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Get the highest version, unless you have economic limitations. The versions are not "learning steps", so to speak. Rather just added features appear as you progress from the lowest to the highest. These features do not confuse the beginners.


I went to a site called kvr-vst.com. How do I add the FXB files to Fruity Loops?

I tried to just stick the file in the folder (Sample\Channel Presets\3x Osc),

but it didn't show up in Fruity Loops.

(This is my first time attempting to add new instruments as you may have guessed...)



P.S.-What I'm really asking is, how do I add sound files/instruments into

Fruity Loops, and what kind of files do they have to be?


dll, xi, sf2, fsc, wav, mid, syn

all are these are files.

Now, at kvr-vst, you want to download zips with dll files in them and have vst or dx rating on them. AU does not count.

Download and unzip to your folder that has vst in the FruityLoops directories. This may take a minute or two for you to find it and locate it.

Once you do, put it there (duh!). Now open up FruityLoops, and you habe the menu bar (File, Edit View...) and go to the Channels and go to Add one... Then at the very top will say more. Click on more and you get a new window. In the bottom left hand corner, there is a button called ReFresh. Click on it and there are two options. Click the Fast Scan (or which ever one is recommended.) The new plugin will appear in red. Check it with an F in the corresponding box. Then double click it to open it.


*Solution to my problem :D*

To organize synths and presets, create a Plug-ins section in the Data/Patches (so it shows up in the browser). You can organize it however you want, but just have a Default preset right in the folder, and a Presets sub-folder. You can just drag the preset into the Step Sequencer, and it'll open up the synth.

It'll be a lil boring/labor intensive to set up tho :(.

dll, xi, sf2, fsc, wav, mid, syn

all are these are files.

Now, at kvr-vst, you want to download zips with dll files in them and have vst or dx rating on them. AU does not count.

Download and unzip to your folder that has vst in the FruityLoops directories. This may take a minute or two for you to find it and locate it.

Once you do, put it there (duh!). Now open up FruityLoops, and you habe the menu bar (File, Edit View...) and go to the Channels and go to Add one... Then at the very top will say more. Click on more and you get a new window. In the bottom left hand corner, there is a button called ReFresh. Click on it and there are two options. Click the Fast Scan (or which ever one is recommended.) The new plugin will appear in red. Check it with an F in the corresponding box. Then double click it to open it.

When you say "you want to download zips with dll files in them and have

vst or dx rating on them" does it say DLL under Sample Formats? So far

I don't see anything that says DLL, how do I tell which have it and which


(Gotta love the n00bs... :wink: )


EDIT: Does the file have to be a DLL? Or can it be those sf2's and whatnot?


It is not a sample format. FruityLoops will not detect it under the Sample Browser. However, it will detect it under the plugin search I described for you in my previuous post.

I went to a site called kvr-vst.com. How do I add the FXB files to Fruity Loops?

I tried to just stick the file in the folder (Sample\Channel Presets\3x Osc),

but it didn't show up in Fruity Loops.

*.FXB is a file suffix from/for Steinberg Cubase since the implementation of VST and VSTi (years ago) into it. FXB stands for "Effect Bank" and are presets for your VST Plugin or your VSTi that you can aditionally load.

I could tell you how to load the files with Cubase (because this is my main sequencer) but unfortunately not FL. I'm sure I've read that it should be possible to load FXB files with FL too, but I forgot where exactly. You can try it at the KVR boards (search function) or the official Fruity Loops page at "tutorials".


Loading .fxb?

That's one thing I know how to do :lol:

You can either put it in your Data/Patches folder (anywhere) and use the browser to drag it onto the Step Sequencer, or from inside the plug-in you can click the down-pointing arrow (below the pink symbol) and select "Load Cubase Preset File" or something to that effect, and then browse to it.


Very interesting, guys... But I tried DLing it and putting it in where Xel

said. (I think he said it... Oh well...)

Regardless, it's working now. Damn, that Crystal thingy is sweet!

when I import a midi file into fruity loops, I cannot hear anything when it is played. why is that?

You did not set it on the right midi output, and FL is not a midi player...

Worse case scenario, drag and drop samples, it's what I do to find the sound I want for a mix.


Ah, yes... very good to see a FL board up. There's some things like gating I would like to do, but just can't figure out (the gate plugin I had froze FL, so.. scrap that idea). Ooh, and yeah.. I figured out that FL's instruments aren't good unless you REALLY.. and I mean r-e-a-l-l-y tweak them. And still play them with another less-bad instrument (I particularly like the "Dark" voice only because it's unique and the Orion Strings, but even these need help sometimes).

Maybe next, a ModPlug Tracker thread could be started.. ha.


That is one thing we tell our noobs. Do not be afraid to tweak those knobs, you'll never know what cool sound you might come up with.

And check the licks thread for vst pages that will have links to gates... they will help you.


There's a flp file tutorial in fruityloops about how to do gating.

And I wouldn't touch ANY of fruityloop's default sounds... not with a fifty foot pole. The 3xOsc can be generally useful for very basic things and as for FX, I just use the compressor mostly as a hard limiter because it seems to do that better than anything else.


Showdax, the default samples aren't really all THAT bad, but i wouldn't suggest using them for submitting to OCR, unless you're uber-elite-tastic or something.

the TS404 is really useful, if used properly or smth.

I personally liked Orionstring, the Ins_*.wavs, and the ML_Moog.wav; they were good for just messing around with the program.

and: I'll help you out with Gating: Open up a 3xOsc, Get the chord/whatever that you want. Open a second 3xOsc. use the last instrument tab to give it a gate of 1 or smth, or the INS tab to set the ADSR to what you want it to. Give it a seperate FX channel, and open the Peak Controller. After you do this, link the first 3xOsc's volume knob to the Peak control. Enjoy.


I'm VERY new to frutiy loops so i am trying to learn a few things via trial and error, but i can't figure this out:

When i import a midi, and apply sound fonts, how do i change teh volume of a single instrument? I change it while it is playing and it stays where i put it. And even after i push stop, the little knob is still in the same position. but as soon as i push play, it snaps back to the original volume... anyone know how to prevent this?


There is two modes to ploaying.

There is play which merely playsback the data you put in. It doesn't record the changes you made.

And then there is record. Make sure the pattern you are onis clear and play in song mode. This records every changes and if you put it in the drum track the changes overlap and doesn't do much for you.

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