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Personally, I really won't. I think its much more interesting to do it myself.

Besides, I can't really see a "good" outcome from the release... Everyone is just going to make glitched-out songs with no real substance, exceedingly easily, and then start calling it "L33T SK177Z R3M1X G71TCHZ" and there's gonna be even more crap out there than there is now.

No offense to BT, since I practically worship the guy, but I don't think the program is going to have a good impact on the music community. The whole point of glitching in the first place was that it was interesting when done sparingly. Hearing the same sound glitched for 3 minutes isn't interesting or music.

I don't mean to sound pretentious or pessimistic, but I've already heard a LOT of songs where glitching is taken WAY out of context and it sounds quite terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love glitchy sexiness, but I think a lot of the people that are going to buy the program are the ones that already do it too much.


It's going to be really obvious in use, just like dBlue Glitch I think.

If you use Renoise like me you hardly need to worry about that kind of stuff. You don't need VSTs to help you glitch stuff, it's really easy just to do it natively in the program. Almost like it was built FOR Venetian Snares :P

Besides, I can't really see a "good" outcome from the release... Everyone is just going to make glitched-out songs with no real substance, exceedingly easily, and then start calling it "L33T SK177Z R3M1X G71TCHZ" and there's gonna be even more crap out there than there is now.



Yeah I'd go so far as to say BT borderline overused it in his latest album :P And other than the damn baby crying noise on track 2, it's the only thing remotely wrong with the album. Go get it if you haven't heard it yet, incredible stuff!

Besides, I can't really see a "good" outcome from the release... Everyone is just going to make glitched-out songs with no real substance, exceedingly easily, and then start calling it "L33T SK177Z R3M1X G71TCHZ" and there's gonna be even more crap out there than there is now.

Exactly. Thanks a lot BT, you loser!


Kidding! I love BT. You can put away those knives now. :neutral:


Glitching is cool, but its already pretty played out. It can definitely be used to cool effect, but the artist has got to use it in the RIGHT context now. You gotta be careful. It's like autotuning vocals...wait is that ever cool now?

The cool thing about BT's StutterEdit is that it does all kinds of exponential time variances and shit I think.

BT can use it all he wants - he basically MADE the style.

  • 3 years later...
Wow, you just rolled a 6-1. You have successfully cast "thread resurrection":)

Yeah I know right! Was just going through my subscriptions and it was there. What timing.

Well I look forward to ReMixers eventually using it. It would sound incredible. I could already imagine like Star Fox and Metroid ReMixes being stuttered.


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