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300 has started a trend of people, for no reason, liking silly movies.

What are you dense? Or are you retarded?

I saw Grindhouse today and had a fucking BLAST. Grindhouse will become a cult classic. I just don't know where to begin. The music, the effects, the cinematography, the acting, all amazing.

Where is my wife and daughter?

Snakes on a Plane has started a trend of people, for no reason, liking silly movies.


and I'm suprised Eazy P didn't make this thread. He is in love with this (these) film(s).

Usually movies become a cult classic because they aren't very good.

No, plenty of them have.

I'm just gonna make this clear, I don't like you.

I thought Pulp Fiction was the one that started the cult classic craze? And that movie is actually good.

I said usually. And you're thinking of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I'm just gonna make this clear, I don't like you.

Oh no, my pride.


Planet Terror was absolutely fucking amazing. Like, I don't even know where to begin. It was all pure gold.

BUT, and this'll likely get me flamed, I thought Death Proof was rather boring, save for the actual action.


I thought the whole Grindhouse experience was amazing. Planet Terror was so ridiculous and awesome. I was incredibly disappointed with Death Proof though. It's exhausting to watch a bunch of dumb chicks sit around and talk about their sex lives even if they are attractive.


So I go check out what this film is, and it turns out that they're releasing the two parts seperately for the rest of the world. If that's not a big 'fuck you', I don't know what is.


There's a reason the sex scene in Planet Terror and the lap dance in Death Proof were cut, and it isn't censorship.

PT and DP emulated the Grindhouse films of the 70s. Back then, the projectionists used to cut the sex scenes out of movies, steal them, splice them together with other stolen sex scenes for their personal viewing pleasure, and quit their job at that theater.

What Quinten and Robert did in Grindhouse was a tribute to this.

Edit: I'm sure the scenes are going to be included in the Special Edition DVD when it comes out.


Yeah I read the scripts like a month ago, great reads (yeah Death Proof is pretty boring at the start, but it picks up)

Planet Terror is going to make me shit my pants in joy. Dear lord, the script...I couldn't stop reading until I was finished, AND THAT WAS A LONG READ

if you kids can't figure out that the movies are SUPPOSED TO BE BAD, then you need to have your thinking license revoked.

Things that are supposed to be bad usually succeed in being bad. And contrary to hipster belief, bad isn't actually a good thing.

if you kids can't figure out that the movies are SUPPOSED TO BE BAD, then you need to have your thinking license revoked.

Except even bad movies can have a very good, tight stories with funny narratives.

The one thing I really am confused about are the soapbox rants that Tarantino has, especially when the action parts can be so good and energized. And most rants are either hit or miss. I think it works better when it is billed as an exploitation movie to begin with.

Like in Kill Bill movies, the rants simply came out of nowhere. I wouldn't say that's necessarily a totally bad thing, but it does throw off some rhythm to his movies. But no serious harm done if the overall product is fun. But if he takes his direction more seriously, I feel Tarantino is a possible Oscar caliber director. But as it stands now with all these exploitation movies he does, he's still ways off from that.

As for bad movies that are so bad that it becomes good even if they're exploitation flicks, I would recommend They Live with Roddy Piper. Absolutely hilarious dialog, actually pretty unique and interesting premise, extreme and gratuitous violence and sexuality. It had it all.


Death Proof's buildup to the action was waaay too long and drawn out. I was happy when those girls died, and extremely disappointed when new ones filled their places. I really rooted for them when they kicked the guy's ass however, because it gives me a subconscious reassurance that that guy won't be after me.

Maybe it was Tarantino's idea to have the audience get really bored of the girls and be rewarded with their death, but even that didn't outweigh the torture of having to listen to them talk about jack shit. Death Proof was probably supposed to be bad, but unsucceedingly oversucceeded in my opinion, until the female stunt drivers took to the road. That was pretty awesome. IMO, the first movie was waaaay better. Got many laughs, and was pretty fuckin epic.

Btw I thoroughly enjoy Quintin's dialogue in most his movies, but the first four girls' conversation was brainless. I know it's supposed to be like that, but that's just not my thing.

Bigboss I hope you don't continue to defeat the purpose of this thread: Grindhouse. Just let us kids talk about a movie, instead of being so firm about an issue that people are too busy to profoundly care for. Lots of people will be glad to discuss it in a "Cult Classics & Facades" thread. I actually agree partly with your stance, but this is not the thread.

o god is this minimodding

300 has started a trend of people, for no reason, liking silly movies.

Dude, I hated the 300, but grindhouse looks fucking awesome. Because, you see, unlike 300 grindhouse has no pretensions of being serious.

Things that are supposed to be bad usually succeed in being bad. And contrary to hipster belief, bad isn't actually a good thing.

Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness.

There's a reason the sex scene in Planet Terror and the lap dance in Death Proof were cut, and it isn't censorship.

PT and DP emulated the Grindhouse films of the 70s. Back then, the projectionists used to cut the sex scenes out of movies, steal them, splice them together with other stolen sex scenes for their personal viewing pleasure, and quit their job at that theater.

What Quinten and Robert did in Grindhouse was a tribute to this.

Edit: I'm sure the scenes are going to be included in the Special Edition DVD when it comes out.

Hmm...is that you're take on this? Not saying you're wrong but in the script for Planet Terror for the sex scene, Robert writes that their love is so hot, the film LITERALLY SIZZLES AND BURNS THE STRIP. The lap dance in Death Proof...actually that was probably cut by the MPAA, bastards

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