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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2015 in all areas

  1. Andy's voice has gotten a lot deeper since he's been working out! But he seems angry about it...
    2 points
  2. Just chiming in quickly to say that the hard work & effort is truly appreciated - staff spent a long time, many hours, coming up with this list of tags, refining it, debating it, etc., and it's great to see it finally being employed. Example conversation: we must have gone back & forth over the term "ethnic" to label exotic or non-western instrumentation alone for 5 minutes. You DO see it employed sometimes elsewhere, but we all felt it was antiquated & offensive in its ethnocentrism. Yes, we actually care enough to discuss these things in such detail, so it's good to see the community care about helping out!
    2 points
  3. You've got way too much time on your hands.
    1 point
  4. I can do another batch, since I have a long weekend to look forward to. .... where are we anyway with the numbers?
    1 point
  5. Okay, I am so so SO sorry to everyone about the silence on this album for the past few weeks. My internet went out, and I was forced to get a new provider. Luckily, that's all sorted out now, so I can resume the album. And, as you might expect, I have not received a reply as to the state of the album (believe me, I double checked my email when I got internet), so recruiting is now open!...Again! I am still working on album art and figuring out a site, but that can wait for now. Also, for those who still have red or black claimed tracks, I am unfortunately going to start dropping your claims, with the exceptions of those who have PM'ed me (you know who you are). However, this won't be instantly. The deadline for a track to get out of the black or red state, unless arrangements are made beforehand with me, is September 30th. Unlike some of my other deadlines, this one will be strictly enforced. If I do not receive a PM from you, then your claim will be dropped. It's time to get ITC moving again!
    1 point
  6. Arrow

    Rare Zircon release!

    Was honestly disappointed this wasn't a topic about https://soundcloud.com/zeb-ro/hashtag
    1 point
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