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So basically last month CPS-3, one of the most finicky and hardest arcade systems (well when talking about older arcade systems, but this might still be true) to break encryptions for was decrypted last month. Days later, CPS-3 integrated into MAME. Tommorow: The appearance of Jesus?

WE HAVE WITNESSED HISTORY IN THE MAKING FOLKS! This is a little bit old news (a month give me a break) but I know plenty of us out there were waiting for this to happen regardless.


(Oh and no piracy kthx.)


Enlighten me of this system?

It was Capcom's famous last attempt at building an arcade system in the late 90's before they pretty much gave up. It includes very few games, but almost all of them are amazing (Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure being a couple outstanding, notable games.)

The reason it's famous is because it has a security system which was one of the biggest bitches in the world to break. Nearly tamper-proof, up until it finally got broken in to.




(Oh and no piracy kthx.)

I know that they've always made the distinction of saying that the emulator is legal while the games played on it are not.

But seriously, what could we legally use a MAME emulator for besides oh-so-entertaining homebrews?

I know that they've always made the distinction of saying that the emulator is legal while the games played on it are not.

But seriously, what could we legally use a MAME emulator for besides oh-so-entertaining homebrews?

I hear ya. In most cases it's not even reasonable to say, especially for cartridge-based systems, although in the case of say PS1 emulation it's very much possible to use an emulator to play physical PS1 games because they're CD's. For the record, CPS-3 is a CD-based system but you might as well sell your appendages, limbs, and organs just to buy the stuff you need to play it.

(Disclaimer's there to basically just to support the forum rules.)



Yeah, that's what I immediately thought when I heard about this. I already own two versions of SF3:TS for consoles, but I'd love to be able to play Red Earth at home.


I remember back when CPS2 emulation was a big deal, and when it was finally broken(With separate releases for each new ROM that was unlocked) And when ZSNES got C4 support, when the SuperFX chip and DSP-1 chip were emulated.

Hell, I even remember when a sign of a good SNES emulator was that it ran Super Mario World at full speed with no sound.

And when NESticle was king of NES emulators because it ran games comparably well, and Genecyst was Genesis king with it.

I feel old now :(.

As a side note: Did they ever emulate the SRAM in Rockman Megaworld? I had to rely on a hacked savestate to get to Wily's tower(Although I own the original cart nowadays)

Biggest deal about CPS3?

Warzard/Red Earth finally available outside an arcade. It's the only CPS3 game that never got a home release.

Hell yes, I've always wanted to play Warzard and JoJo in its original arcade rendition!

But in reality, the only thing that I've seen 3s do to the emu scene so far is bring back masses of people to the online scene (flooding servers) and while I'm sure they're good players and everything, I'm sure most of those people already own the game as a console port and are playing on Xbox live or something.

And for that matter, why would anyone want to play a technical and fast paced game like 3s on a laggy server like kalleira? (the packaged netplay that comes with most MAME/ Kawaks Emulators)

I mean, it'll be fun for a little while, but I doubt this will be the ground breaking step for emulation that you think it is. I just want my laggy servers back so I can get beat in SFA3 and SS2T again.

The real thing that excites me is GGPO, the new server (currently in beta form and only supporting one game atm) that allows near lagless and full speed gameplay over a high speed internet connection. I haven't gotten to try it out myself yet, but that could be big stuff, especially if they sold it to commercial developers to implement into commercially sold fighting games (3d or 2d.)

Hell yes, I've always wanted to play Warzard and JoJo in its original arcade rendition!

But in reality, the only thing that I've seen 3s do to the emu scene so far is bring back masses of people to the online scene (flooding servers) and while I'm sure they're good players and everything, I'm sure most of those people already own the game as a console port and are playing on Xbox live or something.

And for that matter, why would anyone want to play a technical and fast paced game like 3s on a laggy server like kalleira? (the packaged netplay that comes with most MAME/ Kawaks Emulators)

I mean, it'll be fun for a little while, but I doubt this will be the ground breaking step for emulation that you think it is. I just want my laggy servers back so I can get beat in SFA3 and SS2T again.

The real thing that excites me is GGPO, the new server (currently in beta form and only supporting one game atm) that allows near lagless and full speed gameplay over a high speed internet connection. I haven't gotten to try it out myself yet, but that could be big stuff, especially if they sold it to commercial developers to implement into commercially sold fighting games (3d or 2d.)

Well interestingly enough, talk on SRK brings lots of excitement due to the fact that there are enough people around with dead CPS-3 machines that can now legally and commercially run the hardware via emulation to bring back the arcade games. Sure people are a bit idealistic about the idea of bringing arcades back in North America, but they're not wrong in that 3S or JoJo's are fairly attractive to hardcore fighting game fans, and looks appealing to those who aren't (yay testosterone.) I'd love to see more 3S machines that I could get my ass whooped at in arcades... my town isn't very large so it's probably never going to happen unless I do it myself, but I'm toying with the idea of starting up a game cafe with my brother in law as it is.


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