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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Eval has completed, album PASSED (woot! was there ever any doubt??), feedback was provided to Pieter... It's going to be a bit before we can publish, because we've got FF9 and then a couple others (gonna be a busy 3rd & 4th quarter!), so I'm hoping some of the feedback can actually be used in the meantime to improve a couple of the tracks. It's optional - as mentioned, the album passed - but the third & final ass can be even badder if some tweaks are made here and there prior to the big day...
    3 points
  2. Well, since this got necro'd, I'll just throw in a comment as well to say I've had this on my mp3 player ever since you released it. I rotate a lot of other stuff in and out, but Suburbia's got a permanent spot.
    2 points
  3. It's on my tumblr. I didn't post it here at OCR because I didn't want people to misconstrue what I said as anything more than a personal rant.
    1 point
  4. Hey dudes, things are going swell, even have some WIPS coming in. Maybe hold off on sharing with the general public, but at some point I'll establish some private forums for us to share stuff with other peeps on the project. That'll mean we can offer feedback without spoiling elements of the album for listeners. But yeah guys, it's brilliant to have so many of you interested in this! <3
    1 point
  5. Going with what most of the guys said here: the arrangement is really great with a lot of harmonic variations and adaptions. It feels almost like a theme and variations, which is a nice touch. I'm pretty borderline on the sound quality here, and I think Larry is right in the end that it needs a bit more polish to smooth out some of the sections that are still feeling too stiff. Please get this one back to us! No
    1 point
  6. Such a beautiful and emotionally expressive piece.
    1 point
  7. Quick question: who gets all the authorizations from the consent form for OCR Projects? And is it possible to get access to it, or to know who signed (and who didn't)? It'd be quite useful. Thank you.
    1 point
  8. I loved hearing about the remixer's journey towards this song. I totally understand what it is to be afraid to remix one of the most cherished themes in your library (mine is from Final Fantasy Adventure!), so I hope you understand when I say that you have truly accomplished your goal. The transition section starting at 2:10 really shines as an example of the beauty and range of the piece. Special props to the emotive and powerful ending. Congratulations, Level 99 - you've done FFT proud.
    1 point
  9. Well, the track's enjoyable, but this is a VERY liberal take that relies more on rhythmic similarities than actually following the source melody. It'd be perfect for something like Turtles in Time: ReShelled if the aim was to have a "soundalike" where permission wasn't given to use the original music. It's like hearing a commercial using a knockoff James Bond theme where the timing's the same but the notes are different to avoid legal problems. Example - "Agent 070" James Bond soundalike: http://www.audiosparx.com/sa/summary/play.cfm/crumb.1/crumc.0/sound_iid.659939 Flat out, THAT was the vibe I got hearing the "straightforward usage" of the Genesis source. For example, the main verses of both tracks, leaving out the first 5 notes of the source that were left out of the arrangement: Source: C#-B-A-Ab-A-B-E (:01-:03), C#-B-A-A-Ab-F#-Ab-Ab-E (:06-:09) Arrange: E-D-C#-A-B-C#-B (19-:22), E-D-C#-B-A-Ab-B (:24-:27) Hell, I dunno music theory, but I DO know when I don't hear a similar enough melodic treatment and the intervals aren't the same even when the timing is. It's like this the whole time, I'm getting a pure "soundalike" vibe, and I can barely give any credit to this track. About the only times I felt I could give the arrangement credit on were portions like :39-:48, 1:12-1:21, 2:49-2:58, where the bassline from the original is more explicity referenced as a background part. Even at 1:41 at the seeming shift to the "Warming Up" SNES theme, the way the notes are changed sounds like it has jack to do with the source material beyond a minor resmblance. 2:00-2:15 vaguely sounds like "Warming Up" and not in any overt sense. This vote so far is giving this track a HUGE benefit of the doubt over sounding well-executed rather than sounding like an identifiable arrangement of these two themes, and it's a drastic mistake. Vinnie, Kris, Justin: Someone here please demonstrate how the notes of the melody or any other part of the Genesis source OR the SNES source are being used with clear A-to-B connections. I need to be shown where the substance is first, and as far as I'm concerned, it's a very uphill battle to call this anything but a copyright-circumventing "soundalike." In the serious business world of judging, I'm fighting this all the way. This is an awesome piece of standalone music, that's essentially a wholly original track, and I think we've fallen VERY far off the mark on analyzing arrangement if this somehow passes. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but this kind of inadvertant, benefit-of-the-doubt, sounds-kind-of-like-it vote has definitely happened before and I've had to flip a table. And I'm definitely flipping a table right now. Absolutely not. NO
    1 point
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