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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2016 in all areas

  1. I worked a bit on my Soul Blazer arrangement already.
    2 points
  2. It's today. 30 years ago, on February 21st, 1986, The Legend of Zelda came out in Japan, and it's been a good ride ever since. The first of a years worth of video game birthdays, but certainly not the least. Just don't let Ganon have all the cake!
    1 point
  3. Oh ye I have no idea of what's here. I used to have access to the subform but it went away. They must have realized I wasn't on the album, I was going to make something if I had time though which was a funny idea but I never had the time between all the stuff that was going on. a small ocra is possible, shoot for around 10 mixes. Being able to pick any town theme would be really helpful and give people a lot to choose from. The quality bar would be higher because half of the songs would have to pass the panel, preferably more than half would be nice
    1 point
  4. Awesome. Looking forward to this!
    1 point
  5. Haha plus keep in mind that the people in the first few places had to recruit an army of like 15 people just to get past you But here's the problem.... No reviews came out. So the DoD value is lost.
    1 point
  6. Over a year after there was a post here.. I believe a small bit of explanation is needed, though there should be an episode of OverClocked PodCast coming up that sheds more light on what happened. I got sick last year, that's the very very short version of it. Anyway, Cheryl Norfair and I have made another song for Chapter 1 of this album, the good thing potentially being that nobody from Dwelling of Duels damn remembered this thread where the song was listed as being one that I would do, so nobody reported it to the authorities and got us taken out. It's the Xenoblade Chronicles remix of Beyond the Sky. I don't have it on YouTube yet because I'm still trying to reinstall software, I basically do not have the ability to put it up... so in the meantime, here's a regular untagged mp3 -- UPDATED from the DoD version. I might update it further. Feel free to share some feedback though, can't guarantee I'll take it all into consideration, but I'm already planning to possibly add more reverb to the vocals. I'm also going to refrain from saying who I am collaborating with in the future until it's set in stone. That should help avoid some awkwardness of saying who is helping and then they're not involved at all. In other news, still have a fully arranged and recorded remix of David Bowie's New Angels of Promise from Omikron, missing the vocals though. There's only 2 more songs left to touch in chapter 1, a couple more to finish apart from that but which already have progress. I want to pick this up a lot better this year, so wish me luck.
    1 point
  7. Nice work, always good to see more Metroid music making an appearance
    1 point
  8. Honestly I was thinking of shooting for OCRI anyways since it was never going to be a large album. I mean, I did direct the first OCRI album after all, I know how it works haha. But OCRA would be nice too lol And I did say someone with experience, which you more than qualify for Brandon so if you want to help out with the coordinating I'd be rather grateful
    1 point
  9. I think another thing is people put too much weight on the term "director". I even see that happening now outside of OCR with other albums. I mean I get it, you're coordinating this thing, you like it, organizing art, gaining remixers and songs.. how much direction is really going on? Here's when I would call it directing.. when you're personally working with a remixer to redo a song 7 times because the pacing isn't quite right, or the atmosphere is a little off. When you specifically tell an artist what to make, and in what style, and throw it back at them a few times for specific revisions. Replacing people when something doesn't come out exactly how you want it. And I think The Shining is kind of a shitty movie personally, but you can't deny that is directing. I really wish people would move more towards the term "coordinator" because the way I see it, that's really what this is. You're coordinating a bunch of artists (both musical and visual) to create art in their own way, maybe with a small bit of instruction, but mostly letting them do what they do best and accepting that to be what is the eventual product. I'd like to use the recent Satoru Iwata album as an example. The artist just showed up in the thread and people were like "Yeah let him do it!" Then he did basically what he wanted for the cover. People as a community had some suggestions, but ultimately it was his thing what he did. The music had a lot less community involvement. At least for me, I made a song, and I sent in a WAV. That was the extent of our business relationship. I don't know, I don't guess this is really relevant to what is happening in the thread right now, but I find it interesting. It'd honestly be cool if Mirby reconsidered, and shot for an OCRA release with this, because it's possible to do that. Though if time is a concern, it is what it is. What I could say though is that in the off chance this actually did land on my desk, I'd have to evaluate what's already been done and who is involved, and possibly make changes to shoot for that OCRA release.
    1 point
  10. Hopefully I can answer with everyone being at MAG, they can correct me if they need to when they get back. It wouldn't infringe on your "copyrights" but would infringe on the publisher of the original composition, so for everything to be above-board you would need to license the composition from the original publisher. OCR releases the remixes for free in a non-exclusive way, for use in media that is not monetized. To monetize a remix as part of a product (either by OCR or by another entity) without appropriately licensing the material, would infringe on the publisher's rights and they would be entitled to take action against the product. So in short OCR doesn't do it, and you probably shouldn't either, without licensing. Ask that dev if they'll cover the licensing fee in addition to giving you your payment (not take it from your cut). But if they're trying to get remixes of existing music over twitter that they can just use in their game, they're probably not being too ethical about it. Tho it's not for me to judge.
    1 point
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