Ginnsu Posted November 17, 2002 Posted November 17, 2002 Suikoden 'Forgotten Daze' This piece starts and ends with some ambient animal sounds, it's like being inside the big bird cages at the zoo, which undoubtedly sets a great atmosphere for the rest of the mix. This pitch bent instrument is excellent and ads a lot of great colour to the piece. The anticipation for the climax is some what long, almost suspenseful, but when it comes you are glad it does. A powerful way to end off a great mix. Excellent work Planet3. (Edit: I reviewed this yesterday, but I was not in the mood to do anything more then what would pretty much count as a place holder so that other people could review. I apologize for the shortness and lameness of my post, as "LeonHeart of the Flame" said "Man...that first post did not do this remix justice by any means.") Quote
Asterin Posted November 17, 2002 Posted November 17, 2002 Man...that first post did not do this remix justice by any means. Where to begin... I suppose by saying that I enjoyed this piece immensely. The sound is quite professional and all of the selected elements blend together excellently, giving a very smooth feel to the remix from start to finish. Though overall the piece feels like trance or techno, SuperGreenX managed to interweave a great deal of melodic and natural beauty in between the kickin' rhythm, particularly by blending the piano in at around 3'00. The birdsong and wilderness sounds also lend a surprisingly relaxing feel to the piece. In addition, SuperGreenX did an excellent job at slowly building up to the last minute, in which all voices join to culminate in a type of "grand finale," which is also very smooth, despite the sheer number of sounds packed together. Overall, I though this remix was awesome, despite not being particularly familiar with the original material. The screeching monkeys at the very end actually DID fit in quite well! I'll temporarily pretend I'm djprezel and say that this piece is: "Highly Recommended." Quote
sgx Posted November 17, 2002 Posted November 17, 2002 Hahah weeeeee! I'm so glad people enjoy this! Makes me happy. I really appreciate the comments I've gotten so far; especially from you, LeonHeart. Those samples in the song were recorded by me with my MiniDisc player and a homemade mic at a zoo in Hawaii during my summer vacation. I was trying to record birds singing peacefully, but then a fight broke out in the monkey cage! Needless to say, I had to run over there and get a recording of that. It was hilarious. I threw some of that at the end of the mix for shits n giggles. Let me just say: I can't believe that people think that those monkeys at the end "actually DID fit in well"! Wow..I threw those in there as a joke! To me at the end of my song, I'm thinking, "Ahh, that was epic...the song is winding down peacefully....aahhhh....soothing...." -SCREEECH! "what the!? "-SCREEAAACH!-", that just totally ruined the mood!" This mix was actually first posted back at and I thought that the more relaxed atmosphere over there would make the monkeys more of a "crowd pleaser" I guess. I actually considered taking them out of the version I submitted to OCR and my page, but I decided I didn't want different versions floating around confusing people. But, whatever! Glad you guys like it! Thanks for listening! Quote
Nordamerikanischegestreif Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 About time Suikoden 1 had a good remix. All I can say is wow. Just you forgot the part where Yuber set the town on fire . Not exactly much of a reviewer here. Just about all I can say ATM is that it left a good taste in my mouth, which is definetly a good thing. Quote
Lum the Mad Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 Indeed defently a pleasent thing to listen to. It all works well so hard to place a thumb on special parts. Still I think the middle was the best, around 3:12 where it had been softening down. And the solo of sorts breaks in is my favorite bit. Showing that more than loops can be done. Which is all to common in techno bits. Not bad, just common. Hopeful for more Suikoden mixes, for while this is a great mix. Not my favorite song from the game =p Quote
Ebonyks Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 Yeah, the monkies do fit in suspiciously well, just blending in with the near tribal feel of the strings. Still, even without the monkies, this is a cool remix. Nice standard fare techno, nothing wrong with that. Quote
neostormx Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 I dont remember the original music much at all, but this remix is great on its own. The atmospheric samples gives a "BT" style feel to it over all. I especially like at 3:40 how you went to Break Trance. Great job overall and good ear candy Quote
sgx Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 WOW! I was compared to BT!!!! HAHA yay! BT is my idol! Quote
DarkeSword Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 This is quite simply amazing. I actually got up and started raving in my dorm room. Excellent work. Quote
Kaleb.G Posted December 7, 2002 Posted December 7, 2002 Hey SuperGreenX, it was cool talking to you last night. I decided I should post this review, even though I already told you how tight this was. Anyway, I love the samples you used, such as the ambient sounds, the string instrument, the piano, the beatdrop / drums, and the nearly half dozen (I think) synth sounds you used. This has very good variety, and you never let the beat become stale. I like how you frequently had moments where instruments are added, removed, or changed in pitch. Excellent work! I would have to say you're almost as good as BT! P.S. This had a good melody, and that's always high on my list. You picked a good song to mix! Quote
Inthesto Posted December 9, 2002 Posted December 9, 2002 I like the remix...give it a thumbs up. But I think I could enjoy it more if I could actually tell what it's a remix OF. Not to be insulting, but I can't tell what the original music was for my life. It has been a while since I've played Suikoden, but can anyone fill me in? Quote
GrayLightning Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 I've had this for a while now, but prior to getting this I was of the thinking that no one should dare mix this amazing song. However, SuperGreenX has taken a fantastic ethnic piece kept some of it in spirit and added some electronic stylings. The execution is top notch, as are the samples. In the end a mix is judged by how enjoyable it is, and this ranks highly. I look forward to your future works, which I trust will be from this series? Fantastic work SGX. Quote
Kaleb.G Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 But I think I could enjoy it more if I could actually tell what it's a remix OF. Not to be insulting, but I can't tell what the original music was for my life. It has been a while since I've played Suikoden, but can anyone fill me in? Due to popular demand, here's the original for all to hear; enjoy! : Quote
Marduk Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 I have 150 remixes I've found appealing enough to save. This hit the ups of my top 10. This is F'ing amazing stuff! I love the gradual build-up and layering throughout the whole thing. The last minute is flat-out phonomenal! There is so much going on, working together, and doing it SO right-on. I am in constant awe of this, and I've been listening to it since it was posted. That longevity is something you sould be happy with. Quote
fadeaway Posted July 25, 2003 Posted July 25, 2003 This is it. This is the one. My absolute favorite remix on this website. Suikoden had some great music, and "Forgotten Days" was my favorite piece from the game. For a long time, the original version occupied a constant spot in my mp3 rotation and I was quite content. However, that was before SuperGreenX came along, took the original and infused it with 200 degrees of a$$kicking awesomeness! I love literally everything about this remix. The samples; the pacing; everything. It starts off slow with some neat ambient sounds (which were a stroke of genius, by the way) and then just slowly builds and builds, adding more and more new layers onto the backbone melody until it finally reaches an energetic climax. Everyone has a favorite song on this site, and this one is mine. I give it a FIRST CLASS RECOMMENDATION. Quote
FS Posted January 27, 2004 Posted January 27, 2004 Let me just say that I usually dislike techno. However, I love Suikoden, so I gave this a shot. WOW is all I can say. Techno isn't my thing, but DAMN this is good stuff. Quote
jessthemullet Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 Sweet mix. It's not one of those songs that drag on and on. It stays upbeat and interesting until the song ends. Leaving you feeling "aw man, it's over?" This is instantly a classic in my mind, and it'll be a favorite of mine for quite a while. This mix is featured in a flash movie made by one of SGX's fans. You can find a link to it on his page: Quote
Adella Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 This is a remix of the Elven Village music isn't it? I haven't played the game in a while.. but I swear that's what it is. God where to begin. I was just browsing after downloading every single Zelda remix this site has from every single game, and then I thought "what could I download next?" So I went and saw there were mixes for suikoden. Sadly there was only one, but I chose to download it anyway without reading the review. HOLY CRAP. And no, I'm not going to compare you to Tiesto, or BT, or Oakenfold, or Paul Van Dyke. you're YOU, and you're an AMAZING remixer. My boyfriend is a composer and I made him listen to this and he was in awe. Seriously.. my god I've been listening to this song on repeat all day long. It's so beautiful, and it's just one of those songs that motivates you and pumps you up no matter what kind of mood you're in! It's beautiful and ethereal and if I had the chance I would give it to a DJ at a club to play. PLEASE remix more. PLEASE produce more! Your talent is extraordinary and this song has made me incredibly happy. I feel like I can't say enough good things to get across how much I love it. --Adella Quote
Adella Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 [edit] This can be deleted... the site screwed up so I accidentally posted twice. Quote
sgx Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 This is a remix of the Elven Village music isn't it? I haven't played the game in a while.. but I swear that's what it is. Its from that town when you go back in time with Ted. Its only heard a couple times in the game. The track on the OST is titled "Forgotten Days". Quote
tgfoo Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Great googally moogally.... I can't believe i never reviewed this when I was posting as tgfoo.....hmmmm....anyways not much more i can say than what's already been said...good stuff Quote
Adella Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 This is a remix of the Elven Village music isn't it? I haven't played the game in a while.. but I swear that's what it is. Its from that town when you go back in time with Ted. Its only heard a couple times in the game. The track on the OST is titled "Forgotten Days". OH!!!! Now I remember! I knew it had to be some kind of ethereal thing. The town where Ted receives Death Eater from his Grandfather and Windy shows up to crash the show? YESSS! I so remember!! Oh geez SuperGreenX.. I wish you'd remix more! ;-;! I went to that website and watched the suikoden video that person made with your song. I kept giggling repeatedly and clapping because it was SO awesome! Quote
WhoAmI? Posted July 10, 2004 Posted July 10, 2004 Loved the game, loving this mix . It's really amazing. Quote
dj muffin man Posted July 10, 2004 Posted July 10, 2004 sorry supergreenx i had a really coolreview for you then my computer deleted on me but anyway it was a really cool remix I liked the birds singing and the way you kept on separating the main beats of the remix with the bird. one of my favourite remixes Quote
NewTypeOne Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 Hot dog! I have to say that I fell in love with the piano. SGX I'll have you know that this is still my fav remix on the site. I salute your work!!! P.S.- Please make more great remixes like this. Quote
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