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PRC95: I don't think we're in Wolfenstein anymore (Rise of the Triad)

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The mixing stage is over! And now, it's time to go to the voting stage. All voting will take place at ThaSauce through here. This is what you need to do -

  1. Sign up there if you haven't done so already.
  2. Select three mixes and rank them from first to third.
  3. Write a reasonin to elaborate on your decision.
  4. Click "submit vote" and watch the fireworks fly by.

You have until June 5th at 4:59AM EST to vote. The winner gets to choose the source material for PRC96!

Alex Smith - Climin' Them Stairs

Deductive Dave - Into the Well

FiremanJoe - Funky Triad Rap

Nutritious - Elevator

The People's Remix Competition 95


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PRC94 saw a fresh change to the voting system, with ThaSauce serving as the main focus of the transactions. But nevertheless, the competition also saw a hand outstretched from analoq, who not only programmed the new server but also took the win with a spoken word entry amidst the Flying Hero related submissions.

Luckily his choice of source for PRC95 is a little less obscure, but is still really a hidden game amidst the first person shooter genre. Arm yourself, fokes...


Rise of the Triad! the original Doom is still my favorite FPS but i'll be damned if this game wasn't ridiculously fun to play over the network.. jump pads, crazy missile weapons and all. this tune 'Stairs' came up in a few levels and i always liked it. it's kinda long but there's many repeating themes, i'm sure you guys can pick something useful out of it. cheers.

Rise of the Triad: Dark War - Stairs


I wonder what it sounded like through a computer in the mid 1990s... enough pondering though; let's move on.


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. There is no limit on entry format or file size, but length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted at the Compo ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, June 2nd at 4:59am Eastern US Time. Alternatively, you can also email your submissions over to submission@doulifee.com, though it would also help if you put forward a reminder in the thread.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. The winner of the previous contest may not enter an eligible mix, but his/her vote will count double.
  7. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.


I had some spare time today (ie should have been doing homework) so I decided to work on my entry. It's coming along quite well, if I do say so.

This time I'll be doing the rapping myself. =P


I do not have the time to create my idea for this one...I wanted to do a full ska representation, but due to time and limited resources it doesn't look too good.


Here's the lyrics for my track =)

Fireman Joe - Funky Triad Rap

Rhyming to my beats, yeah I made them myself

They're not from a box full of loops on the shelf

Rhyming funky fresh like DJ Kong

Rhymes like this, you know they won't last long

I don't have fashion nor do I have style

To write these flows it took a while

Nerdcore rap yeah, nerdcore hop

Double-dip ma chip in the salsa-red slop

Party round the house wearing nothing but my shorts

I don't like teams and I don't play sports

Gaming is my life and for school I don't care

If I ever get a date I don't know what I'd wear

World of Warcraft shirt? Will I comb my hair?

Will I bring my PC, headphones and chair?

I'd kick her arse and shame her good

She'd never kiss me even if I've got wood

Small as a twig, but my e-penis owns

It's real huge like Attack of the Clones

My hero is Big T, or maybe Jack O'neill

Or Colonel Carter's breasts, Oh how I'd love to feel

Like one of the team, part of SG-1

I'd like a uniform and a standard gun

I'd kill the Goa'uld and save the world

I'd rescue Danny boy from the evil girl

I'd love to visit Hogwarts, although I never read

I want fictitious candy from the store in Hogsmead

I fucking hate Ron, he should be in a tomb

But when it comes to Hermione, the magic word is womb

Ginny's hand in marriage of her father I'd request

Prepubescent girls are the ones I like best

Meals from Mickey D's and deals from the pizza place

Less grease in a bite than on my face

And that's quite a lot, oh don't you know

Some hair on my chin, I'm waiting for a beard to grow

White as snow like my buddy Gandalf

Or maybe brown like that ET Alf

I'll fuck you on the forums, flame you well

God knows I'm going to a goatse-ridden hell

A place full of shock and a place full of porn

I was the first in line to buy McDonalds processed corn

I eat fast food and take-away

Grease, fat, oil, salt, sugar all day

My diet's shit and I'm unfit

But I'd kick your arse in Top Spin Tennis

I wake up early to watch Dennis the Menace

Digimon, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, you know that tune

Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Ghastly

Why do I know all this? Why do you ask me?

I'm a geek and I'm unliked

Nelson took my lunch and stole my bike

With schaudenfrade he laughed at me

Now I'm as lonely as can be


Ah, FiremanJoe. I see you voted already. :P I should have started this sooner but I was moving back today. Still, I'm glad the voting stage moved on by itself.

Talking of which...

The mixing stage is over! And now, it's time to go to the voting stage. All voting will take place at ThaSauce through here. This is what you need to do -

  1. Sign up there if you haven't done so already.
  2. Select three mixes and rank them from first to third.
  3. Write a reasonin to elaborate on your decision.
  4. Click "submit vote" and watch the fireworks fly by.

You have until June 5th at 4:59AM EST to vote. The winner gets to choose the source material for PRC96!

Alex Smith - Climin' Them Stairs

Deductive Dave - Into the Well

FiremanJoe - Funky Triad Rap

Nutritious - Elevator


Joe, please wait for the host. :P Honestly, internet conditions were rough this morning and have persisted up until now. But anyway... we might as well make the clarification.

Total number of mixes - 4

Total number of votes - 9

Highest Possible Score - 27

FiremanJoe obtains his own last place wooden spoon with 8 points.

Deductive Dave starts his time for the PRC with a third place finish and 15 points to his name.

Alex Smith scraped his way into second place with 20 points.

And the winner of PRC95 is Nutritious with 23 points!

Congratulations on your first PRC win! You know the drill now - you should contact me sometime soon with your choice of source for PRC96. I know you'll come up with something fun.

And so, there concludes another PRC. There's a quick reminder though - this Friday's PRC would begin a few hours early for classified reasons (nothing to bring illwill or anything, I assure you). Regardless, I hope to see you there for PRC96.

Thanks, Alex. Honestly, I thought you were going to take this one. You had a pretty rockin' mix there.

Nah, too experimental for the masses (as always). xD

I think next time I'll stick with one style. Although we'll see... I mean - I can get really carried away in the moment...

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