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FAC - RESULTS ARE IN!!! Fan Art Competition 23: Heroes as Villains

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FAC 23

Theme: Heroes as Villains

Welcome to the April 2009 edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC)!

This month's theme is HEROES AS VILLAINS!

"Hero = Villain

This could be in many different ways...for example, Mario:

the hero may be seen as a villain by other characters. I'm sure the families of all the goombas Mario's headstomped over the years think he's evil....

the hero dresses up like a villain or turns into them...Mario putting on a Bowser costume or transforming into him...

the hero acts like a villain. Mario goes evil and starts beating old ladies to death with a plunger. Or, joins the villain's side and helps them fight the good guys."

-Chiral, winner of FAC 22!

PM your entries to me by SATURDAY APRIL 25TH.



and the winner is ............ Arian!!!

Number 1 - Wolt, Professor Layton --- 10

Number 2 - DJ Mighty, Attack on the Mystics --- 5

Number 3 - Arian, Donkey Kong --- 32

Number 4 - bonzai!, Spyro --- 4

Number 5 - Rambo, Lego Star Wars --- 6

Number 6 - friendlyHunter, Link --- 5

Number 7 - piendry, Captain Planet --- 16

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, awesome month :)



Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7



If your unfamiliar with the FAC, here is some interesting reading material.


What is the Fan Art Competition?

The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme.

What is the theme?

The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition (most of the time) and must be video game related.

Who can submit art?


What are my restrictions?

You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions.

Who decides the winner?

The OCR community. Anyone who wants to vote, can vote.

How does voting work?

You vote for your three favorite entries, from first to third. These entries are given points based on the order in which you voted for them in. For example,

1st. Rambo

2nd. bonzai

3rd. Nyuura

In this case, Rambo would get 3 points, bonzai would get 2, and Nyuura would get 1 (although Nyuura gets three most of the time).

When and how do we see the results?

After the voting period is over, I'll announce the winner and show the tallied scores for all entries.

If I enter the contest can I vote?

Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you really want to.

Rules and Regulations!

1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme.

2) No nudity.

3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme.

4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry.


PM me all entries by SATURDAY APRIL 25TH.


Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -




Can it be the opposite too? Villains as Heroes?

I don't know! Chiral, what do you think about that?

If I can think of a good idea, I may possibly consider potentially creating a REAL submission this time maybe.


I don't know! Chiral, what do you think about that?

Awww, but I wanna see the goody-goods being bad! Nah, I'm cool with that. If you've got an idea for villains being heroes, that's fine too. But if there's anti-heroes/evil protagonists like relyanCe said, I think they need to become the goody-two-shoes guys and not just worse anti-heroes.


Same here. This is going to be very interesting... this theme has a crazy amount of potential.

I just hope I'll be able to get more of the videogame references than I usually do ><

(5 seconds later)


Oooh man, is it ok if I submit a joke entry as well as a serious entry??

Huh....you know, this one I actually may have some trouble thinking up something good for.

You're not alone on this.

EDIT: I'll need suggestions if anybody's got some. :(


Ok, so now I know what I'm doing for both my entries. They'll both be comical, but only one of them will be well-drawn. Should I submit them both as entries, or post the joke entry earlier?

Luckily my exams end before the deadline, so I'll actually have time this month. I'll have to start last month's Creatures drawing eventually too. Zerglings!!!! =D


I have no idea what I would do for this one.

I'll ruminate on it for a while, maybe won't do it, since the semester is ending soon my art classes have suddenly become more frenetic...which I didn't think was even possible.


Did I pick a bad theme? :/ I didn't mean to make it impossible for people to even pick an idea.

I got the idea from a fanfic I read about Samus from the point of view of her target's bodyguards, and how much they are in fear of her, if that helps at all. If I were doing it I'd do something about Space Pirates getting a scary bedtime story about Samus. Or possibly Aya Brea blowing people up with her mind. Or maybe Link getting arrested for animal cruelty....wait, that's too close to the actual character. >_>


I have the most awesome idea. It is gonna be a picture of the Heavy and Scout, and friendly fire will be on.


Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending Patent Pending!!!

Did I pick a bad theme? :/ I didn't mean to make it impossible for people to even pick an idea.

I got the idea from a fanfic I read about Samus from the point of view of her target's bodyguards, and how much they are in fear of her, if that helps at all. If I were doing it I'd do something about Space Pirates getting a scary bedtime story about Samus. Or possibly Aya Brea blowing people up with her mind. Or maybe Link getting arrested for animal cruelty....wait, that's too close to the actual character. >_>

i think its a great idea. i actually already started and sketched out everything already. Still need to draw the back.

Ok, so now I know what I'm doing for both my entries. They'll both be comical, but only one of them will be well-drawn. Should I submit them both as entries, or post the joke entry earlier?

Luckily my exams end before the deadline, so I'll actually have time this month. I'll have to start last month's Creatures drawing eventually too. Zerglings!!!! =D

I think you should just submit one entry, but I don't see anything wrong with posting the joke entry to the thread. I have also felt tempted to do joke entries in the past! Some people have succumbed to this temptation fully (coughcoughRambocough).

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