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Goofy? That looks graceful and elegant to me. It's to the point that it almost seems like the song was played in slow motion and then the video was sped up after.

That sounds like a stupid rumor people make up about popular players. Freak? Come on. :\

When I say freak, I meant as in freakishly amazing at Doubles.


I play it whenever I can, as it is my only form of exercise. I lost 30 pounds. :-P

I have a hand-soldered Xbox USB Dance Pad... Not only that, but I also sparked a movement to fix the xpad driver in the Linux kernel to get my pad supported. I didn't exactly do anything but call attention to the fact that the driver was OOOOLD but since then lots of DDR-related development was done to the driver.

I'm also trying to make more stuff for StepMania but I spend too much time playing the game mostly. :wink:

I find it difficult for anyone to look elegant when playing high bpm songs on ddr. It just limits your time to react and make more elegant step patterns. After a while it just looks like the same three patterns over and over again. Standing on your tip-toes just makes things seem that much more forced. I mean, the only person I can think of who dances like that is Michael Jackson when he moon walks, but he doesn't do that for an entire performance. His heels touch the ground eventually.

That's why I like free-styling and just winging songs over perfect-attacks.

Yeah, I meant he looks as graceful as you can be playing such a song. "Precise and mechanical" might of been a better choice of words.

If you check out my videos, you'll see that I play on my toes too. This is because my playing style is heavily influenced by Yasu and Take. Their videos were my only reference to learning the harder songs, not to mention I idolized them when I was playing Light and Standard. I never played in public until I was well into Heavy, so I missed out on all the mentoring I could of gotten from experienced local players who almost exclusively play flat footed.

Just curious, how many people on here play Stepmania?

I play fairly often. I think of it as an interactive but not neccessarily strenuous way to enjoy music. I would play actual DDR more, but I don't usually have time and I recently hurt my back, so I'm letting it heal.


Ok....Ive been makin stepfiles for a good while now (I had a bunch on Bemanistyle 6.0 before it was updated), and Ive managed to dig up my old Sonic CD stepfiles. I just posted 6 on Bemanistyle if anyones interested, and I'll be posting the 7th tomorrow (Bemanistyle limits the number of stepfiles you can post in a day). The Japanese Sonic CD had one of the best sonci soundtracks ever to me, second only to Sonic 3D Blast. And Im much better at making stepfiles than I am at making music : ) My name on theres is DJ Draco, so if you search for my stuff, you'll find all of em Ive posted thus far.

Well, heres the links:

Palmtree Panic: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=14999

Collision Chaos: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15000

Tidal Tempest: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15001

Quartz Quadrant: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15002

Wacky Workbench: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15003

Stardust Speedway: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15004

Metallic Madness: Coming tommorrow : )

Ok....Ive been makin stepfiles for a good while now (I had a bunch on Bemanistyle 6.0 before it was updated), and Ive managed to dig up my old Sonic CD stepfiles. I just posted 6 on Bemanistyle if anyones interested, and I'll be posting the 7th tomorrow (Bemanistyle limits the number of stepfiles you can post in a day). The Japanese Sonic CD had one of the best sonci soundtracks ever to me, second only to Sonic 3D Blast. And Im much better at making stepfiles than I am at making music : ) My name on theres is DJ Draco, so if you search for my stuff, you'll find all of em Ive posted thus far.

Well, heres the links:

Palmtree Panic: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=14999

Collision Chaos: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15000

Tidal Tempest: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15001

Quartz Quadrant: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15002

Wacky Workbench: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15003

Stardust Speedway: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15004

Metallic Madness: Coming tommorrow : )

SUGOI!! You are a man now!!

I play it whenever I can, as it is my only form of exercise. I lost 30 pounds. :-P

I have a hand-soldered Xbox USB Dance Pad... Not only that, but I also sparked a movement to fix the xpad driver in the Linux kernel to get my pad supported. I didn't exactly do anything but call attention to the fact that the driver was OOOOLD but since then lots of DDR-related development was done to the driver.

I'm also trying to make more stuff for StepMania but I spend too much time playing the game mostly. :wink:

I'm trying to mod my crappy old pads so I can play SM with them when I'm back to 100%. Do you have any tips on this? Right now, I have 3 decent (-ly bad) xbox pads, one Male-Female USB cable (I believe,) electric tape, and wire cutters. Do you know a good place to find a soldering iron/ xbox drivers etc?

I mostly want to do this because it looks like a fun project. I'm the kind of person that likes to open up his GC controller and clean it out when it goes haywire instead of buying a new one.

But if it's too much hassle, I'll just buy a ps2 pad and use my ps2-usb adaptor. Which leads me to my second question. What are some decent and affordable ps2 metal/foam insert/ soft pads?


where have youuuu been all of my life

ive been looooking for you

i wanna dance throoough the daaark into the daylight with youuuuuu



Uggh, Holy Orders IZ HARRDD!

Can't beat it despite retrying about 8 times already. I can't get past the stupid drum rolls. They are too fast for my poor fingers.

I feel so inadequate.

Uggh, Holy Orders IZ HARRDD!

Can't beat it despite retrying about 8 times already. I can't get past the stupid drum rolls. They are too fast for my poor fingers.

I feel so inadequate.

I guess this video won't help you feel any better.


That kind of playing is insane. Insane, I tell you.

Uggh, Holy Orders IZ HARRDD!

Can't beat it despite retrying about 8 times already. I can't get past the stupid drum rolls. They are too fast for my poor fingers.

I feel so inadequate.

This comforts me somewhat in that I'm not at the bottom of the godlike SM players, like Dew.

Heres the last of my Sonic CD Stepfiles:

Metallic Madness: http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=15034

Also I've been wantin to work on a new stepfile, but Im not sure of what song? Anyone have a particular song theyd like a stepfile to? If so, leave a link up here and I'll have 1 done in a couple days. Also, lemme know if you want pad, keyboard, or both.



darkesword's sakura no keshi

you can either do the whole song or stop it when it kinda fades out half way through so its normal ddr song length

at any rate it is begging for a stepfile


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