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So, a recent e-email conversation reminded me that there are still a lot of people out there that just don't know that the community is bigger than just OCReMix. Sure some people know about KWED or VGMix, but even less know about R:TS or OLReMix, or even cover bands like ARM CANNON or Powerglove. This is a damn shame. We all owe a lot to djp and OverClocked ReMix for being the foundation of the community, but the community has grown much bigger than just OCR.



A few years ago (a bit over 2 now) I decided it was time for another remixing site. Why? Well VGMix was down until further notice, and the bar at OCR has risen to a higher level. Now here is something that everyone needs to understand, because I don't think a lot of people do: OverClocked ReMix has fairly high standards as far as arrangements and quality goes. That's great. As a result OCR posts nothing but extremely high-quality songs. However, this means that OCR also rejects a lot of songs.

It's easy to assume that any song that doesn't get on OCReMix probably didn't get on for a good reason, and from a submission standards viewpoint that is true, but from a general enjoyability standpoint that's not always the case. Sure, OCReMix gets a lot of submissions that are flat out crap, but there are a lot of songs that have small problems that the general listener base probably would overlook, or are too close to the original song and are thus more of a “cover” than a true “arrangement” (or fall somewhere in between). There's a long list of reasons why a song cannot get on OCReMix, and just because they don't get on in no way means they're bad.

A good example of this is something close to what I heard on an episode of American Dad:

"It's like [your music] is Arrested Development and [OverClocked ReMix] is America. It's not that [your music] is BAD, it's just that [OverClocked ReMix] isn't interested."

This is to say, OCR has very specific guidelines that one must meet to be considered a "ReMix." It requires a certain level of arrangement, production, and all that jazz. That's cool, and that's OCR's thing. That's what's given OCR is reputation over the years for it's high quality mixes, and that's what makes sure OCR has a steady flow of good stuff. R:TS simply exists to broaden those guidelines in order to showcase more music.

People pay to see live bands who have gotten denied to release their music for free on OCReMix (at least 1 of which is doing a national tour and has been invited to open a show for DragonForce). Professional composers doing covers of their own songs have been rejected from OCReMix. I don't think a lot of people realize this stuff, but it's a reality.

Here are a few songs on R:TS that got rejected from OCReMix (or flat out wouldn't get on) for one reason or another:

TechnoX - Chrono Cross 'She Was Dreaming in the Rain'



Cyan - Duck Tales 'Moon Beats'



And some of my favorite examples:

Shnabubula - Final Fantasy VI 'Espergirl 2A03'



sephfire - Final Fantasy VII 'Speed Limit'



This is just a few of the songs on R:TS that didn't make it onto OCReMix, and if you're familiar with a lot of OCR's artists you'll see we get a lot of the same ones submitting here. All these songs are really cool and really fun to listen to...they just don't make it on OCR because their mastering isn't good enough, or their instrumentation is off, or (and most often) they're too close to the original tune.

I have gotten permission to keep this thread updated with update from R:TS, so I'm going to continue to do so.


OverLooked ReMiX

Back in 2005, sum n00b named Richter posted a thread here on OCR about a parody site for bad/parody music. This was in respect to the competition run by MC and SuperGreenX called BEER (Bloody Ears Extreme Remix) in 2003, in which the object was to make "crappy music" and was rated on "n00bish qualities and amusement factors." A year later, Trenthian created a contest called EAR (Egotistical Execreable Extreme Remix), which was basically a "let's try and revive BEER." It had a rough start, but then picked up and sustained for a year, and then went up in flames in true BEER fashion as the results were never posted for EAR92.

Now, this isn't to say that EVERYTHING on OverLooked is horrible and unlistenable to. There are plenty of songs that are enjoyable and just silly, which is exactly what our goal is.

We have a "Cream of the Crap" page, listing the highest rated songs we have on the site. (yes, you can rate our songs by the way!)

Here's a list of interesting songs you probably didn't know we had:

Wizards in my Armor (Warrior in my Longjohns)

This is the first version of the OCR version.

Toyota Disco

What? Liontamer made a remix that isn't Pigskin Power?

Da Black Market

That's right; this remix is so epic it broke the time-space continuum.

yoshi's island moose

analoq proves that sometimes, all you need is your mouth to make a catchy, amazing remix.

So come on over, and enjoy the blood running from your ears. Also check out OLRmageddon, our only competition and the general store that is keeping our forum board from being a ghost town.


Anime Remix

Anime Remix was started back in 2002 by DJ Carbunk1e, now known as Xaleph, and is currently the only site specifically meant for hosting arrangements and remixes of songs from animation around the world. We currently host over 90 [what 90?!?!] remixes and arrangements, and one album.

Our most popular event year after year has been the Anime Remix Halloween Remix Competition, hosted by yours truly (soc) where people enter awesome scary tunes.

some of our work includes....

anime chipdisk vol 1

Misa No Uta (blackaurora mix) our newest mix [surasshu is awesome]

and some... less serious songs (But still good!)

Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Cats

Matt's currently working heavily on the site, while at the same time working as a secret agent for the government and caring for two super-cute half-asian babies, so some things are not solid yet.


Until I can get blurbs:

Remix.Kwed.Org - http://remix.kwed.org/

VGMix - http://www.vgmix.com/

Dwelling of Duels @ VGMix - http://dod.vgmix.com/

AmigaRemix - http://www.amigaremix.com/

Powerglove - http://www.vgmetal.com/

OneUp Studios - http://www.oneupstudios.com/

etc, etc, etc...

I'm gonna edit this thread with more info later on...since I have school like now.

Remember to support your greater arrangement community!


Guess I should promote OLR in this thread.


As it says on the links page here at OCR, we are the "comedic offshoot and bastard stepcousin" of OverClocked. If any of you remember the EAR and BEER competitions, this site is like a treasure trove of those type of mixes! We even have a Judges' panel like OCR!

We also have an UnMod, so nyah. Well, our entire forum is pretty much unmoderated cuz we don't give a shit...

So if you have a goof mix (or something you don't want anywhere else but OLR *wink wink*), come on over! We don't bite...hell, I'd be surprised if there was a reaction at all.

And remember, not all of our music is bad!

Then this thread has already had some success pointing you in the direction of more delicious mixes. Hooray for community love <3

Yeah KWED is pretty awesome so far


I got locked out of my OLR account too, trying to update the email address.

As far as the thread goes, I think in trying to point out how some popular people don't meet the OCR bar because of weak production or too conservative of an arrangement, Doug inadvertently made it look like we're out-of-touch douches. :lol: We're very in-touch. We love to touch all of you.

I think in trying to point out how some popular people don't meet the OCR bar because of weak production or too conservative of an arrangement, Doug inadvertently made it look like we're out-of-touch douches. :lol: We're very in-touch. We love to touch all of you.

Yea...I should be allowed to write stuff. I sent the thread to like 5 people to proof read, but most of them said it was fine, or didn't respond at all. It's so hard to get good help these days...

I'm up for a rewrite if I could muster up the help.

I also want to add a bit on OLR and VGMIx in there too. I just...don't know what to write about them right now. If someone from OLR wants to write up something similiar, I can edit the main post.

Don't forget the most overlooked site of all

We finally got a new remix up actually! and it's an awesome Death Note remix by my #mod_shrine acquaintance Surasshu.

I know there's a lot of anime fans on OCR, and I know we can do better than 3 regular forum members :( so please check Anime Remix out. Despite being presently barren, what we already have there is totally awesome.

Give me a real blurb, so I can add it to the main post :o


the whole concept of ReMix:ThaSauce is great. it just needs to keep steady pace for updating and what-not, and needs to get more out there for getting the name heard. (and having reviewers too lazy to review songs which pushes the already short queue back is never a good thing!1~) But it is a nice non-stressed laid back environment for getting your music heard. It just needs to shatter the image of "IT'S THE SITE WHERE WE POST SONGS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR OC REMIX" because that's totally not the case. I'd say it's more along the lines of "it's the site where listeners can enjoy both arrangements and remixes"

but yeah... JUST NEED TO GET THE BALL ROLLING AND THE WORD HEARD. I say bring on all varieties of remix sites, the more there are the more the listener benefits from because then they have choices and options to fall back on if something isn't quite their cup of tea. So support all the remixing communities out there! It's the listeners that keep them going after all. So everyone do yourself a favor and look outside of the box, go grab some tracks from OverClocked ReMix, ReMix:ThaSauce, Overlooked ReMix, animeremix, and of course one of my personal favs as well, remix.kwed.org (and the ones i've missed)

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