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Chrono Trigger 'Spekkio the Brave'

I'm 3/4's Scottish, so I'd be a rebel to my culture not to like this. Quite honestly, I'm a horrible rebel, so I think I'll just go along and say that this is one of the most amazing pieces of work I have ever heard. The bagpipes are especially spectacular. Now, while I do say that bagpipes are a very interesting sounding instrument, I do not suggest putting this song on the CD or MP3 Playlist that wakes you up in the morning. Being awaken by bagpipes is not the most enjoyable occasion you could ever have. I speak from experience. And back to the mix, the trumpet (edit: oops, tuba) is also amazingly well done. Keeping in mind that this was created electronically, I have to say, Spekkio did quite the job here. Fantabulous work Spekkosaurus. Don't question it, this does deserve a made up word.


I love Celtic music man, and this is GREAT! I love the intro and the whole song. You keep it very dignified and flowing. Something out of Braveheart, you know. The snares at 2:20 were a great touch, very diplomatic. Then you brought in the tuba, quite fascinating. I like that you stray ever so slightly from the original theme and then come back. I always do that :D Good job bro. I hopr to post a CT remix one day. Later~

~DJ Crono~ Jovette Rivera


For all of you who've been clamoring for an end to the Chrono Trigger remixes: Here is a slap in the face. To say that a game has been "finished" or "remixed" or even "over-remixed" is to insult the capacity for remixers to be innovative, creative. Who else heard bagpipes and a brass ensemble when listening to Spekkio's theme? And who could have pulled it off as beautifully as Spekkosaurus did? If you can claim to have thought of it, to have attempted it, and succeeded at it, then by all means go ahead and complain about Chrono Trigger being done for. I cannot make such claims.

Less of the negative! How about that Tuba? And isn't that snare riff just perfect? In terms of execution, this remix is one of the best. Whether you like Celtic or not, you'll have respect to the work that went into this one. (And for a little more commentary: likewise, all you techno-trance-haters, there are plenty of remixes for you to appreciate in terms of pulling off techno spectacularly, much to your dismay.)


I am listening to this remix on my headphones for the third time now while I am typing up this review. I have to say that I really enjoy this remix. The bagpipes, the snares, the tuba, they're all great and flow perfectly with each other. Hats off to Spekkosaurus.

I am a fan of all types of music, whether Celtic or techno, as long as it sounds good to my ears. I can appreciate the amount of talent that an artist puts into his/her work because I tried to make many memixes myself but I can't seem to make things work.. I'm lacking in the creativity department. Saying that, I've come to respect all the remixers and musicians as a whole.


Here's Joe :D He likes remixed game music. He logs onto remix.overclocked.org to listen to some of his favorite Chrono music. He clicks on Spekkio the Brave by Spekkosaurus, expecting some overly repetitive 7 minute trance song. When the bagpipes blast through his headphones 2 things hit him: 1. A remix can be taken about as far as you're mind can stretch it. 2. Spekkios theme sounds dang good through a bagpipe.


Wow...didn't know what to expect downloading this song, but after hearing it several times, I must say that I truly enjoyed this. Those bagpipes are the perfect fit for Spekkio's theme. The snare drum was perfect, also. Overall, this mix was fucking brilliant, and deserves your attention.



Usually you'll find an upbeat techno remix, or a slow, calming, serene mix of a CT song. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but this stands out in the crowd of CC and CT songs in OC Remix's database. I abosultely love this song, and I usually don't listen to Celtic/Scottish music. This is amazing. Perfect for Spekkio.



Wondrous stuff right here. The Celtic-type theme was an excellent and refreshing choice. I find myself humming along with the tune incessantly, and everything is orchestrated very well. The tuba and drums are a fun touch :) In short, I enjoy it!

  • 2 weeks later...

I can't remember who spekkio is :(

But I recognize the theme as CT. Just not the where in CT. :oops: Anyways, good stuff comes in all genres :-P

Oh wait, I'm supposed to say something about the song. Hmmm... Horry shinto beans! :-P Honestly it was a really great remix. Had me dancing around in my chair at work. I got looks from my coworkers. Great stuff!

  • 2 weeks later...

This is a truly maginificent remix in both sound quality and arrangement. I don't think anybody could have thought of putting Spekkio's Theme into a Scottish style - anyone but Spekkiosaurus, of course. If Spekkio was Scottish and started his own little band thing, this is what it would sound like. (Though maybe not as good on the SNES, no?)

Like the rest of the reviews I agree the bagpipe sounds so authentic I can hardly believe that they are not real at times. (Or are they real?) The tuba helps in the lower registers and nicely contrasts with the high piercing bagpipes and the snare rolls are perfectly executed.

Though I have no idea how this became a Christmas remix, I know how it became one of my favourite remixes.

Good work, Spekkiosaurus.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow... this is amazing. I've listened to it a million times, and just realized I haven't put in a reply! :) I love the bagpipes - they work really well! Who'd a thunk - Spekkio is Scottish! :)!! And the tuba was perfect. I like how you changed the tempo aound the time it came in.

Overall: Beutiful, Innovative, and... Celtic! 10/10, with style.


Are the bagpipes real? My Lord it sounds that way! I simply cannot listen to this song without having the speakers up loud. The quality is simply breathtaking. At :46 when it gets loud, its so powerful. This is easily a song I could play for someone who doesn't listen to game music and they would appreciate it. The use of samples (if they aren't the real thing) is flawless. A lot of people could write notes and slap a sample on it, add reverb and submit... but it takes real skill to make it sould like the real thing like this, and then even more skill to make that sound this incredible.

5 out of 5 Nice Work Guys!


Oh, and I'm Irish, so I'm required to call you a Scottish bastard... you Scottish bastard.


I must say.. first when I heard this, it was just some noise for my ears...

the same sacond time. and the third, and so on.

I got mad at my big bro and started Spekkio the Brave... he doesn't like bag pipes that much and our rooms are very close. only a wall is seperating them. I turned the volume up to full power, just for irretating my bro. I laid on my bed and listened carefuly... from that moment I LOVED that remix.

I'll give it 4 out of 5 possible smileys with sunglasses... XP


  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh my god... this is soooooooooooooo great!

I hate bagpipes, personally...

But this song does them justice!

Unbelievable chords and chilling power and sound of the bagpipes in the beginning section!

Absolutely amazing remix!


  • 5 months later...

Brilliant! I'm a bagpipes fan myself, and now not only do I have some great Scottish music to listen to, but I can also bug my friends with it! Two thumbs up for an creative new take on a classic theme, and an excellent job handling an unorthodox instrument.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Honestly, I started to bust out laughing when I heard this the first time.

Don't get me wrong. This is REALLY good, but I always thought of Spekkio as a really goofy character. So, hearing something that sounded like it was out of Braveheart, just struck me as funny. If I ever learn how to play the bagpipes, then this will be one of those things I'll play all the time.

This is definitely a favorite in my book.

  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since a song has sent such a strong chill down my spine. 0:43 I feel is one of the best parts in the song, just because of that feeling. Given, spekkio wasn't exactly the most serious character in the game, but you have done an outstanding job with your music making him seem "heroic"

  • 2 months later...

Huzzah! This easily beats out any other remix I have heard thus far (and I've heard the majority). Dunno why I waited so long to listen to the CT remixes, though I must admit I've never played the Chrono Cross/Trigger games before. However, this gem passes on my list, remix or not, and I enjoy listening to it immensely! I am a lurking fan of bagpipes, and this touches every single orgasmic nerve in my body. Great work. :D

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