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Haha, it's amazing that you haven't played ANY street fighter and you're that good. You're seriously a natural. Like I said, I cleaned up Blankas (even in ranked matches) online in HDR. ;)

Thanks man :3 Just wait until my FightPad arrives! 360 gamepads are... so-so.

FillYourHeart. Add me. Xbawks Liev.

Friended. But now I seriously gotta sleep, it's 2:15AM here :D

Some other day!


I love destroying these Ryu and Ken whores left and right. Ken goes for that hurricane kick fire dragon punch, I block it all then throw the fucker. Works EVERY time.

What's even better is that since I know Guile, I know how to fight him. Same process with his flash kick. I always get a cackle out of ruining their strategy.

Also, I wanna play with you all!


Another nifty side effect of all my goofing around is that eventually, my opponents stop using certain moves/combos based on the fact that I counter every time. Great way to ween down their battle strength. For example, focus defend against hadoukens to recover health and close the distance, the aformentioned throws. You'll psych 'em out.

Playing Guile serves two purposes, he owns, and if you're lucky your opponent will throw out a special and you will catch Guile's dumbfounded facial expression firsthand.

Haha, his face is the best.

Also, I've yet to fight another Guile online.

I'm so bad at this game.


Did anyone know you can play any music you want while fighting in the Ps3 version? I Just discovered this. Load up the browser in-game and pick any song you have on your ps3 and it replaces the in-game music. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work for online matches :( But everything else is fair game.

Looks like it's time to load up HD Remix on my Ps3 >.>

Rolls are always good. I love mindtricking with the shortest rolls only to stop right in front of someone and electrocute their asses. Also, since I have no clue about anything pre-SFIV I can't say much ;P Lag might have been a small issue.. Dunno. I didn't feel much but I'm not a blocker :D

One of the key Blanka strategies in HDR was to vary roll distance between hitting, and stopping short --> facebite. Replacing that with an immediate electricity in SF4 makes sense, as Blanka's facebite throw really sucks now in comparison.

Did anyone know you can play any music you want while fighting in the Ps3 version? I Just discovered this. Load up the browser in-game and pick any song you have on your ps3 and it replaces the in-game music. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work for online matches :( But everything else is fair game.

Looks like it's time to load up HD Remix on my Ps3 >.>

You can also do this on the 360 with any game...


I think they really buffed Blanka in SF4, though. Being able to do the hop easily using just one button is great. A PPP electricity is absolutely massive in terms of range. His rolls are now extremely safe - you can't punish a miss easily at all, like you could in HDR.

Meanwhile, it seems like Fei Long really got nerfed. His Rekkas simply are NOT safe if they get blocked, even though they're pretty fast now. His CW also evidently doesn't hit overhead anymore (?!!?!) and has weaker priority than it used to. As if he wasn't weak enough already. Time to switch mains :(


Yeah, Abel seems pretty fun so far. It's interesting though, on the SRK forums, people are saying Fei could be close to top-tier because of his focus attack (massive range). The Tenshin thing doesn't combo into his Ultra and people are on the fence about that also, but it does potentially seem useful, we'll have to see what people do with it. Personally, I think it's too slow and finicky to do. EX chicken wing is apparently awesome... maybe I won't give up yet.

Haha, his face is the best.

Also, I've yet to fight another Guile online.

I'm so bad at this game.

I'm a Guile player. Abel also. All i've seen so far is nothing but shoto's. Maybe one Vega or Blanka's, and i've played over 200 matches. :S

I've been up against mostly akumas, actually. Managed to beat a couple with Dan.

I am dedicating myself to maining him.


Dan is awesome, it's simple to find joke characters in games like ssbb, but rarely do you see one in street fighter. (Birdie should never be mentioned, and T-hawk is a joke in himself) He's quite the fun character to play though, two-inch hadoukens and the ability to taunt in the air ftw!

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