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This year is the year of amazing oldschool sequels really. Trigun, Slayers, Golgo 13, Birdy the Mighty, Gegege/Hakaba Kitaro, Macross.

I wouldn't be surprised if that decade-long-rumored Cowboy Bebop prequel will be made. All the above titles were way more surprising than most. And it is happening consecutively this year. If a good portion of them lives up to the hype, it'll probably be one of the best year in anime ever.

This year is the year of amazing oldschool sequels really. Trigun, Slayers, Golgo 13, Birdy the Mighty, Gegege/Hakaba Kitaro, Macross.

I wouldn't be surprised if that decade-long-rumored Cowboy Bebop prequel will be made. All the above titles were way more surprising than most. And it is happening consecutively this year. If a good portion of them lives up to the hype, it'll probably be one of the best year in anime ever.

Whoa, whoa whoa...what?

Seriously? Is it going to be made by the same people that made the original?


Does anyone besides me agree that No More Heroes would make an absolutely *PERFECT* anime series? I mean you got at least 11 assassins, that's 1-3 eps per kill, and possibly a 3-4 ep finale? That's 26 eps right there. Then you have your rampant otaku references and video game parodies.

Instant fan-base? Check.

Merchandising? Check.

Improve game sales? Check.

They could even change his shirts every episode for no reason! It's BEGGING for it!

Does anyone besides me agree that No More Heroes would make an absolutely *PERFECT* anime series? I mean you got at least 11 assassins' date=' that's 1-3 eps per kill, and possibly a 3-4 ep finale? That's 26 eps right there. Then you have your rampant otaku references and video game parodies.


It probably would go the way of the Viewtiful Joe anime.

Whoa, whoa whoa...what?

Seriously? Is it going to be made by the same people that made the original?

It will be made by Madhouse which is the same studio, but I doubt the actual staff will be exactly the same. It's a movie following the Trigun Maximum manga that still continues today instead of the anime-original story.

I hear the main theme will be Wolfwood versus Vash.


Ugh... maybe it was having to watch two episodes every week at the local anime club, or maybe it was the insane amount of characters and the pointless little introduction screens that popped up whenever they showed a new face, or maybe it was the orderline hard-on that the blond guy had for the chinese guy... or the fact that we constantly sang "Spaaaaaaaace, NaaaaazIEEEEES! whenever it started...

I didn't think it was that great. Too long, too slow, too political,

I'm about... six hours from being able to watch Perfect Blue. Satoshi Kon's work is actually pretty damn good overall. I liked Millennium Actress the most, though.

Some of them are good, all of them are great visual pieces, but most of them simply do not make any or much sense. Paprika looked really nice, but the moral of the story is that if you're an extremely fat and boorish male programmer, you can get a supermodel girlfriend?


Xenosaga is actually pretty good as a game but only if you're willing to sludge through the almost undeniably great Xenosaga 3. I don't really think highly of anime/game conversions. That includes Dot Hack (biggest cross media commercial bust I can think of) and Devil May Cry which just felt very weird and very un-Dante. Strawberry Sundae Dante?

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