ArseAssassin Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 If you want just a single note to fade out, you could just use the slider tool. Check out slide event in manual for details.
Jago_Starr Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 Ok..this is probably in this topic somewhere already, but I didn't want to have to go through 97 pages to find it.... I got the FL demo, and I'm messing around with it. I finally found out how to get midis to play in it and was testing and discovered that .fst files could be applied to the midis. What I was wondering is, is there a way to either get more .fst files, or make new .fst files out of .wavs. Appreciate it if anyone can give me a hint. Edit: Also, if you can't make new .fst files, how do you add the samples to a midi to make it sound more realistic?
skulkrusha Posted July 24, 2004 Posted July 24, 2004 Unfortunate problems ahead: I've been trying to get a phat sound by layering some synths, but it makes it helluva lot harder to automate anything. I have to copy the automation several times and using VSTi-plugs isn't making it any easier (curse you Superwave p8 and your filters!I've tried linking all the knobs to an external controller, such as the Peak Controller and Formula Controller, but apparently it can be only linked to one knob at a time. Anybody know a way around this? Just link them all to the same controller. Make sure you've unchecked the "remove conflicts" box. I got the FL demo, and I'm messing around with it. I finally found out how to get midis to play in it and was testing and discovered that .fst files could be applied to the midis. What I was wondering is, is there a way to either get more .fst files, or make new .fst files out of .wavs. Appreciate it if anyone can give me a hint. Edit: Also, if you can't make new .fst files, how do you add the samples to a midi to make it sound more realistic? FST files are just Fruity save states. They just save the current state of whatever thing you're using, handy if you want to copy settings of one thing to a different project. Anyway, you can make these by clicking in the top left-hand box in any box and selecting "save state as ..." or file>save state as. OMG 531455447700 PAGES WTF STFU RTFM
ArseAssassin Posted July 24, 2004 Posted July 24, 2004 Unfortunate problems ahead: I've been trying to get a phat sound by layering some synths, but it makes it helluva lot harder to automate anything. I have to copy the automation several times and using VSTi-plugs isn't making it any easier (curse you Superwave p8 and your filters!I've tried linking all the knobs to an external controller, such as the Peak Controller and Formula Controller, but apparently it can be only linked to one knob at a time. Anybody know a way around this? Just link them all to the same controller. Make sure you've unchecked the "remove conflicts" box. So, that's the one! Thanks a bunch!
Nase Posted July 25, 2004 Posted July 25, 2004 thanks for trying to help skul. the delay bug mysteriously vanished, but now theres another problem: when i export a midi, all sound channels except the drums are turned into piano. edit, ah, that delay thing had to do with the different port numbers.
ArseAssassin Posted July 25, 2004 Posted July 25, 2004 thanks for trying to help skul. the delay bug mysteriously vanished, but now theres another problem: when i export a midi, all sound channels except the drums are turned into piano.edit, ah, that delay thing had to do with the different port numbers. You have to manually set the instruments with Fruity LSD.
Nase Posted July 25, 2004 Posted July 25, 2004 you mean, just putting fruity lsd into the main effects channel and configure the instruments there? ive tried, and it works in the program, but again the .mid is piano only.
skulkrusha Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 I've found it works just fine if you set the instruments using the MIDI Out channels, even without using Fruity LSD. If that isn't working, make absolutely sure there's no automation that could possibly be causing the channels to revert to the piano patch (particularly if you're importing an external MIDI file, since FL regards all patch numbers as automation information). If it still doesn't work, your problem is beyond me.
Northern_Fist Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 Unfortunate problems ahead: I've been trying to get a phat sound by layering some synths, but it makes it helluva lot harder to automate anything. I have to copy the automation several times and using VSTi-plugs isn't making it any easier (curse you Superwave p8 and your filters!) I've tried linking all the knobs to an external controller, such as the Peak Controller and Formula Controller, but apparently it can be only linked to one knob at a time. Anybody know a way around this? Can't you use the Layer tool? Call me cheap - but I actually did this on my last trance mix. I layered five 3xOSCs to make a nice, fat, saw lead. It sounded unique enough, too.
ArseAssassin Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 Unfortunate problems ahead: I've been trying to get a phat sound by layering some synths, but it makes it helluva lot harder to automate anything. I have to copy the automation several times and using VSTi-plugs isn't making it any easier (curse you Superwave p8 and your filters!) I've tried linking all the knobs to an external controller, such as the Peak Controller and Formula Controller, but apparently it can be only linked to one knob at a time. Anybody know a way around this? Can't you use the Layer tool? Call me cheap - but I actually did this on my last trance mix. I layered five 3xOSCs to make a nice, fat, saw lead. It sounded unique enough, too. Cheap? What's so cheap about it? Supersaw actually is 8 detuned oscillators, you have to layer 3xOSCs if you want it to sound fat.
Rellik Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 First, I don't know if this has been answered (I'm too lazy to look, but it's not like it's doing any harm if it already has been answered) but of course you can link more than one knob to an external (although the examples you stated are internal; the same thing applies) controller. Just turn off "Remove Conflict". Second, for some reason 3xOsc just doesn't sound good to me for detuney things. It's great if you want simple sharp synth-sounds which you can later completely destroy and awesomefy with distortion and detune up with chorus, but for detuney sounds it just doesn't seem to cut it. Maybe I have wierd tastes?
zircon Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 Actually, Rellik, I agree with you. I've tried making ultra-fat detuned saw synth leads with 3xosc, but I haven't gotten anything really good out of it. To date, the best detuned saw lead I've tried is the first preset in the Junatik ensemble which comes with Reaktor/Reaktor Session. Second would be fm7's "Trance Lead" preset. Both of these are very similar to the detuned saw instruments found in ffmusicdj's Breath of Fire - Sad Melody.
djcubez Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 I can get a great sounding detuned saw from the 3xosc. Listen to my FF6 remix titled "fearless" if you want an example. That one is old though. I should try and stir one up real quick. Of course, maybe we're thinking of two different things here. If you can, hook me up with a little clip of a song so I can see what you're thinking of.
Synth Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 Ive been trying to rewire Reason into fl4 and iam having some troubles. I can get the sound out of reason into FL. But say I enter some notes into the paino roll and when I play the song I hear nothing. Also some of the lower notes dont work eather. Any ideas?
zircon Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 I can get a great sounding detuned saw from the 3xosc. Listen to my FF6 remix titled "fearless" if you want an example. That one is old though. I should try and stir one up real quick. Of course, maybe we're thinking of two different things here. If you can, hook me up with a little clip of a song so I can see what you're thinking of. Link us up to your FF6 mix, man For an example of the detuned saw sound I'm talking about, like I said, check Breath of Fire Sad Melody on this site, by ffmusic_dj.
Xelebes Posted July 26, 2004 Posted July 26, 2004 For classic detuned saws (as I have experimented with my now deceased Poly 800), it usually only takes two saw oscillators at a detuning of 15~20 cents off from centre. I also found that boosting the highs of the raw detuning was needed (ala 4 kHz+) before you started filtering, even using MDA's Degrade plugin after the high boost to have 100 S&&H at 44.1 kHz/16 bit before the filtering to have a really nice authentic classic sound to it. Then after the filtering you can process the sound further with delays, phasers and choruses and then finally a reverb.
Jago_Starr Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 skulkrusha wrote:Jago_Starr wrote: I got the FL demo, and I'm messing around with it. I finally found out how to get midis to play in it and was testing and discovered that .fst files could be applied to the midis. What I was wondering is, is there a way to either get more .fst files, or make new .fst files out of .wavs. Appreciate it if anyone can give me a hint. Edit: Also, if you can't make new .fst files, how do you add the samples to a midi to make it sound more realistic? FST files are just Fruity save states. They just save the current state of whatever thing you're using, handy if you want to copy settings of one thing to a different project. Anyway, you can make these by clicking in the top left-hand box in any box and selecting "save state as ..." or file>save state as. Sorry about taking so long to reply, been doing some other stuff. of the things I had said there was that I was using the demo, so I kinda can't save anything. Is there anything else I can do to apply samples to my midis? Please help me..?
ArseAssassin Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 I can get a great sounding detuned saw from the 3xosc. Listen to my FF6 remix titled "fearless" if you want an example. That one is old though. I should try and stir one up real quick. Of course, maybe we're thinking of two different things here. If you can, hook me up with a little clip of a song so I can see what you're thinking of. Link us up to your FF6 mix, man For an example of the detuned saw sound I'm talking about, like I said, check Breath of Fire Sad Melody on this site, by ffmusic_dj. I'd recommend you use Superwave p8 instead of 3xOSC. It does a fair job emulating JP8080's filters and detuning is a lot easier with it. This propably isn't quite what you're looking for, but it should give you a fair idea what you can do with Superwave.
Rellik Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 Hmm... big problem here. I have automation on the MIDI Out, sending CC1 (ModWheel) to a VSTi (Sampletank, in this instance). The automation is recorded from being linked to the ModWheel (CC1). It sounds fine when being played back, and sounded fine during recording, but for some reason, the automation just doesn't work in the rendering. What's going on?! Please tell me someone has an answer
Synth Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 Ive been trying to rewire Reason into fl4 and iam having some troubles. I can get the sound out of reason into FL. But say I enter some notes into the paino roll and when I play the song I hear nothing. Also some of the lower notes dont work eather. Any ideas?
Rellik Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 Ive been trying to rewire Reason into fl4 and iam having some troubles. I can get the sound out of reason into FL. But say I enter some notes into the paino roll and when I play the song I hear nothing. Also some of the lower notes dont work eather. Any ideas? Check the help file/tutorial on FLStudio's site. It describes how to send MIDI from FL to Reason. I don't know why some of the lower notes wouldn't work.
skulkrusha Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Sorry about taking so long to reply, been doing some other stuff. of the things I had said there was that I was using the demo, so I kinda can't save anything. Is there anything else I can do to apply samples to my midis? Please help me..? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you can save FST files in the demo, but not FLPs. I do remember doing it myself, but it might have been in version 3 rather than 4. Apply samples to your MIDIs? I'm not really sure what you want, here ... You can drag and drop samples onto the MIDI Out channels from the sidebar, although it might not sound too good. You can also do this with almost anything else in the sidebar. Finally, have a look under Projects>Tutorials>VST and DX instruments, which explains how to control VSTi and DXi from MIDI Out channels. I'd warn you, however, if you're taking someone else's MIDI and just putting your own instruments on top to pass it off as a remix, it's known as "MIDI ripping" here and it's akin to plagiarism.
Jago_Starr Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Okay, thanks for the info, I'll look into it. And no, I'm not trying to rip off someone else's midi. I had tried making some changes to a song I had in midi form, and then when I tried making it into an MP3, it sounded like crap, so I was hoping to find a different way to make it sound realistic and not like the extremely tinny sounding instruments that midis use.
CC Ricers Posted August 5, 2004 Posted August 5, 2004 My soundfonts revert to default when I load my song. I have to load up the soundfonts that I use on every channel, every single time. Is my Fruity Soundfont Player a demo version probably? It could get hard to remember exactly what sound I used in each channel. Also, I noticed many soundfonts have a low pitch ceiling and play nothing on high notes, and then I'm forced to use notes of a lower octave. Surely there's a way around this.
zircon Posted August 5, 2004 Posted August 5, 2004 My soundfonts revert to default when I load my song. I have to load up the soundfonts that I use on every channel, every single time. Is my Fruity Soundfont Player a demo version probably? It could get hard to remember exactly what sound I used in each channel.Also, I noticed many soundfonts have a low pitch ceiling and play nothing on high notes, and then I'm forced to use notes of a lower octave. Surely there's a way around this. Some soundfonts just don't have sounds for some key ranges. There's no real way to 'fix' that unless you manually edit the soundfont.. it will probably sound bad if you do. Also, you can tell if your SF player is a demo if it says "demo" when you add it as a plugin. Your problem is a bit different from the usual SF player demo problem (the channels getting deleted) though..
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