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Don't you think that people should use more real songs in their flash submissions rather than the usual 20 second loop that was probably made in less than 10 minutes? I mean the time I put into my work is about 1 song a week, unless I feel really inspired, and sure I get good scores, but only two people used my audio, and 1 game sucked (Magiv Blitz Battle Pong) and the other was good, but got bad scores because it was not interactive, and therefore shouldn't have been a game (metroid map). I want to be well known, not just known as the guy who does music for so-so games. Don't you agree with me?

Look at my stuff. If you are going to make a flash, and need music, please give my music a try. If not, oh well.

Spread the good word, friends.




So is the "Metroid Rap" an OCRemoved? I did a search for "Urban Epidemic" and "djbritt" and I can't find mention of either of them anywhere on OCR. That song is catchy as dubs.


is it really a big deal?

he's being douchebag, but is he really doing any harm?

is all the time and effort really worth getting some kid on newgrounds that nobody cares about to stop pretending OCR music is his own?

is it really a big deal?

he's being douchebag, but is he really doing any harm?

is all the time and effort really worth getting some kid on newgrounds that nobody cares about to stop pretending OCR music is his own?

Yes. Plagiarism is morally wrong, and it's probably the worst form of copyright infringement possible.


obviously it's morally wrong... he's being a douchebag, but I don't see why there's a need to correct it.

I say let him live his sad life, does it really make any difference?

unless we're just out to be internet superheroes and set the kid straight, I guess that's cool.

Yes. Plagiarism is morally wrong.

Damn right.

Some guy on a LEGO site I frequent decided to take one of the fancy new MOCs that a well known builder put up on his personal site. This thief didn't even bother making it using his own pieces and claim the design as his own. No, he just copied the pictures from the original site and didn't even bother altering removing the tiny little watermark in the corner.

Other members caught him, and after a few days of making his life hell, he closed his account and left. I had a few emails with him, and after calling him a fucking douchebag of a thief, he whined about how sorry he was and how it wasn't his fault.

If he had just confessed to stealing, it would have been fine. But when he said it wasn't his fault? Ohhh... that pissed off a few of us.

The little fucker deserved the grief he got over it. Be it music or a design for little plastic blocks, taking someone else's creative efforts and then slapping your name on it... that's something I won't take lightly.


being fairly nice to the kid, just trying to set him straight is great. a very virtuous deed.

but getting outraged over some kid that nobody cares about just seems like an overreaction... it's not like he's ebaum or something.


Well I suppose it's all well and good until someone steals -your- work. Not here...I've cherished each and every one of these remixes for almost eight years. I've never put any music here, but even I was pissed off when I heard about this.

Plagiarism is plagiarism.

No matter who the criminal is, the crime is the same.

Being more severe to one party and not the other is wrong. All who do the same crime should be "punished" the same way, at least in regards to stealing.

Damn rights!

Outrage should be the immediate reaction regardless of age, race, status, et cetera.


From the Metroid Rap page:

Do you know how many times I had to explain this shit? Yeah. I did this with DJBritt. Didn't DJSammyG inform you? Screw it, man. YOU ask him. I told him, and seriously, guys, those other songs were all Matt's fault. Ask him, please and leave me the fuck alone. I don't even know what the fuck OCremix is. That is probably Matt's thing. Now leave me the fuck alone, and tell all your OCRemix fucks to leave me alone. I have had it.

Eat shit and die. Have a nice day!



Hah. This L33tn00bpwner guy is like those punks that speed up cheesy dance music, add crappy accapellas on top, and give the result a new song name. And they usually put "DJ" in front of their artist name.

oh see, I didn't really share everyone's enthusiasm ...

until I looked at his photo


I understand know

Indeed. The picture speaks for itself.

EDIT: I also agree with amarriedmegaphone, That I've fallowed this site and its music since 2001. So it kinda hurts when something like this happens.

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