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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2015 in all areas

  1. I think one problem, and this might be addressed in V6, I don't know, is that right now if you go to a mixpost, you download the song or listen on YouTube on the mixpost page. Then if you want to leave a review, you have to click on the review link. Then you have to be logged into the forum. What if you're not registered? Well then now you have to register for the forum and create an account. But after that, you have to wait until your forum account is manually activated. At this point, you don't really care about leaving a review anymore. Commenting on remixes on the mixpost page just needs to be easier. There are too many clicks, even if you already have an active forum account. You should be able to just hit play and write a review all on the same page. This is why people comment on YouTube videos. They don't have to jump through hoops to leave their 2 cents. These things might be taken care of with IPS4 and V6; IPS has a commenting system that could be used on mixpost pages (maybe, I don't know, I don't really know IPS's system that well yet). I know we talked about Disqus in the past too, but I also know that it's preferable to keep everything under one software umbrella (in this case, IPS). Regardless, I think the gating that's happening when trying to leave a review needs to be addressed.
    2 points
  2. Ratatouille, but with less cleanliness. We could also throw in a candle for the table made from... what can only be described as... "composite materials"
    2 points
  3. Hey guys! I posted about this aaaaages ago, but now finally my anime-inspired soundtrack album is almost ready for release! Influenced by composers like Yoko Kanno, Joe Hisaishi, and Yasunori Mitsuda, the 44-minute album features live orchestra, three live choirs (including a Nigerian vocal ensemble and a Slavic women's chorus), vocal performances by Jillian Aversa (Pixietricks), Raj Ramayya (from Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain), Brandon Bush (Harmony) and others, and instrumental performances by Sixto, Drumultima, JeffBall, AeroZ, Audiofidelity, Chuck Simpson (Finbeard), and many more! EDIT: Our kickstarter is now live!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rogetmusic/beyond-libra-an-anime-inspired-soundtrack
    1 point
  4. Hello OCR Community, I am very very excited to bring to you my upcoming first album, Silius : 0373. This is a remix album of Sunsoft's hidden gem, Journey to Silius, which has a special place in my memory, and which had some of the best music in any Sunsoft game, and that's saying a lot! This album is mostly a solo effort, but it also features collaborations with Jivemaster and Showroom_Dummy. I am planning on releasing the album in a couple of months, so I thought I should share with you the amazing trailer (with great custom artwork) by The Coop. Bringing this to you is a very special event for me, as it feels like OCR has brought me to this point. WIthout OCR, this wouldn't be possible. I am hoping to releasing this at OCRecords (fingers crossed!) Let me know what you think, share if you like, and like if you like! facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sirnutsmusic soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sir_nuts twitter: https://twitter.com/PMichaelMolina
    1 point
  5. The Ocean Loader 1 & 2 themes have always intrigued me for some reason and so one day I decided to analyze them and I figured out that they are based on a chromatic chord progression. So that's when I decided to start coming up with my own ideas based on that. So I spent this weekend messing around with garage band on my iPad and I came up with this among a few other tracks. https://soundcloud.com/chlysm/flight-of-fantasy The lead practically wrote itself.. I really wish I had found out about this a long time ago.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
    1 point
  7. Gonna have to disagree, as a live sound engineer with over 10 years of experience in many different venues. That high clipping distortion is unlikely to have come from the PA system--I'd expect a more midrangey, saturated distortion if the venue's speakers were the culprit. Plus, if you listen to the rest of the video, that clipping is consistent with the way the rest of the sound gets recorded and distorted.
    1 point
  8. Yes First Prize: Two OCR discs Second Prize: One OCR disc Third prize: ReMix Request The remaining top ten (because you've got to have a reward be far-reaching enough that people won't consider it a lost cause to even try) Paid vacation including room and board to their local city's luxurious sewer system, complete with fold-out table, dollar general table cloth, and enough seating for 2 humans and several rats. That's a joke, but just imagine that in your head.. it's like a Disney movie.
    1 point
  9. Have I really not left a review for this mix yet? Top notch, one of the best mixes on the site.
    1 point
  10. I listened to this song anew while walking to work this morning and really paid attention to the lyrics. These lyrics really feel like a metaphor for anything you endeavor to do in your life, and a reminder that failures are not the ends of life, and that you can start over again. Lose all your continues in one game? Start another game. Come back to this one from the beginning at a later date; maybe it will go better. Same goes for other aspects of life. Lose your job? There are other jobs. Maybe you'll have a chance to do this one again; maybe you'll find a better one. Life did not end with it. Think about this and listen to this song again sometime.
    1 point
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