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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Oh, that quadrilogy idea sounds cool. Dibs on "Bracky News" from Phantasy Star 2!
    2 points
  2. @JenZ and I were discussing a full quadrilogy album, doing the whole original JRPG series (no Online games), and picking the best tracks i.e. not attempting to cover everything. Would love to see this happen, but I'm tapped out at the moment... Tentative titles were "Algol Rhythms" and "Memories of Motavia"
    2 points
  3. I'm very close to finishing my bonus mix, as well. I hope to have it up tomorrow evening. The semester just started up this week and I no matter how much I would like to, I can't neglect my homework.
    2 points
  4. Fwiw, my track is coming along pretty well. Definitely won't have any time issues this round.
    2 points
  5. MindWanderer

    Phantasy Star 4

    I wouldn't say you "need" to play the first 3. They haven't aged well, and 3 was considered the low point in the series. I've been playing 4, since so many people loved it, and honestly I don't think it lives up to modern standards the way old Final Fantasy games do. Long, monotonous dungeons (some of which are part of a set), unmemorable characters, and the godawful decision to make all of the "technique" names completely arbitrary with no descriptions. 2 was worse--I've started it maybe 4 times and always ended up quitting at one of the "series" dungeons (the dams or the Dezo dungeons). Music is pretty good, though.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Well, it's a timaeus' remix, so nothing can go wrong here This song gives me chills every time I listen to it, definitely one of his coolest works to date. Really love the top-notch agressive/bouncy winter wonderland vibe of this track. Very enjoyable stuff!
    1 point
  8. DusK

    Phantasy Star 4

    I'd be all over this too.
    1 point
  9. EWQL SO Platinum is recorded in orchestra position in a concert hall, so you should be able to get decent results by simply running it through Spaces without changing the panning. It's dry libraries such as VSL that require more finesse with reverb. Very interesting to revisit my old reverb chain via timaeus's post. My current approach is to match dry sounds to the EWQL Hollywood series with Spat. But for the Hollywood series itself, which is recorded in position with multiple mics like EWQL SO, I basically just run it through Spaces unless I need some sort of special sound.
    1 point
  10. Bleck

    Nintendo Switch

    you're not talking about different things, you're just wrong
    1 point
  11. You should use both mic positions and reverb. Mic positions for presence/"dry mix", and reverb for perceived depth. Generally, you want mostly close mics for the flexibility of using reverb, but having some percentage of stage mics enabled helps creates natural width. As for reverb, this video may help you to remember (?) what each reverb parameter does. I would use reverb instances on collections of instruments, namely a separate instance for each woodwind ensemble, strings ensemble, brass ensemble, etc (i.e. in a Send). You've seen this image; maybe go back to it and see what you now can get from it (remember that the times are decay times). Here are some posts I remember that may help.
    1 point
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