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As the thread title states, I'm looking for others who play M:tG either on-line on MTGO (M:tG Online) or the paper version. I'm looking for players of all skill levels because I'm trying to get back into the game. I started playing right before the release of Darksteel, and got out of it after Coldsnap.

Recently, I've been looking for something to do in my spare time again since I've really nothing better to do. So if there's anyone out there that enjoys playing the game, and wants to talk about deck building, going to tournaments, or the like, please feel free to hit me up in a PM on here, or look for me on IRC in #ocremix.


I was rather hoping someone still played. I mean, out of the thousands of OCR Forum members, there has to be at least ONE person that plays yet. Or wants to play again.

Yeah well, I suppose it was a bit much to ask for.


Dyne, your creation of this thread suggests that you are no longer satisfied with The Orange Box, especially Team Fortress 2. Shame on you.

As for Magic, I used to play a little bit about 10 years ago. I didn't even know the game moved to the internet. Sounds cool, but I just started playing Dungeons & Dragons again.

Is that a joke? Or am I serious?


I actually came in around Tempest myself. I made the effort of trying to play past Apocalypse. It lasted about one set in, and I was already sick of it. Since then, there have just been too many rules added, gimmicks played out, and redesigns for me to handle. I still play old school* MtG with some of my friends from high school, but it's rather rare.

*Old school to me means anything up to the Odyssey cycle, with few exceptions.


Well, I'm glad some still play. Actually, it's not just on the internet, it's still of course, on paper, but it's nice that I don't have to leave the house to play. Still costs money though.

Also, I like DnD. And I wouldn't mind playing that more often either.

Also...I have not grown tired of The Orange Box, I've already beaten HL2: Episode 2 (amazing, cliff-hanger ending, made me sad to see one of character's destinies though). And I love TF2, awesome game, but I want to play with you guys from OCR sometime.


Not to hijack your thread, but I will join you in TF2 sometime. I once joined a server you were in, but you left soon after. I thought it was because I freaked you out or something! :-P Next time, I'll make sure I say hi.

Now, back to Magic. I bet that game works really well online. Probably better than DnD.


If you ever meet or see a guy with "{GCC}Setzer Gambiani" on TF2 as his name that'd be me. I'm usually the Heavy that's mowing down the enemy team or beating the shit outa some one with fists. :)!!

I also play EVE Online but lately I'm just preparing my resources more so than joining gangs on expeditions/mass mining camp/war decking

The extra rules pretty much ruined MTG as well as the prices to even upkeep your decks as new stuff come in...


I started playing around Ice Age/Mirage with a bunch of friends in primary school whose older brothers played. Although our grasp of the rules was basic at best.

But anyway, I kept playing til about Exodus then stopped until 7th/Odyssey came out and I haven't stopped since. Although I didn't start playing in sanctioned tournaments (ie Prereleases and FNM) til around Darksteel. And I'm still mainly a casual player; I have no real interest in spending a small fortune on lands just to have a competitive standard deck.


I still play, Dyne; in fact, I was up in New York for the recent World Championships (though wasn't playing in them :< ). Now is actually a great time to get back into the game, because some of the recent sets have been excellent. Ravnica and Time Spiral are both awesome blocks, possibly the two most well-designed years of Magic ever. But it sounds like if you stopped at Coldsnap, you're familiar with Ravnica. The current block, Lorwyn, is fun, but I don't think it's as good as the two previous blocks.

I play on MTGO whenever that urge to draft hits me, and with my RL friends on occasion. I'm definitely up for some casual games on MTGO sometime next year, when things are less busy for me. I don't get to play as often as I like.


No worries hijackin' the thread Chadley, it's going nowhere as is. I should honestly realized that no one would be playing M:tG on here.

I'll play some TF2 with you guys sometime, that'd be awesome. Join the OCRemix group if you're not in it already.


Originally, it was me looking for people to play M:tG with, and learn from, so maybe eventually we could go to Grand Prix, or Pro Tour Qualifiers and kick tail. Unfortunately...nobody's playing... It's actually very disappointing for me.


I play, though I haven't in a while. I use to play alot with my friends, but they all got out of it. :( I had a nice reanimator deck going, and was even getting better with those new Ravnica cards. I have a nice all-elf deck which works well, however would definitely not survive any sort of competitive play. I'm thinking about playing online, but really don't feel like buying all new cards and stuff when I already have the cardboard copies... it just really does not make sense to me.


Actually I've just gotten back into Magic - I started playing around Kamigawa, stopped for college around Coldsnap, and just got back in. Our local Magic playing group is holding an Unhinged draft when the break is over.

Originally, it was me looking for people to play M:tG with, and learn from, so maybe eventually we could go to Grand Prix, or Pro Tour Qualifiers and kick tail. Unfortunately...nobody's playing... It's actually very disappointing for me.

i was good enough to do that, however; i did not want to spend the money to metagame as was required to be in pro tour and the grand prix. it's rediculous the amount of metagaming required to remain a constant winner in MTG. the metagame literally changes every week because of articles online from weekly tournaments and etc. decklists will get posted and there become copy-cat decks everywhere...and then someone tries to make the answer to those winning decks. it's a vicious cycle that won't end. that's just the constructed side of MTG, there's always the limited end (drafts and sealed).

unless you're playing with very experienced players already, don't expect to do well.


As I said on in the channel earlier, I'd like to learn more about drafting. Even if no one comes forward to play, I still want to get back into it. It just bothers me that I can't find anyone either reasonably experience, or interested enough, to learn with me, and play. None of my friends play, my one friend absolutely refuses. Says the game is too complicated, which it is.

Still...it'd be nice to have some fun.

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