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Most post-BC servers are dominated by Horde thanks to their silly little elves.

True that. I don't have a really active Horde character yet, but it seems to me that Horde players in general tend to be better at actually playing the game. I don't know if that's because people tend to play Horde characters after they've cut their teeth on something else or what. But when I play battlegrounds on Stormreaver, which are more or less completely balanced as far as number of players per side, there's about a 1 in 15 chance of the Alliance winning. Group strategies among Horde seem to be followed better. Tell a group of Alliance what to do and you get 15 n00bs telling you to go screw yourself.

OK! WE GET IT! YOU DON'T LIKE MMOS! do you feel the need to say that in every thread about em?

Well if it's about Blizzard's MMOs, uh... yeah!

/r/ golden age of rts

OK! WE GET IT! YOU DON'T LIKE MMOS! do you feel the need to say that in every thread about em?

No, I agree with CE. I mean, so is Blizzard going to turn all of their games into MMOs instead of making sequels?

They love the money they're getting from WoW subscriptions, so why not make another MMO, right? They'll probably have some package deal thing where you get $5 off your subscription fee if you have both WoW and a Starcraft account activated.


It makes more sense that they'd make an MMO. Since the late 90s they gradually shifted more and more towards being a dedicated RPG developer. Many of the original Starcraft developers have left Blizzard by now, and Warcraft 3 barely deserves to be labeled an RTS, and just look what they did with the orc campaign in TFT. I don't think they have the capacity to deliver in that department anymore.

MMO and RTS aren't mutually exclusive descriptors, imo.

Just because cvg added the line, "in the style of wow," that doesn't necessarily mean that they received that info from their source(s). That could be something the dude who wrote the article added.

That's what I'm thinking. If the MMO is StarCraft, then the "next-gen" aspect of it might be an incorporation of RTS elements. Who knows what kind of genre hybrid they might be working at?


To be brutally honest, I'm sick of MMO's and the prospect of a Starcraft MMO just annoys me to bits. Just too much damn time has to be dedicated to get anywhere in those games, some of us actually have other stuff to do through the week. Not everyone has gone gaga over MMO's, Blizzard (thank goodness some of you agree with me). If the new game is going to be Starcraft (or anything else for that matter), god I hope it's a pure non MMO RTS, hell, I'll settle with your standard single player first person shooter if I have to.

That being said, I'm guessing there are a tonne of people out there who are pissing their pants for a Starcraft MMO.


World of StarCraft: The clinically proven patch designed to help you quite World of WarCraft! Available at your local pharmacy, or from Bob the one eyed crack dealer over on St. James Avenue.


If they made a SC MMO, would they call World of StarCraft? Seems inappropriate, because SC spans many planets, solar systems, and galaxies. Maybe Galaxy of StarCraft? My guess would really be StarCraft Galaxies. Of course, I don't want this. Give me SC2.

If they made a SC MMO, would they call World of StarCraft? Seems inappropriate, because SC spans many planets, solar systems, and galaxies. Maybe Galaxy of StarCraft? My guess would really be StarCraft Galaxies. Of course, I don't want this. Give me SC2.

Yeah, it'd probably be something like that, or something corny like Universe of Starcraft.

Why the hell is everyone automatically assuming it's an MMORPG? It's not even official they're making a StarCraft MMO yet, and even if they are, how do you know it's gonna be an RPG? MMORTS, anyone?

I said this like forever ago. Also, if they were going to go with a cheap, formulaic naming scheme, it would probably be Worlds of Starcraft.


How the hell would an MMORTS work? If it were a persistant, ongoing world, players could spend months building armies + fortresses (or whatever) while new players get instantly obliterated and have no chance of obtaining new resources. Doesn't seem realistic.

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