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FAC - Fan Art Competition 30: Steam Punk *RESULTS ARE IN*

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FAC 30

Theme: Steampunk

Welcome to the November 2009 (and now including December 2009) edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC)!

As winner of last month's competition, Chiral gets to choose the theme!

"How's this for the next theme: Steampunk. :o "


EDIT: Deadline has been extended to DECEMBER 28TH.

Also, for the first time, we will be having a random draw for gift art! Everyone who submits an entry will be eligible (we will have volunteers to make said art, and it will be whatever the randomly picked winner requests I guess :D)


and the winner is ..................... COTTUS&GYES! Ridiculously close though... gah.

Number One -- DJ Mighty -- 11

Number Two -- Cottus&Gyes -- 12

Congratulations! Both entries were awesome, imo, and thanks so much for submitting :D



Number One--Chrono Trigger, Chrono and Magus

Number Two--Final Fantasy XIII, Gilgamesh

Please PM me your votes by TUESDAY JANUARY 5th, 2010.


If your unfamiliar with the FAC, here is some interesting reading material.


What is the Fan Art Competition?

The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme.

What is the theme?

The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition (most of the time) and must be video game related.

Who can submit art?


What are my restrictions?

You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions.

Who decides the winner?

The OCR community. Anyone who wants to vote, can vote.

How does voting work?

You vote for your three favorite entries, from first to third. These entries are given points based on the order in which you voted for them in. For example,

1st. Rambo

2nd. bonzai

3rd. Nyuura

In this case, Rambo would get 3 points, bonzai would get 2, and Nyuura would get 1 (although Nyuura gets three most of the time).

When and how do we see the results?

After the voting period is over, I'll announce the winner and show the tallied scores for all entries.

If I enter the contest can I vote?

Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you really want to.

Rules and Regulations!

1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme.

2) No nudity.

3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme.

4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry.


EDIT: Deadline has been extended to DECEMBER 28TH.

Please PM me your votes by TUESDAY JANUARY 5th, 2010.


List of Previous Competitions


FAC 28: Sega vs. Nintendo

FAC 27: Panzer Dragoon Series

FAC 26: Marvel vs. Capcom

FAC 25: Blizzard Games

FAC 24: LucasArts Adventure Games

FAC 23: Heroes as Villains

FAC 22: Creatures

FAC 21: Femme Fatales

FAC 20: A Final Fantasy Christmas

FAC 19: Ultimate Power

FAC 18: Sidekicks

FAC 17: Mecha

FAC 16: Zombies

FAC 15: Weapons

FAC 14: Boss Month

FAC 14: Chrono Series

FAC 13: Konami

FAC 12: Super Mario Bros.

FAC 11: Phoenix Wright

FAC 10: Castlevania

FAC 9: Metroid

FAC 8: Pokemon

FAC 7: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus

FAC 6: Final Fantasy VI

FAC 5: Warioware

FAC 4: Mega Man

FAC 3: Zelda

FAC 2: Skies of Arcadia

FAC 1: Mana

images from FAC 3 to FAC 10

Photobucket Albums from FAC 20 to present


Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -





soooo, double posting right off the bat, but there were 2 things that I wanted input on:

1) The deadline for this month's competition, I just made it the Sunday before Thanksgiving (American thanksgiving, sorry Canadians). I don't know if people have school situations with tests or something before the break, or just situations with the holiday in general. So if this deadline doesn't work, or you'd like it later in the month, please let me know.

2) Um, we could easily to a random draw for gift art with last month's participants. If anyone would be up for that.


let's get a list of games that might fit with this theme :)

No need! Not when there's Steampunk Mario, Steampunk Megaman, Steampunk Willie, Steampunk Final Fantasy 6

oh wait-

I see what you did thar.

Also, I don't mind doing a gift art for FAC 29 retroactively, we can use a random number generator or something. Might not get done right away (I'm doing NaNoWriMo. Kill me. ;;)

And yeah, steampunk versions of normal stuff or steampunk games, s'all good~

No need! Not when there's Steampunk Mario, Steampunk Megaman, Steampunk Willie, Steampunk Final Fantasy 6

oh wait-


This is the first thing I saw on google when I typed in steampunk mario...

This month has awesome potential

No need! Not when there's Steampunk Mario, Steampunk Megaman, Steampunk Willie, Steampunk Final Fantasy 6

oh wait-

I'm glad I wasn't the only person to think Final Fantasy 6 when I read steampunk, although now I don't think I can get the image of a steam-powered Megaman out of my head.


This is one of those fields I haven't even ATTEMPTED drawing in my lifetime, but I really am interested in trying. Seen various "steampunk" pictures, just can't really make a connection in my head as to what makes something "steampunk". I think that'll be the hardest challenge. Nice theme though :-)


That Steampunk Mario is pure awesome. When I think Steampunk, there are images of Sherlock Holmes vs M in my head. A good inspiration would be Captain Sky and the World of Tomorrow, for example.

I love the whole thing, the elements of the era and such. But I've never been good at drawing machinery. I'll see...

Robo from CT is so Steampunk-able (not picking that though)


awesome! time to think of something way cool to draw.

As for the Steampunk "Mario" pic. i don't see any connection to mario except for the fact the hero has a mustache and there are banana peels. other than that, the rest seems pretty random to the Nintendo universe.


is lost odyssey considered steampunkish?

Eitherway i am really going to try an get something in this month. Portfolio work and job searching has been taking up a lot of my time. The world series hasnt been helping either.


I can't decide if I like the smoking gloves or Bowser's delicate grip on the joystick the best, friendlyHunter :D

Also, this is a reminder that the deadline for the competition is this Sunday! I'm kinda swamped with school at the moment, but I hope to be on top of posting entries. If not, they'll go up just a little later in the day on Monday. Hopefully not everyone is in my position with school and the holiday coming up, and we get a good round of entries for this awesome topic.

I definitely wouldn't mind a week extension. (I haven't started yet either)

Other people feel this way? I know I asked earlier this month if the deadline was alright with people's schedules, and didn't really hear any yay's or nay's. But I'd be more than happy to extend the deadline from this Sunday, November 22nd, to the following Sunday, November 29.

If this is something other people want, please let me know! (Also know if I extend the deadline and receive abysmally few entries, you will feel my wrath >:3)

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