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What about: Fists of BONE-BREAKING PRESSURE! Like I'M DOING THIS AS HARD AS I POSSIBLY CAN!!! The bosses are CAVING IN around her fists.



I pretty much agree with everything Coop said. We should keep it simple; although we pretty much started this on an enthusiastic whim, to overload ourselves to the quitting point would just be stupid. This is a fun little idea, and I want to see it through without spending a year's worth of spare time.

friendlyHunter: I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to quality, but I don't want to spend a buttload of time tweaking the hell out of the Tan sprites. As is the case with most videogame art, we could tweak and tweak and tweak and still not be completely satisfied. With all due respect, I'm gonna call my latest revision good enough and sally forth.

Bean: Holo-Pretzel = :nicework:

I pretty much agree with everything Coop said. We should keep it simple; although we pretty much started this on an enthusiastic whim, to overload ourselves to the quitting point would just be stupid. This is a fun little idea, and I want to see it through without spending a year's worth of spare time.

friendlyHunter: I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to quality, but I don't want to spend a buttload of time tweaking the hell out of the Tan sprites. As is the case with most videogame art, we could tweak and tweak and tweak and still not be completely satisfied. With all due respect, I'm gonna call my latest revision good enough and sally forth.

Bean: Holo-Pretzel = :nicework:

Listen to this man.

Also, singing quetzl = :-P


Well, here's what I have so far for the first background...


It's probably the most complicated one, since they'll be fighting on the freeway out of the city/forum. I want to add a more steady stream of cars bouncing along in the near lane, and put a somewhat shrunken train of cars in the further lane. Hopefully iy won't take too long. The bottom of the overpass isn't done yet, and I'm debating about whether to add clouds or not. The colors aren't final either, and the hover sign will be replaced with an above-the-road sign that's attached to the highway on the other side that's showing the same type of messages.

I figure if I can make it all a steady (and longer) loop, then Wingless won't have to animate it himself. He could just put it as a movie object behind everything, and then put the needed part of the highway in front of the characters' feet (like it is now). If you're on a browser other than FireFox, you likely won't see it running at full speed (a 0.05 delay). I thought Tan and the boss could fight in front of the guard rail with the traffic going by behind them.

Oh, the cars are from one of the MMX games, with some animation touches by me. The rest is original. I'll post an updated version of it tomorrow. There have been a number of changes, but I thought I'd post an earlier WIP of it.


Did you animate that thing in Flash, or do you mean to say the background in the Flash game would be an animated gif? If that's what you mean... bahaha :lol: I'm sorry, it just seems so backwards to me. Backwards and 0.05-second-delay-inducing. Seriously, don't do it.

friendlyHunter: I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to quality, but I don't want to spend a buttload of time tweaking the hell out of the Tan sprites. As is the case with most videogame art, we could tweak and tweak and tweak and still not be completely satisfied. With all due respect, I'm gonna call my latest revision good enough and sally forth.

Oh no no, I volunteered to do the tweaking myself - I'm a perfectionist like that. If a minimal amount of work can be done to improve the awesomeness of a sprite somewhat, I'll be there!!

Did you animate that thing in Flash, or do you mean to say the background in the Flash game would be an animated gif? If that's what you mean... bahaha :lol: I'm sorry, it just seems so backwards to me. Backwards and 0.05-second-delay-inducing. Seriously, don't do it.

What's so funny and wrong with it? Animated gifs and Flash share a very similar frames-per-second set up in a number of respects. I could make that same gif (timings and all) in Flash with a 20 fps setting for the end swf file, and it would look very much the same as that gif with its .05 second delay on each frame. The movement for the car and such can be done more easily in Flash than Image Ready, but I like making gifs :-P

It may seem odd or backwards to you to have a looping gif as a background, but what do you think the backgrounds in many older fighting games from Capcom, SNK, and them were at heart? They were just endlessly looping animation frames... like a gif. Some were longer, some were shorter, but they all looped.

Edit: And just for the record Wingless, I do have some Flash knowledge. I know how to make a looping movie object in Flash myself using pieces of the backgrounds I'm doing, which I could then send to you (at the proper fps of course) so you didn't have to do it.


Firstly, Awesome job on the background so far, Coop! It's looking real nice. :nicework:

Just when the judges thought they had everything under control comes... Queue Tortoise!


I put him between Chill Penguin and Flame Mammoth to give an idea of how big he is. Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to finish him up as it takes me a really long time just to make one image, but if anyone wants to try giving him some moves, I can send you all his separated parts.

EDIT: As for how 4-Tan attacks, y'know, she does have a guitar. You could simply place it behind her like she's wearing it in Blackmyst's drawings when doing normal moves. And if Wingless wouldn't mind tossing in a super quick 2-3 frame animation of her strumming every time she fires, it'd work perfectly. She could shoot out waveforms like the one up at the top of the site even. And in the event that she does obtain powers from the enemies she's defeated, it could add a certain type of effect to her guitar. Like "Time Distortion" for beating Queue Tortoise, or some sort of Wah-wah from a whining boss. Of course this is all pretty much against the KISS method, but I had the idea and needed to post it.

Just when the judges thought they had everything under control comes... Queue Tortoise!

Haha, awesome. Looks great. Except the clock should be switched for a year calendar... lol. Haha, imagine if the queue never exceeded 24 hours. I wonder how many judges we'd need for that to happen. Somewhere around 100, I'd gather.

I like the "shoot waveforms with the guitar" idea. Once you kill the Zircon boss you could get a compressor weapon that makes your waveforms supercharged and that makes stuff fly away from the punch.


Wow, awesome work, guys! Bean, Queue Tortoise looks amazing. Really, stellar design. A couple things I might polish a bit would be his body and neck-hole (the circular outline of his clock looks a bit mushy, and a yellow border around it would really bring the room together), and his shoulders (specular highlights ftw). Also, the shadow tones of the drab-green and yellow are a bit bright--I might darken those up a little.

friendlyHunter: You're kind of missing the point. It's not that I don't want your help, its just that we'll get more ground covered if we're not retracing each other's footsteps. If you want to tackle a boss design or something, by all means, tackle away! But for our purposes, one polish-pass is enough.

Finally, new/updated Tan sprites:


EDIT: Oh, and Bean, the guitar idea is cool, and the effects idea is awesome, but for every shot, I dunno...what if she only used the guitar as her powered-up Nice Shot? That way I don't have to add the guitar to her every animation--the guitar could "beam in" for the shot, and "beam out" afterwards.


Dafydd- Judging by how some of this is going, I'd wager the judges aren't going to be bosses or enemies. As stated by others, Tan4 fighting them (or things named after them) doesn't make sense since they're on her side.

Bean- Once you get the design to where spuzz and Wingless are happy with it, you can send the bits and pieces to me if you like. I can try making some simple attack animations. Is that sprite all original, or did you use pieces of other MMX bosses, coupled with some original work, to build it? I ask because if you used parts of bosses, it might help with getting parts for the animations to know which ones.

Oh, and Bean, the guitar idea is cool, and the effects idea is awesome, but for every shot, I dunno...what if she only used the guitar as her powered-up Nice Shot? That way I don't have to add the guitar to her every animation--the guitar could "beam in" for the shot, and "beam out" afterwards.

I have a quickie idea for the guitar thing if you don't mind me trying it.

Bean- Once you get the design to where spuzz and Wingless are happy with it, you can send the bits and pieces to me if you like. I can try making some simple attack animations. Is that sprite all original, or did you use pieces of other MMX bosses, coupled with some original work, to build it? I ask because if you used parts of bosses, it might help with getting parts for the animations to know which ones.

I'd appreciate it if you could do that. And, yeah, it's a completely, totally original, made from scratch sprite. I'm actually better at making them myself than editing preexisting sprites for whatever reason. I'll see about moving his parts around when I get home from work to give you more to play with.

Anyway, I tweaked a few things and, even though it's only a slight change, he's looking a lot better:


The left one is the old one, and the right is new. I didn't adjust the shape of the neck base simply because I didn't intend for it to be a perfect circle. It's actually got a more hexagonal or squarish shape, much like the holes for the legs.

Dafydd- Judging by how some of this is going, I'd wager the judges aren't going to be bosses or enemies. As stated by others, Tan4 fighting them (or things named after them) doesn't make sense since they're on her side.

So were the robot masters before Dr. Wily ran off with them. I get what you're saying though, but it could have been fun fighting the judges. Maybe you could rescue them instead or something? Like, kill some other dude and release a judge, who then gives you a weapon? :-)

Anyway, I don't think my ideas will be of any use to you. Maybe some day I'll try to make something on my own.


Ok how about this: The Judges were taken hostage and corrupted by [insert name of villian] and so to save them you have to best them and before you kill them you play your guitar and make them come back to their senses. Oooooor you only fight the using your guitar's "power" and in turn you don't destroy them when their life goes down (like in MM Powered Up where if you defeat the bosses with your regular buster you can save them).

So were the robot masters before Dr. Wily ran off with them. I get what you're saying though, but it could have been fun fighting the judges. Maybe you could rescue them instead or something? Like, kill some other dude and release a judge, who then gives you a weapon? :-)

Anyway, I don't think my ideas will be of any use to you. Maybe some day I'll try to make something on my own.

Rescue the judges, eh? Not a bad idea, though it would require more sprite making, which might not be to everyone's liking considering how much more is yet to go. Let's see what spuzz and Bean think...

Guys, after we get all the needed backgrounds, sprites and such done, would you be willing to split the task of making a couple judge-based MMX-style sprites (really only editing the heads of pre-existing MMX sprites, and doing some recoloring), with only one of them throwing an upgrade via some quick and simple two or three frame animation, for each area (free a couple judges at once, or three if there aren't many bosses)? Or, should we do it simpler... something like the MMX games, with a blank screen after the boss dies, containing a big Tan4 sprite that flashes or something, and says the name of the weapon you just got (thus, no judge sprites)? I personally could go either way on it at the moment. It could easily be incorporated into the story (so and so captures the judges, and Dr. Pretzel sends Tan4 to save them and bring peace to the forums), so that's not an issue.

And Dadydd, it's not a matter of ideas not being useful at all. But rather, not turning this into a "Can I be in it too?" thing... which happens almost every time a project involving OCR members gets started. The moment one person is used, it then turns into a request-fest of everyone wanting to be featured. But, if we keep this about Tan4 and generalized aspects of OCR as a site (problems, forums, etc.), it eliminates that can of worms altogether. It's nothing against you, your ideas, or anyone for that matter. It's just simpler and less headache inducing... more KISS, that's all :-)

spuzz- I like the idea of keeping her guitar used for only a charged up shot (which I'm almost done animating... I'll post it after dinner). I definitely think we should stick with that.

It's nothing against you, your ideas, or anyone for that matter. It's just simpler and less headache inducing... more KISS, that's all :-)

Which is why I just said that - I feel excluded. And that's fine, really, I had something different in mind than what you're making, something more like what I suggested back on page 14. I thought I was "in" from the very beginning, but that was before the Wingless made his flash thingy (which was after I made my thingy on page 15) and it started to seem like my posts were being ignored. I just didn't know of any better place to post ideas for an OCR-tan game than in this very thread. I know I must sound like I'm hurt and sore, but I'm not, I just misunderstood things - I thought I was in, but wasn't.

Now, I can't wait to see your finished product, and will leave you to this. With you and the others as artists, I don't see how this could possibly go wrong. Good luck!

Which is why I just said that - I feel excluded. And that's fine, really, I had something different in mind than what you're making, something more like what I suggested back on page 14. I thought I was "in" from the very beginning, but that was before the Wingless made his flash thingy (which was after I made my thingy on page 15) and it started to seem like my posts were being ignored. I just didn't know of any better place to post ideas for an OCR-tan game than in this very thread. I know I must sound like I'm hurt and sore, but I'm not, I just misunderstood things - I thought I was in, but wasn't.

Now, I can't wait to see your finished product, and will leave you to this. With you and the others as artists, I don't see how this could possibly go wrong. Good luck!

You were never out of it, Dafydd. By my "Can I be in it too?" comment, I was referring to what happened with the UnMod Comic, the UnMod Card Deck, and the UnMod RPG. Where you there once those projects were revealed and got going? If not, here's what basically happened. Once it was shown that someone like Ace! had a card, or that Smasha had a character in Razorman's comic, and that Antonio Pizza has a cameo in the game, everyone wanted a card or character in those projects. It got to the point of people complaining like "Why don't I have a card?" and "Where's my character?" constantly, which basically ruined the fun of it all because everyone was bitching about not being in it.

So, that's why I suggested the idea to avoid that, by simply not including individual posters from OCR in this, and keeping Tan4 as the only "real" individual character. You're always welcome to contribute ideas, sprites, backgrounds and so forth dude. If you misunderstood what I wrote, then my apologies for not making it clearer. The only thing I was suggesting was that your idea of having the judges in the game as bosses didn't fit with where this seemed to be headed. spuzz and Bean have yet to comment on your judge rescue idea (I like it, but the extra work scares me :lol:).

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