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yessir. I have many Nujabes and fat jon CDs now thanks to the Champloo soundtracks.

Same here. Along with his excellent Champloo contributions, I'm a huge fan of Nujabes' Metaphorical Music and Modal Soul--both are incredible albums.


I like Yuji Kajiura the most i think. He (she? probably) makes awesome music including .Hack//sign, Noir and the Xenosaga soundtrack (the game not the anime that i know of, maybe that too.)

I like Yuji Kajiura the most i think. He (she? probably) makes awesome music including .Hack//sign, Noir and the Xenosaga soundtrack (the game not the anime that i know of, maybe that too.)

More recently in Mai-Hime, Mai-Otome (the Otome specials had some tracks that gave me real goosebumps) and El Cazador.

She seems to get better with each anime she does. Yoko Kanno is still great (watching Macross Frontier), though she is more erratic in quality. She still gets way too much props for Cowboy Bebop though. That is ten years ago.

While Kajiura is consistently awesome. For all her OSTs.

She still gets way too much props for Cowboy Bebop though. That is ten years ago.

And it's still awesome today. I also really like Joe Hisaishi's music. Miyazaki's films wouldn't be nearly as good with his music. One fo my favorite pieces by him is the music at the opening of Porco Rosso. I remember when I was downloading the movie (waaay before it was release on DVD in the U.S.) how only the first few minutes of the movie were finised so I decided to watch them... and then immediate went on amazon and bought the soundtrack...

Out of curiosity, what anime music composers do you guys listening to or what anime OST(s) did you like? Strangely, I've been on the lookout for animes with a entertaining OST as of late: whether the anime is good or bad, I could care less (weird, I know). Since Shakugan no Shana II and Over Drive, I've been on a Ko Otani craze as of late; Unless my information is wrong, I'm quite surprised Hitoshi Sakimoto did the Romeo x Juliet OST; I haven't heard from Yoko Kanno since Sousei no Aquarion although I hear she's doing the Macross Frontier OST; I still haven't gotten around to listening to Yuki Kajiura's .hack OSTs enough; and some others I know I'm forgetting to mention but won't because my rant is long enough 8-O

I really love the music from Tsubasa. Kind of a hard album to find (at least for me), but well worth it. Also, a lot of the music from clamp stuff is quite good.


I finished watching GTO and I'm left feeling unfulfilled. It was good while i was watching it but it never quite peaked. I was just waiting for something to happen that never quite did. I hear the manga is better and I've got that but have yet to dig in.


My favorite soundtracks are the ones to "Last Exile" and "Simoun". Simoun was done by Sahashi Toshihiko. "Last Exile" has a great classical feel, but Simoun is a bit harder to classify.

Shiro Sagisu all the way. He did the OSTs to Evangelion and Bleach and they were fantastic (save for the second Bleach OST, which kinda sucked.).

He also did a very good job on the soundtrack to His and Her Circumstances.


Somebody must have asked this already but what are some "must have" anime movies? I own both Ghost in the Shell movies but I pretty much have neglected anime after that(except ones that come out on Adult Swim); When the hell is Direct TV gonna get the all anime channel/channels that Cable have anyway? I've heard theirs a petition some where about them adding these channels but that was awhile ago. Thanks in advance.

You've seen Haibane Renmei right? He did the music to Shadow of the Colossus too.

Interestingly enough they're all good series as well. Usually if the producers actually put thought into having unique music for their series, chances are the whole anime will be good.

I still haven't gotten around to watching Haibane Renmei. Perhaps I will now. I had no idea he did that series (how I missed that in the first place?). And yeah, I did know Ko Otani did the Shadow of the Colossus OST too. For some reason though, it took me a while to figure out he did the Shakugan no Shana music too.

And what's your take on Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto then? While I'm still somewhat on the fence from calling the anime good (was still fun to watch), the music thoroughly impressed me, and I've been in love with Hideyuki Fukasawa's music ever since. Then I eventually crept downwards to his earlier works like from his PS2 Chaos Legion and PS2 Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams music, and like Ko Otani, I've lately been on a Hideyuki craze too.

Somebody must have asked this already but what are some "must have" anime movies?

Byousoku 5 Centimeter and Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo were titles I liked (don't know about my take on Paprika yet). Not sure about must have though, but those two movies alone definitely brought me out of my bias on short series (~13 episodes or OVAs) and movies in general.

I still prefer a standard TV series, given the filler isn't too much.

Somebody must have asked this already but what are some "must have" anime movies? I own both Ghost in the Shell movies but I pretty much have neglected anime after that(except ones that come out on Adult Swim); When the hell is Direct TV gonna get the all anime channel/channels that Cable have anyway? I've heard theirs a petition some where about them adding these channels but that was awhile ago. Thanks in advance.

Here are some slightly less obvious ones just to get you started:

The Castle of Cagliostro

Perfect Blue

Interstella 5555

You know, not too many people have ever heard of that one, but for a movie with no spoken dialog, it is really awesome.

Yeah, most people who don't listen to Daft Punk aren't aware of the movie's existence, which is a shame. Truly some great stuff.


Shep is a hero for all generations!

I still haven't gotten around to watching Haibane Renmei. Perhaps I will now.

HARD FACT: Haibane Renmei almost had me shedding a tear at the end. And I mean, almost. As in only a few seconds and sheer willpower prevented me from just bawling my eyes out.

I am not normally an emotional person, and I was not suffering from any recent losses in friends or family. The damn ending was just that god damn bittersweet. I still can't watch the first episode without feeling some fucking tugs at my heart.

HARD FACT: Haibane Renmei almost had me shedding a tear at the end. And I mean, almost. As in only a few seconds and sheer willpower prevented me from just bawling my eyes out.

There's always this one scene between Reki and Rakka that brings a tear to my eye. Not at the end of the show but close to it.

Seriously, how can one deny how awesome this movie is.

Shep has a freaking Guitar Spaceship for dog's sake!

I would put a picture of it up but every single site that has photos of it anyway is blocked here at my place of work. >__<

Haha yeah, it doesn't get much better than a guitar-shaped spaceship. For those not familiar with Interstella 5555, at least watch this clip from it:


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