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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2017 in all areas

  1. Once again, I decided to try to experiment with style and arrangement to make a unique take on a classic VGM theme! If I were to give it a title, it would probably be something like "Hunting for Ridley". Whadya think?
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone. I was wondering if it wasn't too late to hop on this and claim a track? I made a pretty cool take on the title music from SF https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1665268/music/lylat system - theme audition.mp3 This is me messing around with it and brainstorming ideas, no mixing or anything. Thinking of keeping it short since the source is very sparse anyways.
    2 points
  3. That depends - did you mix your lyrics with @DS394's WIP or do you just have the lyrics audio? I'd prefer to get the lyrics as part of the WIP. If you have the whole WIP, then you can either send to me or post to the review PM. Sure! Just so everyone knows, I'll be asking who was involved and who wants to be credited as what as part of the 'finished WAV' part of the process, as all this will need to be clear for titling the tracks, artists' credits, and who needs to 'sign' consent forms for the final release. ... I'm just waiting for someone to try for 'Remixy McRemixface.'
    1 point
  4. Okay, so I finally have something relatively presentable for the Sauria track! My apologies for it taking so long. I'd assume I'd send it to you @The Nikanoru? Also could you change my name on the drive page to Blackimar? Changed my artist name recently to that, so.
    1 point
  5. Also a testament to how much I need a better keyboard stand XD But thanks!
    1 point
  6. Impressive as always, @DS394. I really like watching that keyboard bounce around in the video. I FEEL the force every time you knock that thing around - a lasting image of the passion and emotion in your playing style. Awesome! Oh, and love the blooper reel. Also a nice touch.
    1 point
  7. EVAL ... was that Mars from Holst's 'The Planets' at 3:28 and 4:00? Nice touch. *ahem* Honestly, the performance is great, and the sources are cleverly arranged. If I had to critique it, there are one or two moments of hesitation that, while probably intentional, sound more like that - hesitation. It's super nitpicky, and something that others will probably not care about, so don't worry too much about it. Really not much else to add, though; if you submit this, it'd very likely pass, so send it off with my blessings.
    1 point
  8. YOU'RE ALIVE! We should do a duet sometime, but how...and of what...
    1 point
  9. You can consider this track claimed. Welcome aboard, Katamari!
    1 point
  10. I tend to think of DLC in terms of value as compared to the content in the original game. For instance, Mario Kart 8 has 16 tracks, and the DLC has 16 more. The DLC characters and car parts are just aesthetic, but the tracks are the main thing, so 100% more content for 20% of MSRP ($12/$60) is a very good value--kind of my gold standard for DLC value. Smash 4, on the other hand, has 51 characters to start with, and each DLC character costs between $4 and $6, effectively ~2% of the base game's content for ~10% of its cost. Really only a good value if you like and play the game a whole heck of a lot, way more than you would play other games. BotW's Season Pass costs $20 (1/3 of MSRP) and gets you an enemy rush mini-dungeon, a harder difficulty mode, a "new feature for the in-game map" (whatever that means), a new dungeon with a new short story, and a couple of random items, one of which is purely cosmetic. Considering the base game has 100 shrines and 4 full dungeons, plus whatever the final area is, this is much more in line with the Smash 4 DLC--good if you're a superfan, not a great value otherwise. I'll probably pass.
    1 point
  11. Reminder: Next (and potentially last) check-in is in two months from today. There are nine current claims. Out of those, I have three WIPs and two are new claims. Although I'd like to get new WIPs from everyone, that means four people have been on the list for a long time and haven't turned in any music yet. If I don't get any new signups and none of those four people don't turn in a WIP, this whole project will be suspended indefinitely, probably permanently.
    1 point
  12. Okay. I think it's time to go through Evaluation, because I want it done, and I am really proud of where I am in term of mix and composition. Here we go!
    1 point
  13. Awesome! Thanks, @TSori - I'll put you down as a performer! I'm REALLY HOPING someone can pull all these awesome performers we have together for a jazz remix... HINT HINT....
    1 point
  14. Yeah good to hear from everyone again. Been super busy with holiday stuff and now getting back to work and other projects has been eating up most of my time but I'm back to a somewhat normal schedule and will begin submitting WIPs more consistently. Thanks for the patience!
    1 point
  15. Oh sweet lord, YES. This is kind of trance I haven't heard a lot of in years, and it really takes me back to when I first heard of the genre. And as a vocaloid fan, I'm down with robovocals one hundred percent, especially since, as others have pointed out, they sound incredible and clear. This ReMix has been handled so damn masterfully in the ways of trance, it almost brings a tear to my eye, I love it. I hope we hear more from you, Kuro.
    1 point
  16. More physics engine wackiness. I hadn't heard of the Stasis Rune before, but it's brilliant. Apparently it locks an object down so that physics temporarily do not apply to it, which is common enough in video games, but when the effect wears off, all energy applied to the object takes effect at once. It's fantastic. I could tell from the level design up to that point that it was coming. BotW may be the first Zelda game where giving you true flight wouldn't actually break anything, so maybe.
    1 point
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