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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2018 in all areas

  1. ok, it's submitted. let's cross our fingers for how long it'll take to get processed and reviewed! i tabbed a total of five songs for mixflood release...we'll see if additional tracks get selected for eventual release as well.
    3 points
  2. 2 Days extension, deadline is now Friday.
    2 points
  3. Hey guys. As you can see, this is my first post here as I just created the account, but I've been with OCRemix for quite some time. Though I didn't have the use for my account here, after what happened recently I decided to create my account and create a post about it... As some of you may know bLiNd and his great works in music industry, whether in game remixes or his sole tracks that he's created - he's a musician to the bone and by heart! Every track of his is special. In fact, he was the one that invited me into game remixes. And recently I have found that he went through a lifebreaking incident - his whole home has been damaged in fire that broke out and he lost not only his place to live, but also pets and his way of living - musical equipment... So I decided to create a post in the forum, as for some of you guys you may have know him, if you can or know someone that can as well back him up - please do so. We can't let Jordan's faith go away! This is the link to the fundraiser that Jordan started - https://www.gofundme.com/aguirre-fire-fund If you feel that his post is somewhat inappropriate, please do as you see fit with it. I have absolutely no interest or any gains in this, other than Jordan's well-being and getting him back on his feet. I thought about this forum as a first thing I could go on, because this is the place I first met Jordan on and thought of you guys... I will thank backers in my stead, as Jordan is not aware of this post - so each and every backer has my own personal - thank you! Though it may not mean much, I really appreciate everyone's help!
    1 point
  4. So a friend of mine challenged me to remix this theme in the Goa / Psy Trance style. Well, I like a challenge. So, here is my first attempt at Goa Trance. Looking for feedback on the style, sound, eqing, everything. I'm new to this genre (and this site), so let me have it. Thanks! Source: Remix: Version 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m3YYVVnYbIgs8ESnUkODWkpYyO4MiEEn/view?usp=drivesdk Version 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThaxpuWI3w2AbRoZ5J-Zn8j7fhK6UlKl/view?usp=sharing Version 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lVEEJimImEZieLtW_kv7oKD7rjkpujs/view?usp=sharing Version 4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16FKnvtGPzqLdfh2TT6qyUOU8T1c6sMF1/view?usp=drivesdk Final Version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XOs1iFAoqR0DeZNrcUoSSCw034gCFDta EDIT: I must add that this song is only halfway finished. Forgot to add that... UPDATE: Link updated. See post for more info. UPDATE 2: Did a lot of fleshing out and some EQing. UPDATE 3: Added some more goodies and did a final master. I feel it's ready for submission. UPDATE 4: Did a complete redo of the mixing. I had to change some instruments to make things blend well. UPDATE 5: Fixed some stuff (the bassline most noticeably)and did another mastering attempt. I think it's ready to submit. FINAL UPDATE: Alright, so I did a final master and sent it off to be judged. Phew, I hope they enjoy it!
    1 point
  5. Mmm, are you planning on submitting this? You didn't specify, but there's a mod review prefix on this so I assume so - that's what the prefix is for, after all. EVAL This is a very fulfilling arrangement - the flute performances are quite good (a few moments where it doesn't hit the beat perfectly, but not the end of the world), the duet is really well done, and to be honest real flute-centric arrangements on OCR are far too few. The production seems to be pretty good (hard to tell from a YT video over a more conventional download link), and the mix knows very well to put the flutes front and center (with some light panning to give each flute it's space). So far so good! As far as source goes, it takes such a slow theme and speeds it up nicely. There's a lot of material, though, that I don't recognize from the source that you provided (0:32 - 1:37); is there more than one source involved in this one? It sounds well integrated enough, but as I'm not familiar with the game I can't say whether or not this is another theme from Golden Sun, or if this is some (impressive) original writing. The arrangement is still within our standards on OCR, but if it's from something else it'd be a good idea to let the panel know in the submission e-mail. This is short, but what's here is good. If you submit as is, you'd likely pass without too much issue. Just let us know all of the sources involved upon submission!
    1 point
  6. Ok, sorry it took me so long to get to this. Anyway EVAL: Source is easily recognizable, with more than enough original variation. The slowdown at 1:12 is awkward, but I don't think this is a big enough issue to prevent it from passing the panel. As for production, though, this is a mixed bag. The piano sample sounds gorgeous! But the bass feels a bit too loud and a bit too present; I see the judges thought the bass was too quiet in your original submission, but I think you've overcompensated in this version. The synth coming in at 0:25 feels like it could use more high-end sizzle, but the percussion is the biggest weakness in this section (and throughout the rest of the mix). Comparing this to the version you subbed to the panel, I like the older version better with regards to EQ on the drums. The percussion needs more punch, and needs more high-end; bump up the treble on the snares and hats, and bring down the low/low mids on the snare. Percussion also needs more variation in velocity to keep it from feeling monotonous. I would take a look at zircon's percussion tutorial; just spicing up the percussion would immensely improve this mix. The judges mentioned the violin was panned to the left in your submission, and it's still panned a bit left here, it's a minor issue, but I'd probably move it slightly towards the center -- it doesn't have to be dead center, but it feels too far left right now. It does sound clearer in the current version; that's a definite improvement. tl;dr: I think the percussion would prevent this from getting past the judges right now. There are a few other minor issues (the bass being too loud is the biggest one for me), but I think spicing up the percussion should be your main focus.
    1 point
  7. I don't think people would expect to find that sort of thing on Twitch. Some people use it for composing or jam sessions, but not to just play finished work. YouTube can still work, but it's hard to build up a following from scratch. There's a very poor signal-to-noise ratio on there now.
    1 point
  8. This is something I've actually been putting a bit of thought into in recent months; just regarding music in general. I don't think Twitch would be a good option given its niche, but there definitely needs to be a video or music streaming service that makes it possible for people to actually have their stuff heard. Soundcloud USED to be the best, but ever since they removed groups (for SOME fucking reason) it's easily just as tough as getting anything out there on YouTube, which used to be "by creators" and is now "bye creators".
    1 point
  9. @mothershipl I never have a problem with someone posting my music on their Youtube or Soundcloud, as long as proper credit is given, so by all means! @Uffe von Lauterbach Thanks! @Gario I could have sworn Sir_Nutz did a psytrance remix on this site...
    1 point
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