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It's called studio pressure. They caved to it. The studio saw the hit of Spidey 1 and then watched it get followed up by Spidey 2. So the studio went "we need to top Spidey 2!", which of course to an executive in Hollywood means "more more more!"


Ultimately, as it always is, desire for profit crushed what could've been a perfectly excellent movie.

lol, well profit the is the reason they made the first one, dude. You kinda make it sound like you weren't expecting this to be the usual Hollywood blockbuster fare, which is all about explosions and needless fight scenes.

I'm talking about sand man

Then you're not on the same level, because Sandman did kill Peter's uncle. The other guy, who Peter thought killed his uncle until he found out about Sandman, died in the first movie (although that still doesn't fit the ticket of "appearing to die in Spider-Man 3").

Then you're not on the same level, because Sandman did kill Peter's uncle. The other guy, who Peter thought killed his uncle until he found out about Sandman, died in the first movie (although that still doesn't fit the ticket of "appearing to die in Spider-Man 3").

In case what I typed wasn't clear (which I don't think it was).

The article states that one character who dies in spiderman 3 would be back in the fourth.

I Said that the sandman didn't die, so it couldn't be him.

In case what I typed wasn't clear (which I don't think it was).

The article states that one character who dies in spiderman 3 would be back in the fourth.

I Said that the sandman didn't die, so it couldn't be him.

And I said that no one was talking about Sandman. You said "he didn't get killed" in response to Bigfoot's suggestion that it was the guy Peter thought killed his uncle, but that was erroneous; the guy Peter thought killed his uncle did, in fact, die. I understand perfectly what you meant in regards to Sandman, but you're the only one who was mistakenly referring to him.

Critical reading saves lives, folks.


Spiderman 3 was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If my fiancee hadn't actually liked it, it would've been the most fun I've had in a theater in ages. In fact, I'm hoping that I can go with some of my other friends who are equally entertained by bad movies, just so I can laugh through it.

In other news, I recently realized that by going to see movies like Spiderman 3, Harry Potter 5, and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in theaters, I am contributing to the creation of horrible movies by Hollywood. Not that HP 5 and PotC 3 are definitely bad movies, but I'm guessing they will be. Regardless, they're all overplayed sequels.

I am a bad citizen for aiding in the perpetuation of such mental torture ;_;

Also, misunderstanding FTL.


Someone's been watching too much IFC. Since when did we grow a conscience and actually care that Hollywood is essentially stealing our money in order to make sequel after bad sequel after bad sequel.

It's just a fact of life. If you're worried about accidentaly funding an awful movie, then stay away from theaters.

But above, you did say you thought it was funny (in that "this movie is amazingly awful" way,) so if that was your reason for watching the movie, then Okie Dokie.


I personally don't want to see any villain come back. I don't want to see Venom or Carnage. I want to see something that could be more interesting...say Shocker or better yet Mysterio. I could see a lot of cool special effects done with Mysterio and a interesting storyline with him.


Oh, I'm not worried about funding bad movies. It just makes me feel funny, in an 'I-don't-really-care-but-it's-still-disappointing' sort of way.


Now that I think back, the real reason I paid $7.25 was to see the trailers for Ocean's Thirteen and The Bourne Ultimatum. Also, the Harry Potter 5 trailer was grotesquely intense. I swear there was a colorful explosion in every other shot, and I can't wait to see it.

I saw it last night...

...Why did they fuck it up?






Did you not see the skeleton when the pumpkin bomb went off?

Riddle me this:

How did harry only get his face burned off while brock got disintegrated?

I say Venom lived because Spidey was blinded by the emo hair and the bright light.

And I said that no one was talking about Sandman. You said "he didn't get killed" in response to Bigfoot's suggestion that it was the guy Peter thought killed his uncle, but that was erroneous; the guy Peter thought killed his uncle did, in fact, die. I understand perfectly what you meant in regards to Sandman, but you're the only one who was mistakenly referring to him.

Critical reading saves lives, folks.


I need to sleep more, and type less.

I blame finals week.

I personally don't want to see any villain come back. I don't want to see Venom or Carnage. I want to see something that could be more interesting...say Shocker or better yet Mysterio. I could see a lot of cool special effects done with Mysterio and a interesting storyline with him.

I don't know if they can do those characters, Both were done in the movie games. The Mysterio storyline was cool, but I dunno... isn't that against the rules or something?

I don't know if they can do those characters, Both were done in the movie games. The Mysterio storyline was cool, but I dunno... isn't that against the rules or something?

If they did that, there wouldn't be many villians left. The game and movies are seperate. The Lizard is probably up for the next film, but he also appeared in a game already.

I'm having two thoughts about an eventual reappearance of Venom. I'd love to see him the way he should be with enough screen-time, wicked voice and big posture. That said, it's a little lame to make another move about Venom. He was the big crowd-puller for this movie and they can't do the same trick twice (well they can, but it'd be lame).

Let them keep the cast for now, get the scriptwriter from the first film back (forgot the name and I'm too lazy to look it up)and then we'll see about villians and stuff. Also, put a Black Cat in the movie, that's always good to look at ;)

Now that I think back, the real reason I paid $7.25 was to see the trailers for Ocean's Thirteen and The Bourne Ultimatum. Also, the Harry Potter 5 trailer was grotesquely intense. I swear there was a colorful explosion in every other shot, and I can't wait to see it.

We must have seen different trailers then. Because at my theatre, we saw Harry Potter 5(which this time looks good), Rush Hour 3, that penguin movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and possibly one other but I don't think so.

Now that I think back, the real reason I paid $7.25 was to see the trailers for Ocean's Thirteen and The Bourne Ultimatum. Also, the Harry Potter 5 trailer was grotesquely intense. I swear there was a colorful explosion in every other shot, and I can't wait to see it.

Harry Potter? Dude was ripped.

I totally expect harry to have a deep voice and say "IM HARRY POTTER MUTHAFUCKA."

lol, well profit the is the reason they made the first one, dude. You kinda make it sound like you weren't expecting this to be the usual Hollywood blockbuster fare, which is all about explosions and needless fight scenes.

I was hoping that the creative team that made the masterpieces of 1 and 2 would be able to at least hammer out a cohesive movie. I was expecting them to fuck it up, but I never thought I'd have to endure Emo-Peter.

I was hoping that the creative team that made the masterpieces of 1 and 2 would be able to at least hammer out a cohesive movie. I was expecting them to fuck it up, but I never thought I'd have to endure Emo-Peter.

He just looked emo, he was really just an enormous bag of douche.

I think is was stupid the way they portrayed him as "evil". It really just made him look like an idiot.

Evil people dance apparently.

That was the symbiote's real power.

He just looked emo, he was really just an enormous bag of douche.

I think is was stupid the way they portrayed him as "evil". It really just made him look like an idiot.

Evil people dance apparently.

That was the symbiote's real power.

spoiler-ish Uhhh, it caused him to slap his fiancee. I'd say thats pretty bad. The whole point of that section was to show that the symbiote caused him to be more aggressive and less meek. That's a pretty radical change for Peter Parker.

spoiler-ish Uhhh, it caused him to slap his fiancee. I'd say thats pretty bad. The whole point of that section was to show that the symbiote caused him to be more aggressive and less meek. That's a pretty radical change for Peter Parker.

In a sense I'd agree, but for a typical audience, the stuff he did wasn't that bad.

I can think of several better ways for them to portray a turning to the dark side.

He just looked emo, he was really just an enormous bag of douche.

I think is was stupid the way they portrayed him as "evil". It really just made him look like an idiot.

Evil people dance apparently.

That was the symbiote's real power.

Yeah, what a dork.

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