this kick ass remix is the lack of the greatest sample in the song. "FEAR...is the MINDKILLER"

Anyways...still a great remix and if you're into slower and darker industrial/techno music, you'll LOVE this. I DO!



totally farking awesome. Definatly one of the better technodustrial type

goodies i've heard on ocr for a while. I simply must dig out my copy

of rez and give it a whirl again.

i must not fear

fear is the mind killer

fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

i will allow my fear to pass over me and through me

and when i look back to where my fear was,

only i will remain.


I dig this remix. I've never played Rez and it's been many years since I've seen _Dune_ (and I didn't even like it...books are usually better than movie adaptations anyway, but at least the book made sense), but the voice samples really work well here. Also, the "fear is the mindkiller" sample is here, near the beginning.



Cool mix. The sort of thing I like to listen to while chillen out by the old monitor and keyboard or would be happy to play in the background at a party, no explanation neccesary. Songs of this nature can often suffer badly from their emphasis on vocal samples, but I thought this mix pulled it off quite effectively. This is not drama, not metal, etc. Its a slow groovin piece with industrial elements, etc. and I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Some may find it repetitive, but that's really mostly because of the style the piece fits into: the samples keep it fresh. So, fire-it-up, take a seat, and get ready to move out of it in an ever so suave fashion to yet another strong mix by MR_44.


Just to fill people (Joe Redifer) in:

The original song as it appears in the game uses the phrase "fear is the mind killer" over and over again, spoken by some random dude. That line is originally from Dune. When I decided to make the mix, I figured i'd include the line, but instead of having some hip-sounding techno catchphrase guy saying it, I included the line from the movie version of Dune. Thus, Dune samples. [edit: Though I may have gotten a bit carried away.]

Although, there's certainly nothing wrong with Gilligan's Island samples. In fact, you may have given me an idea for an Adventure Island remix.... :)

Anyway, thanks for the feedback everyone.


Of course. :)

I only used it as an opportunity to mention the origin of the samples because I've had a lot of people ask why a Rez song has anything to do with Dune.

I figured i should mention it somewhere, so I used your post as a lead-in.


I haven't actually listened to this remix yet. I just downloaded it, but have yet to play it. That's not because I'm not looking forward to hearing it. Frankly, Mr_44 is one of my favorite remixers because he's very creative and has a very professional sound, not to mention it's a sound I typically listen to when I'm just relaxing. Ever since I first heard his Streets of Rage remix, I knew he was going to be making some more greats. So what should I expect from this remix? I can tell you just what: great synth programming, strong industrial-techno drums straight out of the style of KMFDM's newer work, and ingenius use of things that would seem irrelevant to others, as well as production quality that rivals most other remixes and many original songs.


I have this original song in mp3 format on my hd right now. I like the original more =) "Fear is the Mind Killer..." from the BeneGesserit Litany against Fear, but I swear this saying can't just be from Dune, why would it have been in Rez to begin with, just a geek culture reference? I doubt it. I seriously think the Dune movie woulda been on level with the Matrix had it been made during the same time frame, but fat chance it's going to be remade now that Sci-Fi pretty much covered it (and yes, stayed truer to the book.

Anyhow, I like it, and the sound bites are good quality and not just made scratchy to cover up for the fact they sucked to begin with (no idea what the technical term for that is). It doesn't have too much of cool parts of the original Rez mix IMO.

What's in the box?


too bad he didn't put in the line about the other would-be Kwizach Hadderaches (sp wrong im sure) that basically goes "what happened to the others?"-"they tried"-"They tried and failed?"-"They tried and died." But that's just me being a total geek.

  • 1 month later...

This is a superb mix. Ok, the quotes are a little random, but the rhythm, the timing, the texture, all make for a definite keeper. Every time I listen to this mix I like it more. Well, except for this morning. I was listening to songs to burn onto a CD to take with me while I'm shopping for a car stereo, and so I'd already listened to a lot of full-sounding mainstream pop / R&B, then I came to this again. I can't explain exactly how, but I think it would sound better with a little fuller low parts.

OK, an update: twiddling the graphic eq. made it sound nicer to my ears, but your results may vary.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, no offense to anyone, as this is certainly a well made remix, but it seems a little too random for my tastes. Maybe people more familiar with the movie/with more eclectic music preferences would enjoy it, but I must say I find it a little odd myself, with the quotes and non-melodic structure.

  • 2 weeks later...

This remix is very well done, but in all honesty it's also one that I think cannot be fully appreciated unless you've not only seen the movie DUNE, but also played the game Rez, itself. For those of you who don't know, in the game (a shooter on rails a la Panzer Dragoon), each shot you fire and each shot that lands, as well as each enemy you lock on to produces a musical note or a beat. Mr. 44 has (unbelievably) managed to reproduce this effect using the samples from the movie. Use of such a tactic, such as the sample 'kill her' used as a musical note, in my opinion is an ingenious approach to a game that easily could have ended up as difficult to remix as Mario Paint, a game with no real actual base melody. In my opinion, it's a real treat for anyone who loves good music, and a must have for anyone who ever enjoyed the game.

  • 3 weeks later...

Whoaaa! REZ!!!

I adore Rez! *points at nickname*

I like what the remixer has done to the song, combined with the Dune quotes. However, I think there are a bit too many vocals in this piece of work. But that could be just my personal quirk...

the fact that you've done something with Rez is worth a smooch or three already. :D

  • 2 months later...


I absolutely loved the original song, so i of course liked this too.

This sounded different somehow, in a good way though. I think the vocals fit the song really well. I only wished there would be more emphasis on the "fear is the mindkiller" bit, but it's still really great and awesome and best ever and jdafsdakl tj4wa5439 023,49083.


  • 1 month later...

Great! I love this remix. I haven't seen Dune, nor played REZ, but the entire thing feels random, and randomness rules! I don't get why everyone seems to be putting it down, its one of my favourite songs from OCR, and that's really weird considering I haven't viewed the material this was inspired by.

"Through sound and motion, you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy, or burst his organs." that line is awesome. and of course: The Sleeper has awakened! Not to mention the music keeps me tapping my toes the entire way through. More to the rhythm than the beat though.

  • 3 weeks later...

everything is good. but the quotes just don't match the music.....

I love DUNE so as Rez. The work of Sci-Fi with first dune was so lame....wont' get in details, sure hope the 2nd one will be good. (march 16)

You should of made the ending like so "He, who controls the spice controls the universe"

Other then that....Good job.

Looking forward to your “DUNE” mix =)

  • 6 months later...

Frankly, I love this mix. Adam Freeland's "Fear" was my favorite track from Rez, and I'm sure many of you feel the same way.

However, the if the sounds from Dune just seem to get in the way most of the time, you could just try looping 3:37 and 4:18, like I do. All the benefits of your addiction to this mix, and none of the supposed annoyences.

And if Mr_44 happens to have one available, I'd absolutely worship a copy without the sound bytes.

  • 2 weeks later...

i really enjoyed this mix and loved the dune quotes. the bassline is one of the best i've heard in a while and the rythms are absolutely killer. i especially love the opening quotes and how they kick into the bass.

the only thing i would change is the use of any line relating to the wierding modules. i like the 'sound and motion' line as it is used in the song but i think the whole wierding module thing was an addition to the dune lore that is best left forgotten.

  • 1 month later...

Outstanding to see so many REZ fans in here.

This re-mix was great.... It made me break out my PS2 version just to play the 5th level all over again...

This is definatly going on a Rez compilation CD... now if I could only find a way to record the audio from the game directly to an MP3 format.

  • 2 weeks later...

Mr_44 has only two remixes on this site, but both are solid gold.

This is wonderfully nerdy, and will give you a rush of evil power if you listen to it on headphones.

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