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That said, the Stand Alone Complex series remains reasonably philosophical and intellectually intense. Perhaps not as much as its movie counterpart, but SAC's dialogue is some of the more cerebral, intelligent discourse I've seen in anime. Complex sociological theories, literature, philosophy, and political maneuvering are brought up and discussed on a fairly regular basis.

Even if you don't consider SAC as good as its movie or manga adaptions, you really owe it to yourself to give it a shot if you haven't seen it yet, Radical. Definitely one of the best animes I've had the pleasure of watching.


I tried so hard to be a GiTS fan like all the cool anime viewers, then I realized that anime that have very little actual dialog but are filled with atmospherics do just the same job than a static-screen with moving-mouths being insanely overtly philosophical like in GiTS shows.

Some cases in the shows/movies gets ridiculous when they literally over-think the simple mechanics of kidnapping. I mean, seriously? World economics and cyber terrorism to kidnapping? Okay....

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Ok guys, if you haven't seen Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, I will track you down, tie you to a chair and force you to watch it. I am in so much shock after watching the latest episode and lamenting that I can't fast forward to next week. It is without a doubt, superior in every way to the first series. When I started watching the series, I didn't know what to expect in terms of what would change. I honestly thought it would be along the same lines as Dragon Ball Kai. I couldn't be more wrong.

Go check it out. You won't be disappointed.


I finally got around to watching a half dozen or so episodes of Gurren Lagann on Youtube today. I saw one random episode on TV a while ago, decided it sucked, and didn't look back until mecha fans across the internet wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

My thoughts: about what I expect from Gainax, fairly entertaining as long as your threshhold for fanservice is high. However, I find myself wanting to stab Simon just so he'll stop taking screen time from Kamina, and I'm aware of certain spoilers that make this sadly impossible. And yet, people keep telling me that the series gets BETTER after episode eight-or-so. Wat.

I distinctly remember wanting to stab Simon really really super extra hard just from the one random episode (which was around the middle of the series, IIRC) that I saw. Someone please explain this discrepancy to me.

Excellent show. Check out the manga, the story is different and goes further in developing the characters.

Ahn I don't think I will, I'm not good at reading, I bought 20th Century Boys and never got to the end.

I would enjoy mangas, but it's stronger than me...


Planetes had a brilliant setting, memorable characters, high quality animation, and gets massive bonus points for respecting Newtonian physics. Which it why it was so soul-crushingly disappointing that the plot was absolutely garbage. Not only was the pacing terrible in general, but the ultimate conflict and resolution both were supremely unsatisfying.

It made me sad.

Xam'd was my first anime, so I'm rather biased towards it. Not fantastic, really, but certainly a fun one, with fairly good character development., and some very pretty animation. And the OP pretty much rocks.

yeah the OP was probably the best part of the anime. Boom Boom Satellites are awesome.

The one and only great anime:


You're welcome :wink:

Karas? Really? Well, it was OK.

speaking of anime with masked protagonists who have superpowers and have little white haired loli backup partners, I finished Darker than Black this week and was sorely disappointed, both in the ending and in Yoko Kanno's work on the forgettable soundtrack. I'm trying to think of what I should watch next. Maybe that anime about lolis in the military :3

I didn't think the plot was garb.... oh wait I see what you did there.

Holy shit, I stealth-punned myself. Damn. But yeah, I hear the manga is a lot better than the anime for most of the issues I had with Plantes, but I'm not a big manga fan in general so... yeah.

Yoko Kanno ... forgettable soundtrack

I wouldn't even believe this was possible if I hadn't watched Turn A Gundam.

Turn A Gundam actually has some really solid material, and some of her best work EVER, as shown:


Well sure, pick one of the best songs on the soundtrack. :< There were certainly some bright spots here and there, but overall I found Turn A's OST to be pretty generic. I never really noticed the music while I was watching it, which, while not necessarily a bad thing, isn't quite what one expects of Yoko Kanno.


I'm wrapping up Digimon Adventure 02 (don't judge me!) and gonna get started on Rockman.EXE. Not the shitty MEGAMAN NT WARRIOR that was released over here with massive edits and cuts; this is the Japanese version with English subs. Should be cool!

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