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I got em, two mixes of each....here ya go:

Let the Beat Hit Em:http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/Letthebeathitem.zip

Let the Beat Hit Em (Classic RandB Style):http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/LetthebeathitemCLASSICRBSTYLE.zip

Put your Faith in Me:http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/PUTYOURFAITHINME.zip

Put your faith in me (Jazzy Groove):http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/PUTYOURFAITHINMEJazzyGroove.zip

Thanks for the help Doc.

My friends aunt owns an extreme machine... Its amazing how much better it works when no little kids play on it.

is your friends aunt married

because i will marry her

My school used to have a PIU Exceed machine. Nobody played it but me(very rarely), so they got rid of it. If they got a DDR Machine I'm sure that machine would get a work out.

What!!?? NOOO!!! I would've loved it if my school had one o' dems. My school only had like a vending machine.


So, any suggestions on hooking up a pad to SM?

reccomend me:

1. pad type

2. brand

3. converters (if neccessary)

I am currently trying to get a 3rd party ps2 pad (Reactor) to work with my ps2->usb adapror. I was very dissapointed with the performance (not to mention I ran into the joy-axis problem that aparently is frequent with this kind of interface. I guess I should've done a little more research.) Response is slugish at best. I had to change my game's judgement window to it's most lenient in order not to fail most things. Despite this, I still can't beat even moderately difficult songs.

Can I force it to do that manually, or do I have to buy a specific converter? I'm currently using a Radio Shack one.

no you cant do it manually

i have that one

i had a different one but i dont know what it was or where i got it

Congratulations, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

On the far left side of the pic, the guy in the black shirt to the left(our left) of the guy in the white shirt.


Just downloaded Stepmania to try out Sakura no Kenshi. Pretty nice.

If you guys ever want to do more stepfiles for my songs and want some renders of the songs with specific lengths (I know DDR usually does them 1:30), then lemme know and I can hook you up with that, along with info about tempos in case you don't want to figure it out by ear.

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