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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2017 in all areas

  1. This is still overcompressed. What it sounds like is that you simply lowered the master volume and left the overcompression there. What you should do is lower the volume of each individual instrument --- there isn't a shortcut to this. The piano is suffering from the overcompression, so its transients aren't heard.
    2 points
  2. there's nothing wrong with that. if anything that's what it ought to have been all along. but Nintendo did give in to the pressures of the rabid fanbase for a timeline and there is a canonized one so it's a hard sell to simply write off the new game as a standalone unless it is specifically said to be. they've canonized the timeline and so there is one i'm 100% with you though; i thought they nailed it with Wind Waker when they suggested that, every so often, a hero would have to rise and save the world by playing his role as one third of the eternal triforce with the other two major players, Ganon and Zelda, in a timeless battle between good and evil. they should have just kept it that way, fanboys be damned. oh well.
    2 points
  3. Well i'll look into it... Your description is better than nothing
    1 point
  4. I know how you guys feel. Do you guys honestly think I post all my remixes and pieces on my Soundcloud? I've got 3 rejections (all of which were reasonable and polite) and have been hesitant to submit another one (out of insecurities mainly). As you guys can tell my eccentric style and repetitious nature don't do me any favors. I'm probably going to enter next round ... By the way, my soundcloud is "Dark Ronald Poe" and it's full of remixes and original pieces (most of which are tributes to Kingdom Hearts but some are inspired by Scott Pilgrim).
    1 point
  5. So because you've never had a problem with it that means it's good software?
    1 point
  6. Damn, nearly eight minutes long. You're merciless - making us mod eval people work hard for you. Ah well, you make up for it by giving us some cool music to listen to - it all balances out in the end. EVAL Get started with the good, here - the arrangement is absolutely great. I love the handling of the themes, especially the integration of the various themes throughout (especially utilizing 'Spirit of the Night' as a compositional glue to keep the different sections related - nice touch). When everything is clicking, everything really DOES click. Slick lead work, awesome drums work, and overall a very driven arrangement that seems to tell a story. With a 6+ minute track there's bound to be a few things to point out, though. The aforementioned drums are mixed pretty far behind the mix, which is a shame since they're actually quite well done (particularly, the snare and toms are mixed way to far behind the mix). Letting some more highs through on the snare would be a good idea, as well, as it sounds pretty dull, at the moment. The synth choir that you use in various places (like at 1:12) sounds pretty weak, partly due to the attack on that sample. You don't want it swelling that much, or else on the quicker runs it loses prescence. A similar note can be said on the horns, but for a different reason; tweak the attack a bit so there isn't as much swelling on every single note, as it makes the performance sound mechanical when every articulation is the same. At 4:45 the guitar gets far too wet, there, causing all sorts of clashing in the layering. I dig the delay there - it's a nice effect - but having pretty heavy reverb on top of that is overkill. Tone that reverb down to a minimal amount, it's wet enough with the delay as it is. At the end there is a great deal of silence; be sure to cut that off before submitting. You'd have a decent shot if you submit the track as it is (I would consider giving it a borderline YES, as it stands), but I do highly recommend giving the drum mixing and balancing one more look prior to submitting this, as that drags the track down more than anything. I would love to see this on the panel sometime soon, though, and hopefully posted on the front page, so hopefully my suggestions help you get there sooner rather than later.
    1 point
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