k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Chances are, it wasn't meant to be used the way you are using it.
Cozark Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 That could certainly be it. I'll admit that I don't even really know what a VST is. I was attempting to figure it out on my own, but my methods don't seem to be working very well.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 What VSTi are you using? I'm sure I can help you, or someone else.
Kanjika Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Cozark, If it says it cant load an effect into a channel, its an effect VST. Go to the mixer and click "more" on the plugin list. If you refreshed the list they should appear. Open the pluing and itll be in the mixer in whatever FX channel you put it in. For instrument VSTs you load them into the step seqencer.
Cozark Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Whoa, thanks. I didn't know about the difference between effect VSTs and instrument VSTs. I just went and messed around a little with FL and I think I've figured out how it's supposed to work now. I realized that I downloaded a ton of effects off the internet, but only like 2 instruments. Unfortunately, instruments are what I wanted Oh well, not a big deal. I can do all kinds of stuff with my sounds now that I never knew I could do before. And a quick question for anyone who makes remixes/songs, how long does it usually take you? I've been working on this one for like....2 days, and I only have about 20 seconds of music...
jordex Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 jordex: Don't know and I don't think so either, but have you tried using the arpegiator tool in the piano roll (select the notes you want and hit alt+a)? Hmm... I don't think my FL can do that. Alt+A does nothing and it's not anywhere in the tools menu
suzumebachi Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 only FLStudio 5.x and later have the arpeggiator in the piano roll. on earlier versions it's under the misc tab on the generator properties.
skulkrusha Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Just to clarify, those tools are two entirely different things, the piano roll arpegiator tool scores arpegiations in the piano roll whereas the arpegiator under the "MISC" tab in the generator properties box arpegiates notes already on the piano roll. Jordex already has the arpegiator in the MISC tab going. jordex: FL version? Can you update to the latest one?
Cree` Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I know this is a really newbie question but is the Yamaha PSR295 compatible with fruity loops. It is basically a midi controller keyboard.
Navi Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Just out of curiosity, is it possible for me to load my Guitar into FL? It's hooked up through Line In and I was wondering if I could set effects channels on it and whatnot. Or do I need Guitar Rig?
skulkrusha Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Cree: Got some way of getting MIDI in and out of your computer? If so, yes. Myth: Yep, and I'm pretty sure I've said how within the last few pages. Since I'm a nice guy and all I'll do the search for you: yep, do you have any asio drivers? You can grab ASIO4All and use that if you don't have any. Then, go to the mixer and visit the black drop-down boxes at the bottom of it, and once you've changed your drivers to the asio ones, change the input on any channel to one of the sound source inputs available (should be obvious) and whatever's plugged into that source will be routed into that channel.
Navi Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Cree: Got some way of getting MIDI in and out of your computer? If so, yes.Myth: Yep, and I'm pretty sure I've said how within the last few pages. Since I'm a nice guy and all I'll do the search for you: yep, do you have any asio drivers? You can grab ASIO4All and use that if you don't have any. Then, go to the mixer and visit the black drop-down boxes at the bottom of it, and once you've changed your drivers to the asio ones, change the input on any channel to one of the sound source inputs available (should be obvious) and whatever's plugged into that source will be routed into that channel. Sporting show, old chap.
speculative Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I just got an email from the FL crew saying that they have a new edition out and also video tutorials, but when I go onto their site, login using the password/id they gave me, it just tries to load then says "Account Suspended." ?? I've emailed tech support to see what the deal is. -spec
Mazer_Rackham Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 I'm trying to make a remix of my favorite track in Kunio-kun Nekketsu Soccer (that game kicks ass), but all my guitar instruments I use in FL Studio 4.52 sound so...unrealistic. ANy way I can make them sound more...real? Sorry if it sounds too general I'm a n00b remixer and this will actually be my first big project. Or if someone can give me the name of another notation software that has realistic instruments that would be fine also. Thanks.
Synth Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 I'm trying to make a remix of my favorite track in Kunio-kun Nekketsu Soccer (that game kicks ass), but all my guitar instruments I use in FL Studio 4.52 sound so...unrealistic. ANy way I can make them sound more...real? Sorry if it sounds too general I'm a n00b remixer and this will actually be my first big project. Or if someone can give me the name of another notation software that has realistic instruments that would be fine also. Thanks. Well what kind of guitars are you talking about? If you're using acustic add some reverb and eq. If its electric use a amp sim. You can get some good sounds out of slayer if you know what your doing.
Mazer_Rackham Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 [Well what kind of guitars are you talking about? If you're using acustic add some reverb and eq. If its electric use a amp sim. You can get some good sounds out of slayer if you know what your doing. ok will do. thanks.
Rexy Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Dammit... I posted this message yesterday and it got deleted due to the forum hacking. Anyway... I've been thinking of wanting to use FL over the Summer for any possible future mix work. But I want you to picture this scenario - Let's say that I performed a piece in MIDI, and I want to enhance it in FL with better sounds. But how can I do that? The MIDI won't play back, and I'm having problems just trying to change sound channels. This message may be a bit brief, but any aid on this one will be warmly appreciated
Amayirot Akago Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Re-posting my message as well: When trying to import a MIDI into FL5, it imports normally, but when trying to play it I can't hear a thing. Any idea what could be causing this?
Jinxx Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 I have personally just started learning FL, specifically version 4.1. In reply to Rexy and Amayirot, to hear MIDI songs playback, make sure that the "enable MIDI output" is checked under the options tab. The troubleshooting guide within FL pointed me in this direction, so if that doesn't work for you, check in the help files for other solutions. This stuff may have already been answered in the last 123 pages, but to "enhance" a MIDI sound, you could simply select the notes and paste them into a new channel (like a Fruity SoundFont Player). Again, I'm a newbie here too and have only spent a few hours with the program, but it shouldn't be too difficult. There are also some helpful tutorials on http://www.fltutorials.com/tutorials.htm if you want more help.
IC Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 For the MIDI Q'S: You must have an instruments assigned to tracks where you import midi data. Try opening the piano roll for a track, going to file->import midi blah blah-> then just pick a single track from a midi song if you still have problems. I have my own question however (nothing to do with midi!): I'm using a tempo-based delay (3 steps), and at the end of my song I have a tempo change. This produces undesirable results; each time the bpm is changed the delay cuts off and sounds really choppy. Here's a sample of what I'm talking about: http://home.comcast.net/~imcmonkey/delayproblem.mp3 The second time it plays through I isolate the wet sound so you can really hear what I'm talking about. Anyone know how to change the tempo and keep a smooth tempo-based delay?
skulkrusha Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Rexy: In addition to what Jinxx said, you can use MIDI Out channels to control VST/DX generators, if you so desire. This is either done in the method described in the "VST and DX Instruments" tutorial under Projects>Tutorial in the sidebar, or by loading the VSTi/DXi into the step sequencer, still setting the MIDI channels up to send to the generators (same method as is explained in the tutorial only you haven't loaded the VSTi/DXi into the mixer, obviously). monkeybomb: What plugin are you using? Have you tried any others? Even 3rd party plugins, or is that what you're using? I can't really say what's causing that, but you may not have the same problem with another plugin.
Rexy Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Heh, I'm really starting to get the hang of this Thanks for your queries, and I'll be sure to bear those thoughts in mind.
jordex Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 Whenever I have something playing in FL and I click on a IE window, I get an error in FL Any reason why?
Damantis Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 I have a VST plugin that is supposed to play upto 15 separate instruments at once. However, I can only seem to be able to edit the piano roll for the first instrument, so the other 14 are useless. If I want to add another instrument, I have to add another instance of the plugin and use its first instrument. This takes up a lot of RAM and CPU power, as I am only using 1/15 of the plugin's capacity. How do I edit the piano roll for the other 14 instruments? Edit: I know now. You have to assign your VST a port number that isn't already used. Then create a MIDI Out channel and change its port to the same one as the VST. The MIDI-Out's "Channel" Number corresponds to the plugin's instrument number.
Amayirot Akago Posted March 28, 2005 Posted March 28, 2005 I'm trying to get my old Yamaha PSR300 to work with FL, but no luck so far. I've hooked it up to the MIDI port of my soundcard, but I can't get it configured properly in FL. Anyone know what I need to do?
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