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Legendary Wings 'Legendary Strings'

Ok, this is not my style. So it sucks. NO I AM KIDDING!!! AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can appreciate a style well done, even if it's not my thing. And plus the song is so obviously video-game because of the melodic strenght (as opposed to most of the commercial crap out there today). Nice work on the harmonizing of guitars, nothing too overbearing, nothing screaming "I'm white and I'm angry!" Nice arrangement. Plus there's a B section! Enjoy



Well, you have my applause. This made me bust out Legendary Wings again (not many mixes do that). And this mix has been stuck in my head for awhile (I got it off vgmix).

There is no problem with guitar-centric at all, as the Minibosses have proven. Infact, this sounds like how they might do the song (although some elements of their percussion are a bit more dominant). And Legendary Wings is an excellent NES game, but you're right that people aren't going to grab it up like Final Fantasy or Mega Man. Besides, having a first remix for the song on OCR is a good thing.


My god! DiscoDan can appreciate something he doesn't personally like! I'd never thought I'd see the day (hehe...joking)...

Anyway, this is good shiznit. Never played Legendary Wings, but this sounds a lot like Rize picked up from right where the Minibosses left of and delivered some kickass guitar coverage. Nice job here..


Yes, this was very minibossesque in that I didn't really expound or add much to the original music in the way of composition (though the backup metal chords in the last portion aren't generally heard in the mini-bosses stuff).

My followup remix changes that dramatically though because it isn't based on 8 bit music :) Number 3 (LS being number 2) should be on OCR within a month.

As for number 1... that one wasn't submitted to OCR. Perhaps I'll fix it up and submit it now that I have my rig straightened out.


Rize, Great Job! I've been waiting to hear a Legendary Wings remix, but I wouldn't have expected something as awesome as this! I couldn't even imagine that a guitar could make that (those) piece(s) sound so great. I especially liked the game over part at the end! That was perfect! I look forward to your next remixes!


It's fun to play! :) Use the NSF to learn the parts. I followed that almost note for note for the dual leads (with a few audible exceptions).

You should note that the low guitar in the "chorus" portion of the first half was played on a D tuned guitar since it wouldn't quite fit on a normal one. I had to drop the entire song an octave because the the high notes in that part went off the end of the neck.

  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Rize, props to ya for delivering a fine remix of some really great videogame music. I remember playing Legendary Wings on an arcade machine (yes, it was an arcade game first!) in Nebraska and that made me get the NES game. I loved the music then, we really need to see more Legendary Wings remixes. Too bad its such an obscure game that we probably won't. Good work on the guitar, you take a couple liberties with the intricasies but it stays on target with the melody. The choice of instrument was perfect for this remix, infact..I turn down the actual music to the game and put this on loop! Anywho, great job, keep pumpin' them out.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I fool myself sometimes. On my 2nd and 3rd mixes, the mixing was so bad and the drums so muffled that they can sound like a bad live recording. In fact, only the guitars are live. The bass is a mixture of two soundfonts of decent quality and the drums are the popular goldrums soundfont. Unfortunately, that bass only sound as good as it does in this song. Probably because I don't have much rhythm guitar in the song (only the ending). I've got some work to do on my production. I'm still very happy with the way this turned out though, especially considering it was my second mix ever.

  • 2 years later...

I remember that this was one of the first mixes I heard when I first came to the site that really stuck out to me.

I think the guitars had a bit too much distortion on them, but otherwise it's a pretty solid performance. Drums and bass are muddy, but as Rize mentioned, that gives it more of a live feel to it overall.

Though there are some flaws in this one (playing could be tighter, production, more interesting fills), it's still really nice, and it holds up well to time. There is a lot of character to the mix, and it has a lot going on.

Despite what I think could be better, the mix is very strong and is a classic OCR track.

  • 1 month later...

One day I may redo this (and even expand it). The "over-distorted" guitar sound comes from using a direct line from the effects box I was using rather than miking a speaker (the microphone and speaker especially cut out the really high harmonics and result in a more proper sound). For my later two Castlevania mixes I used a Line 6 Pod Pro. For my next mix (whenever that may be) I intend to use a real amp with a microphone in front of it.

  • 1 year later...

Since level 4 shares a starting resemblance to level 1, it feels fitting to quote it first, like an appetizer/overture before the mix gets down to business. The first three notes of level 1 are evenly spaced out, perhaps to steady their presence among the other notes (and each other). 1:03 catches me off-guard, but only because I'm used to hearing level 1 finish up with its final section - maybe it's challenging itself to make progressively longer runs from the beginning. Level 3's brought forth on a down-the-notes segue before 1:58 relieves us from the guitars with light cymbal taps and a bass. Brief pauses/cliffhangers soothingly welcome every tempo change encountered. And the Game Over quote at the end = shaweet.

Noble interpretation for the first video game I ever played. :-)

  • 6 months later...

This is one of the earliest rock remixes I remember hearing on OCR. And of a game that is sorely underremixed (well, now I know what game I'm pitching for remix tunes on next OCAD). Anyways, Rize, I'd love to see you come back and touch this one up again. Still a classic example of what rock remixes can do to game melodies. And it's aged pretty well, if I may say so. Doesn't sound as top-shelf as it may have used to, but it is still very listenable.

Guilty fact: this remix is what inspired me to learn pinch harmonics in the first-place.

  • 1 year later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00829 - Legendary Wings "Legendary Strings"

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