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Can I sue GameStop for not getting the game today, but tomorrow?

I remember when I preordered the game I was told that they would get it on the 12th, not the 13th.

Im so fucking angry at them!:-x

EDIT: They better get Brawl the 10th, or that'll be the last time that I buy with them.

Can I sue GameStop for not getting the game today, but tomorrow?

I remember when I preordered the game I was told that they would get it on the 12th, not the 13th.

Im so fucking angry at them!:-x

EDIT: They better get Brawl the 10th, or that'll be the last time that I buy with them.

Go to Best Buy, right now, and if it's there then get it and cancel your pre-order.

That's where I just got my copy.

My local TRU, where I pre-ordered it, mentioned this Tuesday, after 5pm (yeah, they're that specific) as their release day/time.

well I went this morning around nine am. The game was not in stock yet, they havent gotten their shipment. so I just pre-ordered it. But I think they are just saying 5 to be sure its in.

So when I got there there were a bunch of older guys (40`s) in plaid with beards talking about how the wii is sold out everywhere cause its amazing... it was quit funny.

While I did enjoy Sunshine, it just doesn't have the effect that Mario 64 and Galaxy has.

Which one do you like better? M64 or Galaxy?

What I've read so far says that this game is better than M64.

I truly hope so.


From what I have played of it, the game play is better than Mario 64. Its whether you think the nostalgia of Mario 64 being the first 3D Mario outweighs this one.

And I haven't picked it up yet, hopefully Walmart, Kmart (unlikely), or the game stores around here have it. How likely is it to be sold out?

Which one do you like better? M64 or Galaxy?

What I've read so far says that this game is better than M64.

I truly hope so.

Definitely Galaxy. M64 still has that nostalgia factor, but Galaxy is definitely a better game.



Maybe I'm derailing the topic, but every time I drive past my local GameStop (it's on a main street so I do it almost daily) the Wii demo kiosk--with Galaxy on it--has been empty. You don't even have to ask the counter for the WiiMote and Nunchuck anymore, as they're tethered to the kiosk.

This makes me a very saaad q-pa :-(

Are you guys finding this where you are?


Just like the reviewer on Game Trailers video said, Galaxy re-defines the platformer.
Hm, I wonder if it will have an influence on future platformers.

Modern-day platformers like Ratchet & Clank and Sly; for some reason I can't really see them being influneced by this game... :|

Hm, I wonder if it will have an influence on future platformers.

Modern-day platformers like Ratchet & Clank and Sly; for some reason I can't really see them being influneced by this game... :|

According to the Ratchet and Clank guys, Galaxy is based upon their game and Miyamoto has been copying them for a while. Seriously, look it up.

Here's a rather biased interview, for example. And a Joystiq article to boot.

According to the Ratchet and Clank guys, Galaxy is based upon their game and Miyamoto has been copying them for a while. Seriously, look it up.

Here's a rather biased interview, for example. And a Joystiq article to boot.

Then Ratchet and Clank stole from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island because one of the bosses in that game you had to fight on the moon. Its all a spherical cycle.


Dammit Gamestop!

gamestop guy: thx 4 calling gamesto teh m0re j00 tr@de teh m0re j00 save

spleen: Hello, my good man! Do you perchance have Super Mario Galaxy in stock today?

gamestop guy: sry d00d not till 2morrow gg

Dammit Gamestop!

gamestop guy: thx 4 calling gamesto teh m0re j00 tr@de teh m0re j00 save

spleen: Hello, my good man! Do you perchance have Super Mario Galaxy in stock today?

gamestop guy: sry d00d not till 2morrow gg

I remember a few years ago when I pre-ordered Metroid Prime my local gamestop would actually have a rush delivery so when Nintendo said it was released by them they would get it the same day at around 5 pm. Good times, good times.


After playing this game for a few hours, it really makes you think about the looks of other games that are on the Wii. Mario Galaxy looks so amazing, yet other titles look like complete crap. First, MP3 was the best looking Wii title, and now Mario Galaxy. I wonder how much more they can push this little console's limits.

That's what ticks me off about third-party devs. They have the talent, why can't they use it??

The consumer won't allow them to. The consumer is too busy buying mediocre games with Spiderman and Madden on them. Even Nintendo keeps making different games but reusing the same characters. It's been like this for a long time.

They have to play it safe, knowing that at least someone will buy the game. Huge budgets and time slots mean nothing if they can't turn a profit.

That's what I think. Maybe someone else here will give you some kind of different explanation.


I bought GH3 for the 360, so I dunno what it looks like on the Wii. I assume it looks as bad, if not worse than the PS2 version? The Wii's version also only plays monotone sound. Monotone?!?! That's ridiculous. The Wii may suffer in the graphics department compared to the other 2 consoles, but why make the sound suffer too especially when the game is a music based game?

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