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Here's my rather practical plan, realizing of course that things are expected to go wrong:

I'm coming from NYC, natch. Provided I manage to be ready for the trip by Friday morning (I work on Thursday evening) and wake up on time, I'll be on the 9:35AM Amtrak to the Washington station, arriving around 1PM. I'm catching the Friday show, and can hang with everyone until Saturday evening (around 6 or 7PM) before taking the train back. That's about $160 for travel.

Here's the important part: I'll need a place for Friday overnight.

I'm willing to be generous on a hotel stay if it comes to that, that is, if someone who knows more about booking a hotel than I do can do that sort of work for me. If so, I'll cover about half the cost on a one-night stay for three or four of us. I figure to do the same thing (for two nights) for Otakon.


With a little over 3 weeks till the show, I hope everyone is getting their arrangements made.

I wish there were a way to avoid hotel costs, but it looks like it's just not realistic. So my personal suggestion is to start calling hotels and checking rates, then seeing who else will share the room and help out with splitting the rate.

I understand that this event is going to cost a little $$$, but this may be a once in a lifetime sort of meetup. I doubt there will be another one comparable to what we've got lined up:

-touring around DC

-meet and greet all the OCR-ers, including DJP, and some of the staff

-possibly meeting with some of the big dogs of VGL

-VGL itself (feat. National Symphony Orchestra!!!)

-fun filled BBQ at the lake

-PS3, 360, and Wii


-BT is rumored to attend VGL as well, so perhaps he'll be there

meetups just don't get any better than that! Let's get things finalized now, so we don't have to scramble last minute!


This is not a little $, especially when everything is charging arm and leg :-? . Although...my travel expenses just got shrunk by $100 since I'm going to Baltimore from I think June 24th to June 28th (family going down to check out Baltimore & get my brother his apartment) - I'll be leaving from Baltimore. I'll be without internet for those days I'm in Baltimore though, so we should start a cell phone # list for people.

I can meet you guys at any time on the 29th though. Also, I'll be able to let people know how many more I can take in for Otakon first thing when I'm there in DC (of course with zircon, pixietricks, and Jose already guaranteed), so you guys get the first heads up on a FREE STAY for Otakon.

Is there any particular location for meeting up and time? Some of us are traveling from a good distance away (i.e. Jose), so it's a good idea to have this in stone. Preferably the meeting place is somewhere with a good place to park & easy access to the Metro. Also, for a group our size, we most definitely will want a reservation at a restaurant for dinner (and make that an early dinner), since we don't want to miss the start of VGL.

Also for similar reasons, we need plans for Saturday as well.


I believe one of my friends lives in Ashburn... And if that's the case, then my girlfriend and I can stay there instead of at DJP's... I'll let everyone know soon


I understand that this event is going to cost a little $$$, but this may be a once in a lifetime sort of meetup. I doubt there will be another one comparable to what we've got lined up:[\QUOTE] QUOTE NO WORKIE!!!!

I know hyperbole is pretty much unavoidable in these scenarios, but that sounds pretty damn cool. I had MAGfest 5 to introduce me to this particular niche of the Video game community, and now I've got this as my first OCR meetup (too bad I didn't know about the NYC one... I live right outside it).

-touring around DC

-meet and greet all the OCR-ers, including DJP, and some of the staff

-possibly meeting with some of the big dogs of VGL

-VGL itself (feat. National Symphony Orchestra!!!)

-fun filled BBQ at the lake

-PS3, 360, and Wii


-BT is rumored to attend VGL as well, so perhaps he'll be there

meetups just don't get any better than that! Let's get things finalized now, so we don't have to scramble last minute!

A few questions, as usual:

Does this mean we've finalized the schedule, in terms of what's happening when? That'd be very good news for me.

Who is BT?

Should we plan on wearing our OCR shirts and appear to be a standoffish cult gathering?


Okay, so the date of the show is quickly approaching and I'm still unclear as to the timing of things. I think we should set a meeting time apart from the concert (say, noon?) to meet up and start doing schtuff! It looks like we have a lot of events planned, but it doesn't seem like we have a schedule yet (or at least I can't find one.)


So! My plans are actually still unclear now, friend got back to me about my possible internship, and it sounds like a 9 to 5, weekdays type of job, so my plans are a bit sketchy atm. I may end up slightly late or so if that happens, but more news to come (I'll probably know more early next week).


Okay, I've been holding off on this thread since I'm still unemployed and still enjoying my freedom a little more than I should :-P. But for convenience I'll lay down my plans now:

Unless I later say otherwise, I'll edit this post if I do, I'll be driving from Pittsburgh probably Friday morning and staying through Sunday afternoon/evening.

I'm definitely up for driving people and doing whatever. I'll be only going to Friday's concert and I'll be staying with a friend in Arlington, pending her final approval.

As with the Baltimore Meet I'll bring my NES and StepMania with pads to be used or not.

And, the verdict seems to be YES to the OCR shirts.

fixed. :pretzel:


One of these DC threads ought to be eliminated, because I'm getting confused as hell.

So it sounds like we're on for meeting up in the early afternoon on Friday. We must decide where. Personally, I'd be up for meeting in the train station, since it sounds like a good number of us will be coming in that way anyways. If we wear our OCR tshirts spotting one another shouldn't be difficult.

Updated FAQ says we'll be going out to eat AFTER the concert. I don't mind that, but I have to worry about transportation to my friend's house (bout 10-20 minutes outside DC itself). He may not mind coming to get me at 12, 1 in the morning, but in case he does, could someone give me a lift to his place?

P.S. 360WiiPS3 where when plz?


There's a distinct possibility of me getting to the Friday show late if I do get this internship, although I'll try to make it in time. Hopefully it's a paid internship, but if not, my budget could be fucked.

Also, what games should be brought? My friend and I both have a PSP, and I have my DS Lite (and I'll bring Pokemon as requested by DragonAvenger). I also have a 360, Wii, & PS3...but only 1 PS3 controller. I also have Guitar Hero 2 for the 360, and the guitar (with case).

Also, what games should be brought? My friend and I both have a PSP, and I have my DS Lite (and I'll bring Pokemon as requested by DragonAvenger). I also have a 360, Wii, & PS3...but only 1 PS3 controller. I also have Guitar Hero 2 for the 360, and the guitar (with case).

I have my DS and Bomberman... heh heh heh...

1 cart for 8 people? I think so!

And yes, I am bring my Wii60, System link Halo 2 anyone?


I didn't notice this thread until just now, but here's my info:

Traveling from: North Delaware

By: Car w/room for 3 or 4

Arriving: Anytime Friday from morning to noontime

Attending: Friday concert, not sure about the Saturday show

Staying: Until sometime Saturday, likely

So, BGC, I take it your post means that Dave doesn't have any more room for people to crash for the night?


Also, what games should be brought? My friend and I both have a PSP, and I have my DS Lite (and I'll bring Pokemon as requested by DragonAvenger). I also have a 360, Wii, & PS3...but only 1 PS3 controller. I also have Guitar Hero 2 for the 360, and the guitar (with case).

Maybe I'm missing something here:

We meet up

We go sightseeing

We go to concert

We sleep

We meet at park

meetup officially over

When do we do games? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to. I'm just not quite understanding the schedule, apparently.


With regards to where we go afterwards, I vote DJP's. We'll have eaten already and there's no reason to go to Dave & Buster's to spend more money. Plus, at DJP's that's a perfect time to ask him (and others) all the remix questions I've got.

Would one of the OCR peoples not staying the night at his place be available to give me a ride?

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