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You know, with a name like Laughing Octopus, you wouldn't quite think you'd be able to think that the villain in question can be taken very seriously, if at all.

This track completely changes that. It fries the idea, soaks it in the fiery flames of hell, then subjects it to a real, live octopus, who just so happens to look like its laughing. Then it gets eaten by two very hungry dragons.

Bravo, guys. I am now quaking in fear of the awesome. 8O


Well, "Laughing Octopus" is definitely one ridiculous source tune to make ANYTHING out of since most of it is pulsating bass and sound effects.

But the Dual Dragons made it work with a more riff-driven dose of rock and giving it a similar melodic punch over those riffs. I can't deny their presentation style (especially those guitar/synth tones) and way of arrangement for such a limited source; for the most part it managed to hit a huge sweet spot by this execution.

There's something that DOES needs being stressed over though - string realisation. While the transitions to them were good, they somehow felt really mechanical with the constant velocities/attacks to them, so maybe some ways of changing them up could've helped add some life to them; after all, they're mostly staccato notes being used here, so not a right lot should've been attended to for something like that.

Hence we got one of the more unusual tracks to come forth from BadAss; it wasn't meant to work, but somehow it DID, and under the hands of two skillful brothers. I'm going to keep looking out for you :D


This is pretty solid, I love the sonic diversity and the treatment of a pretty strange source is well done. The guitars were sufficiently chugging, and the orchestra had some nice tension building parts, and the transitions between the sections was pretty solid.

I do feel the ending was a bit weak, but the rest of the track was really nice.


Damn, this is downright menacing and EVIL sounding! Seriously, this screams, bad guy is kicking ass and has the hero on the run Guitars running aggressively and the drum beats sounded good to me. I enjoyed the little "sonar" sounding break at around 2:08 before it came right back into those hard-hitting guitars. The Dual Dragons always seem to deliver the strongest metal ReMixes and they do it again here. Not in love with the ending, but it's a minor point compared to the rest of the ReMix. Sweet stuff.


Now this is what I call dark. I'm not so familiar with source, but this is what I think of when I think of a badass. It's not always pretty, but it's going to bash your head into the wall. Not a fan of the ending though. Definitely a good addition to the OCR annals!

  • 3 weeks later...

Not familiar with the source at all, but this is a wicked track. Very menacing. I like the synths and orchestration combined with the metals. 2:24 is pretty rad. Not real big on the ending though

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02342 - Metal Gear Solid 4 "Routine of War"

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