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Long time lurker here (5-7 years at least =/), finally decided to make a forum account. This has always been the one site that I visit at least 20 times a day and I love all the remixes here. I was actually drawn here by Kazaa way back in the day because I was looking for Super Mario RPG songs on it and I found a djpretzel remix in the results and decided to download it, I've been a huge fan of this website ever since. Keep it up guys I really appreciate and love what you're doing here. This place is sanctuary for me, all I have on my iPod is OCR music and video game soundtracks.

Many thanks,



Hiya folks. A newbie to the forums, but a long time lurker on the site that finally got around to registering. Especially after the encouragement we got to register, at least for giving feedback to the wonderful people making the music if nothing else, at the panel at Anime USA this year that DJPretzel, Liontamer, and one other person from here(I feel so bad, but I can't remember names worth a damn) ran. Amazing amount of talent here. And I'm still enjoying the promo copy of the Final Fantasy 7 Voices of the Lifestream album I won there for being able to identify the remix as coming from Final Fantasy 9. :)


G'Day all!

I've finally found the perfect website for me! No I'm not one of those wonderfully talented people who mix these fantastic tunes, I'm just a class-four 'nerd' who adores some of the music that can only be found on old video games. I grew up playing Sonic, Sonic and more Sonic, and the brilliant melodies from those old games still run through my head every day. As if they weren't good enough already you musical magicians have gone and turned them into REAL music! OMG! I love it! Seriously guys, people like me would PAY for this music! Of course I realise that I'm in the minority here, but lo and behold I've found my herd! OC Remix rocks!


I first came to ocremix.org nearly a year ago in search of a piano version of J-E-N-O-V-A, and ended up accidentally torrenting about 1000 songs from here. I got hooked on the music and kept coming back for more! The Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream Music Video Competition prompted me to finally make a forum account. I'm not that much of a gamer (the only video game I've ever completed was Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows this summer), and I have no experience with remixing. But I'm hoping to change that soon!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm brand new here, and without any knowledge...

How do I download songs without BitTorrent? I was trying to downalod MM3: Blue Lighting, and whenever I clicked one of the links marked "download" it just took me to a place to listen to it...

I'm sure this is a stupid question, but that's what this thread is here for, right?

I'm brand new here, and without any knowledge...

How do I download songs without BitTorrent? I was trying to downalod MM3: Blue Lighting, and whenever I clicked one of the links marked "download" it just took me to a place to listen to it...

I'm sure this is a stupid question, but that's what this thread is here for, right?

Meh, don't feel bad, what ya gotta do is right-click and choose "save link as" in firefox, or "save target as" in internet explorer.

And WELCOME.:grin:


Hi all. I'm Krys666. I love video game music, but I guess that's why were all here!

I also like heavy metal, jazz, classical, abit of everything else apart from rap and opera! lol

I'm very interested in making my own remixes/rearangements. I'm having abit of difficulty, I've checked the forum but cant find anything that realtes /exacly/ to what I need.

Anyway, great site! =D

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