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Just an idea I had, but Tan could be going up against the things that cause this site problems (gripes and the slow que, posters ranting about mod abuse, posters yelling about bannings, bandwidth usage, cost of running the site... stuff like that).

Don't know what's planned for bosses (or if bosses are even being considered), but why not have a "QueMan" for the lack of a better name? A character that throws clocks that cause Tan to be frozen in place, or slowed down a lot, when it hits. His other attack could be a spread of clock hands that he throws out. Basically, the "QueMan" thing could represent the slow que, which you guys have to fight with at times.

I bring this up, only because it seems odd to have the site mascot fighting the people that run the site. Again, just a thought.

Edit: Here's a quick idea too. Each boss could give a quick speech about what they represent. "QueMan" could complain about how slow the que is, and try to take it out on Tan. "BanMan" could complain about mods going nuts, and banning his friends just because they caused trouble... stuff like that. Maybe even have Tan talk back. There are bit fonts for the MegaMan X series out there, so typing it up wouldn't be hard at all.

Hell, have a "SidebarMan" and "UnModMan" too :lol:


Coop's idea sounds pretty solid. I wonder if there's a way to integrate the judges and mods in somehow, say, as powers for OCR-Tan once she defeats Que-snail and Ban-Mammoth (MMX bosses were furries)


It be amusing to see the judges as the eight Mavericks of X1.

OCR4-Tan fighting such bosses as Boomer Tamer and Big Giant Penguin would be amusing and fun at the same time.


The Coop: You may ABSOLUTELY lend a hand. If you have the MMX sprites handy, you could crank out those jump and shoot anims (and maybe dash, if you're so inclined/have that much time). The approved Tan4 sprite design has been posted, so just match that. I'll be correcting the run and win sprites in my spare moments this week.

wingless: Profit? You mean real US-dollars profit? That would be the awesomest, but we'd have to use completely original sprites (not a huge deal, but a big one, since retooling already-made animation/art style is cake by comparison). Also, I'd have to check into whether or not that would be illegal for me, since I work at SuckerPunch--unless you mean profit in support of the site, which I think would be fine for me, legally. The game idea sounds sweet, though, and I'm stoked to make it.



This more fleshed out idea popped into my head while taking a shit (isn't that where everyone gets their ideas?). Feel free to reject, use, or laugh at this as you see fit....

-=- A quick story opening (text only, or with a picture or two that Bean could draw, and someone could pixelate for the game) about how Tan was walking through OCR, when she heard a ruckus and some posters shouting. She runs off to investigate, leading to level 1.

-=- 3 -> 5 levels.

-=- Each level could be pretty short (maybe a couple minutes to play through).

-=- Each level could represent one of the main forums of the site (Community, OffTop, PPR, Judge's Decisions, Announcements, etc.)

-=- Before each boss fight, Tan and the boss in question could talk back and forth briefly. As I said, there are MegaManX bit fonts available, so these could be typed up pretty easily.

-=- Each levels could have a boss that represents some aspect of what goes on in there to cause trouble. As an example...

* Judge's Decisions could have JudgehateMan, who gripes about how unfair and uninformative the judges are with their comments.

* OffTop could have UnModMan, who yells about UnMod being gotten rid of, and how OffTop sucks in comparison.

* Community could have QueMan (see earlier post), who moans about how long it takes for mixes to be judged and posted.

* PPR could have FlamebaitMan, who insults people and their views. Fire attacks would be used of course.

* The final level could be something entirely new. Maybe Cyberspace. In this level, Tan could meet up with CostMan, who confronts her with how much money she needs for the site. His attacks could involve throwing bills or something around, and if one hits her, money flies off from her, which CostMan then absorbs to replenish some of his health.

A few quick levels, and an ending that could have a speech about how CostMan will be back in the beginning of it, and a happy end to it about having made OCR a more fun place again... or something :lol:


The reason I would want to keep this as stupid simple as possible (just boss battles with just Ocr fan favorites) are for purely selfish reasons. I don't see anyone else leaping to program this. Which means its just me, myself, and I. :(

In order to make a level, you need to make an array-based level system, which I've never done... successfully. Beyond that, unless I wanted to do it all by myself (and shit naw, son, I don't) I'd have to engineer a level editor, streamline it so that it was user-friendly, and then give that to people in the hopes they can make something fun and aesthetically pleasing.

That's... a tall order :(

So, I use the KISS method

1 on 1

1 simple stage (which can be as designy as we want, but probably flat)

Everything else, though, is totally doable. Quick little spurts of dialogue before fights full of inside jokes (Sum n00b? har har), levels based on forum sections, music that's a remix of the remixer's more popular song. Sky's the limit...

Unless you're talking about technical design. Then, unless another Flash Master wants to jump in, it's dead simple son.

Particularly if Shakespeare ain't gettin' paid, son.

edit: grammarz


I've been watching this thread just today only, i always thought the OS-Tan's were cute so when i noticed OCR-Tan i was like "Neat, lemme go look" but hwen i saw the megaman sprite and everything else and talk of making a flash game, it got me hyped. I know I'm not known or anything, and i don't know how to mess with flash but I would so learn just to help make this little game a reality. wicked concept.

The reason I would want to keep this as stupid simple as possible (just boss battles with just Ocr fan favorites) are for purely selfish reasons. I don't see anyone else leaping to program this. Which means its just me, myself, and I. :(

In order to make a level, you need to make an array-based level system, which I've never done... successfully. Beyond that, unless I wanted to do it all by myself (and shit naw, son, I don't) I'd have to engineer a level editor, streamline it so that it was user-friendly, and then give that to people in the hopes they can make something fun and aesthetically pleasing.

That's... a tall order :(

So, I use the KISS method

1 on 1

1 simple stage (which can be as designy as we want, but probably flat)

Everything else, though, is totally doable. Quick little spurts of dialogue before fights full of inside jokes (Sum n00b? har har), levels based on forum sections, music that's a remix of the remixer's more popular song. Sky's the limit...

Unless you're talking about technical design. Then, unless another Flash Master wants to jump in, it's dead simple son.

Particularly if Shakespeare ain't gettin' paid, son.

edit: grammarz

Okey dokey. Scratch the levels entirely, and just have a background that somehow fits the concept of a given forum that the characters could talk, then battle, in front of. Quick(ish) and simple(ish). It could also allow for a few more battles if everyone felt up to making what's needed for them.

Sound like a KISS thing?

The Coop: You may ABSOLUTELY lend a hand. If you have the MMX sprites handy, you could crank out those jump and shoot anims (and maybe dash, if you're so inclined/have that much time). The approved Tan4 sprite design has been posted, so just match that. I'll be correcting the run and win sprites in my spare moments this week.

Actually spuzz, I think you should handle the remaining Tan sprites (there shouldn't be too many more needed... jumping and shooting something for the most part). Having multiple people making the same character will likely lead to inconsistencies, and more work as they're fixed. The Tan sprite of all this is your baby, dude. It's not right for me to start getting involved with it :-)


again, without committing my immortal soul to this, here's what I would need for tan




Jumping while shooting

Damaged (just got hit)





If I have those, It will be (probably) pretty easy to make a rudimentary engine for 1 on 1 boss battles.

A cursory timetable would probably go as follows

-All movement works (running, jumping)

-Shooting works

-Shooting while moving & jumping

-Hit detection for OCRtan and bullets hitting her

-Rudimentary test enemy

-Designing a full-fledged enemy

-Wash rinse repeat

Looks more like 640 x 480.

Tan looks to be double-stuffed

That's what I was thinking. If you make the Tan sprite 50% of it's current size, it fits right into the MMX SNES sprite sheets perfectly with no pixel loss. So to keep everything looking the same and blending together well, I'll make the BGs 320x244 and double the size afterwards.

Edit: Had a thought. Which size do you guys think would look and work better...






... or even more "widescreen"?


With widescreen stuff we could have levels scroll a little bit. Like let's say a level is actually 1 1/2 screens long. give an opportunity to throw in fore and background paralaxing.

The first one, though, would be alot simpler to iterate on.

And since I am a champion of the KISS method, I say number 1. But others are more than welcome to throw in their vote WITH REASONS WHY!


Well, if I could chime in, I'd say #3. Here's why...

- Less wasted visual space to worry about trying to fill or keep from being dead space.

- The panoramic look is almost always more visually pleasing artistically (especially these days with HD and widescreen preferences) than a more squared screen.

- It would result in less work for all parties involved.

- Less space would make for possibly more intensity, since it would mean fewer places to constantly run, camp, and wait.

With the characters being as small as they are, there's really no need for so much space above their heads. I'd imagine most of the action is going to be jumping, running, sliding, and maybe a platform or two to hop on and off of. So as I see it now, there's no reason to have all that area which the player will likely never use.

Doubling the size in Flash would make for a 640x368 play area, which is a good size. No scrolling would be needed, as everything would still be in full view. Plus, if you did get a wild hair up your ass, you could still add the scrolling later by making an "action" box like this...


... and have the darker areas as the places it would scroll over to. Then I could go back in and divide up the BG for any needed/wanted parallax.

In short, it's the best visual and space usage size in my opinion, and it would make for the least amount of work to actually make it scroll a little if that gets added later.


Quick question: What music are you guys gonna use in the game? Who's gonna choose it? Is it gonna be all MMX remixes or just music from the game designers? :)

I know it's a little bit early to be thinking about music but that's the first thing that came to mind.

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