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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2017 in all areas

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
    1 point
  2. got a final version from blind for his chronopolis track, and just need a wav to finish that one off. additionally, i put in some serious time and crunched out the vocal processing for my distant promise collab, so right now that just needs some more attention on the mastering and it's done as well. lastly, i heard a near-finished version of jellyfish sea. so we've got several that are closing in on being done. hopefully all three will be done before the end of the calendar year.
    1 point
  3. Before I uploaded the song to ThaSauce I removed the part with nothing. Also removed the first 5 seconds with nothing so now the song is 4 mins long @ThaSauce.
    1 point
  4. Thanks! Also, I finally launched the comic! More recent art
    1 point
  5. Hey Chernabogue! Eval Very chill and relaxing mix, and you've definitely done a lot with the source material which is great. In terms of mix it's pretty transparent which is nice. I would say that the guitar is VERY forward in the mix compared with everything else. We get a ton of reverb on the drums/percussion and even the keys are back a bit. The guitar sounds like its out of place so putting some more reverb/automation on this would go a long away in solidifying the mix. This is especially noticeable when the organ takes the lead at 1:12. It also (on my setup) seems a bit lacking in bass so I would do some EQing there to have the bass sit lower in the mix and provide some more energy on the low end. A plug in like Waves RBass would go a long way in this mix. Compositionally this is nice, yet a bit directionless at times. I get what you're going for as this is a pretty chill mix, but there are a few vamp sections without melody such as 2:04 and 3:06 which sound a bit empty. It's hard to distinguish whether the guitar or organ is the interest point here as they are both kind of providing rhythmic ideas. I don't think these sections are bad, but they definitely just seemed a bit empty to me and I would maybe throw some other things in there to keep the momentum building. This isn't the type of song that seems to build in volume to intensify, but you can definitely keep the instrument layers building to keep intensity all the way to the end. This isn't far off, but those are some things which might go against it on the panel so I would have a look at those before you submit!
    1 point
  6. Pretty much my thoughts on this one. The piano velocities can be an issue at times, and I think more could've been done to add subtlety to the performance, but the transformation and changes on the melody lines carried by it is what mostly makes this remix unique. I was fine with the arrangement's dynamics, I think the energy levels drop/rise enough throughout the track, which is very chill in nature and doesn't really need huge peaks and cliffs in mood. On the production side things are clear, while the mix has a bit of a cold and dry feel to it sometimes, it's not something that brings the whole thing down for me. The sax section was... not very good. The tremolo was a bit excessive IMO, but the sax has a very short stay here. Overall I think this is close but over the bar for me. YES (borderline)
    1 point
  7. Pretty unique approach to this theme; every time you think you've heard it all with "Aquatic Ambiance," you get something like this. The way the source tune was referenced throughout was very creative, IMO, with lots of subtle plays to the melody and main motifs, but other instruments getting in references to it as well while doing their own thing. The piano's got a blocky quality to it that would be nicer if that wasn't the case, but it was serviceable and the piano sound had enough of a tail to it where it had some body. Gario's not wrong to criticize it, but his votes hinges on the sound being more problematic than I thought it was. The sax programming at 2:36-3:27 also could have been problematic -- the effect on it made a unique sound that was disarming at first -- but, instead, it offers something distinct to the sound. Nice job layering it with the synth at 3:08 as well. Dynamically, there could have been more distinct drops in the energy, but what's here still works within a narrower dynamic curve. Smooth beats and a novel way to personalize the theme. Nice work, Damon! YES
    1 point
  8. Nice and smooth. I'm glad you submitted this; it has more fun with the melody than any other Aquatic Ambiance remix I've heard before. The piano is pretty mechanical, but it's not a dealbreaker for me despite how prominent it is, and I don't have any other concerns. I can see other judges maybe having an objection to it, but I have no problems giving this a YES
    1 point
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