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PRC96: Don't you mean Bio-Trance? (BioMetal)

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The mixing stage is over! And now, it's time to go to the voting stage. All voting will take place at ThaSauce through here. This is what you need to do -

  1. Sign up there if you haven't done so already.
  2. Select three mixes and rank them from first to third.
  3. Write a reasoning to elaborate on your decision.
  4. Click "submit vote" and remember you forgot to get your dad a Father's Day present (osnap!).

You have until June 21st at 4:59AM EST to vote. The winner gets to choose the source material for PRC97!

Chickenwarlord - The Biotonic Scale

FiremanJoe - Australian Idle


The People's Remix Competition 96


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PRC95 had analoq choosing a source tune from Rise of the Triad, and that resulted with a healthy turnout and a first win in the competition for Nutritious. And so it's only fair that he gets to make his first pick for a PRC source tune.

For the third week in a row he's picked something that drew a blank on me, but I know that he's got good intensions for this one. We're sticking with shoot-em-ups, though to be honest, there's not a lot in the genre for the SNES...!


I was checking out Zophar's for some inspiration on the next PRC and came across a game I'd never heard of called Bio-metal for the SNES. Not to be confused with the soundtrack from the US version (which apparently includes all songs by 2-Unlimited including Ya'll Ready for This), the JP version actually has a pretty cool soundtrack. This song particularly stuck out to me, it's got a pretty nice vibe.

BioMetal - Bio-O


Somehow I'm curious over how 2-Unlimited's music style would transfer to an eight-channel chip like the SNES, but that question's best saved for another day now that we're looking at the Japanese version. Anyway...


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. There is no limit on entry format or file size, but length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted at the Compo ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, June 16th at 4:59am Eastern US Time. Alternatively, you can also email your submissions over to submission@doulifee.com, though it would also help if you put forward a reminder in the thread.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. The winner of the previous contest may not enter an eligible mix, but his/her vote will count double.
  7. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.


Why BioMetal? There is no hope that any decent remix that comes out of this will ever get posted on ocr, since this is technically not VG music. And I have seen at least one mix make it from PRC to OCR.

Still, if you extend the deadline until 6/18/07, I will definitely contribute.

Why BioMetal? There is no hope that any decent remix that comes out of this will ever get posted on ocr, since this is technically not VG music. And I have seen at least one mix make it from PRC to OCR.

Still, if you extend the deadline until 6/18/07, I will definitely contribute.

You're probably thinking of the US version of the game. This competition is for a song from the Japanese version.


And so another day passes. However, we STILL don't have any entries, so another 24 hours has been added. Normally in a PRC situation, this is the last rollback I end up doing, as by Monday there's barely enough time to do the voting.

If we still don't have any entries by tomorrow, then this is something that I would need to bring up with analoq if he's around.

If we still don't have any entries by tomorrow, then this is something that I would need to bring up with analoq if he's around.
If I may offer a possibility for the lack of entries lately... Look at the more popular PRC weeks. Most of them featured tracks that were already well-known to begin with, many of which have been remixed previously. The trend lately seems to be to pick incredibly obscure and/or older tracks to remix, and while I applaud the effort of getting less-remixed tracks to be remixed, it seems as though there may be a reason that these aren't remixed as often. Now, I'm not saying that people should pick things like Terra's Theme or Ice Cap for a PRC track (the single most popular PRC used Shade Man's theme from Megaman 7, and that doesn't have a single remix on OCR), but I think that a bit more care could be taken in picking the next track. Things that are a bit more well-known will draw more new remixers, and things that have more to them musically will be easier to remix and thus draw more total remixers.

Just my two cents.

Now, I'm not saying that people should pick things like Terra's Theme or Ice Cap for a PRC track (the single most popular PRC used Shade Man's theme from Megaman 7, and that doesn't have a single remix on OCR).

FALSE. Trenthian reworked his remix and successfully submitted it to OCR. Here is the link: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01443/

Still, I remember that PRC. I think it was actually my first one. PRC was a great way to practice and improve my remixing skills.

If I may offer a possibility for the lack of entries lately... Look at the more popular PRC weeks. Most of them featured tracks that were already well-known to begin with, many of which have been remixed previously. The trend lately seems to be to pick incredibly obscure and/or older tracks to remix, and while I applaud the effort of getting less-remixed tracks to be remixed, it seems as though there may be a reason that these aren't remixed as often. Now, I'm not saying that people should pick things like Terra's Theme or Ice Cap for a PRC track (the single most popular PRC used Shade Man's theme from Megaman 7, and that doesn't have a single remix on OCR), but I think that a bit more care could be taken in picking the next track. Things that are a bit more well-known will draw more new remixers, and things that have more to them musically will be easier to remix and thus draw more total remixers.

Just my two cents.

well we're certainly not going to be taking away the prize of track selection by the winner (i know this isn't what you said)...it's just the way it is. also i'm gonna say that there haven't been many entries lately because it's also during the school year, there tend to be more entries during the school breaks of the year (summer and winter).


I did a mix

FJ did a mix

how is that no entries

I say vote time

Firstly I weren't expecting you two to pull in right at the last minute. :P

Secondly, even with two entries, I still think it makes things slightly uneasy on the ThaSauce voting system, however we will go with you two if you two remain to have the sole entries by the deadline.

Somehow I'm also intrugued over OCR's terminology of "the typical School year". I've done my last few assignments by the end of May, so I'm under the assumption that most schools in America break out in mid-to-late June?

Somehow I'm also intrugued over OCR's terminology of "the typical School year". I've done my last few assignments by the end of May, so I'm under the assumption that most schools in America break out in mid-to-late June?
Depending on the school, anywhere from mid-May to mid-June. I finished middle school around June 15th or so, graduated high school on June 2nd, and got out of college this semester on May 18th.

School year in Australia is a bit different to the USA. The year starts at the end of January and finishes just before Christmas (makes sense, really, unlike your silly system =P)

At the moment I'm flooded with work, but the term ends in a fortnight. (I'm surprised I managed to stick that mix together) Then we have a two week break and the third term starts. (So I should be able to put some good work into my next entry or two)

Compo.Thasauce is done right now :(. Hopefully this is only temporary.

Strange, I went on there when there were 80 minutes to spare and I saw the mixing stage was still going. o_O I'll see if I can puzzle over that. For now...

The mixing stage is over! And now, it's time to go to the voting stage. All voting will take place at ThaSauce through here. This is what you need to do -

  1. Sign up there if you haven't done so already.
  2. Select three mixes and rank them from first to third.
  3. Write a reasoning to elaborate on your decision.
  4. Click "submit vote" and remember you forgot to get your dad a Father's Day present (osnap!).

You have until June 21st at 4:59AM EST to vote. The winner gets to choose the source material for PRC97!

Chickenwarlord - The Biotonic Scale

FiremanJoe - Australian Idle



All songs from PRCs 87 through to 92 are on Douli's webspace, thus they have all been linked in the individual threads for them in this forum. I still need to hoast V's work for PRC93 though. 94-96 are all at ThaSauce.

Man, I need to get a move on on hotlinking everything on Douli's web servers. I haven't done any banners beyond 87 though.

[EDIT: V, do me a favor and re-host your PRC93 entry so that I can get at it and put it up on Douli's serever. Thank you.]

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