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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Results time HoboKa partipated with a bonus mix. Silverpool got 8 points, only enough for the last place wooden spoon. TheVideoGamer is the winner with 12 points!!. TheVideoGamer, you are the winner and may pick a source for PRC397. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your sources as fast as you can, but before next Monday (6 May 2019), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT). You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site): http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). PRC396 already started: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc395 for the votes and comments. Silverpool's vote (not @ThaSauce).
    3 points
  2. Yeah, I kind of ride off of PRC's coattails. I'll link you the guidebook anyhow. It's more geared towards the hosts (duh) but it covers all the bases on rules. Step 5 is what you want primarily. Pardon all the edits. http://www.mediafire.com/file/slbbr6bz8hxsg99/PRC_-_Contest_Guide_Updated.txt/file edit over 9000 ============================================================================== STEP 5 - The Voting Stage ============================================================================== So, the mixing stage is over. You've got a nice bunch of entries. And now it's time to go with the voting stage! Since this will run pretty much automatically, you will need to make a post in your OCRemix thread regarding it. State what the voters should do in whatever format you want: - Visit the stated ThaSauce page and listen to all the entries - Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen - Fill it in, filing the entries (or if there's four or more, only three) from first to third (or in the case of two, leaving the third place tab blank) - State a reasoning for it. Remember to state the bonuses as well - the vote for the winner of the previous round counts twice, as they made an important contribution to starting up the contest to begin with. (This rule isn't enforced in special contests.) And all contestants will get three points (the value for a first place vote) added to their score if they vote too. Their vote won't work at all for two-entry PRCs though, as both their first place vote and bonus will cancel each other out. And finally, remember to state the final details - the closing date/time for voting, and what the winner will receive (in the event of a normal MnP it would be the chance to choose the source tune for the next one after that; if it's a special one, it would be the prize you stated at the beginning). Once you've posted the page, it's all a case of putting all this into practice. Let's go back to the "Admin" page on the C:TS server, and back onto "MnP". Click on the round. You should get two lists underneath the blurb you stated at the beginning - a list of rounds and a list of votes. Hopefully you might have already been here to delete any disqualified entries or bonus-ify some mixes. When votes come in, they would get tabbed in automatically. This is where the bonuses would indeed be added in. But everything becomes different depending on the amount of entries, so this is how everything would be tabulated appropriately. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |ROUND QUANTITY | NORMAL VOTE | PREVIOUS WINNER | CONTESTANT | | | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | |---------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |2 ENTRIES | 3 2 - | 6 4 - | - - - | |3 ENTRIES | 3 2 1 | 6 4 2 | 3 2 - | |4+ ENTRIES | 3 2 1 | 6 4 2 | 3 2 1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To apply these alterations and the stated bonuses above, click on the "edit" button for any of these entries and replace the "Score" value with the new one. Once you've got the new scores in, make sure you check that you've done the right thing. Once you're convinced that you've adjusted the scores to what they should be like, you should be doing just fine. One last thing - be sure to check for duplicate IPs! Nineko tried to spoil the PRC vote with duplicate IPs back in PRC76's Decap Attack contest (and quite a few others before that, whenever he took part), so you have to be really careful over who submitted what. Luckily, there's an IP address field in the list of voters, so if in doubt, cite it. It is also possible to allow multiple entries.
    2 points
  3. Thanks for the heads up HoboKa! I must have missed that when reading the rules I'll submit my votes now
    2 points
  4. Hello all. I just recently posted some remixes in the remixes subforum. I am new here and would like to share some WIP pieces for feedback. Here are some tracks to check out and critique. They should give you an impression of the extent to which Metroid, especially Prime, has affected my creative life. I hope you enjoy these and become immersed into the world of Metroid
    1 point
  5. Indeed. My brain filter didn't have an ON button yesterday, it's all grood.
    1 point
  6. Whoops Sorry :S Oh well it’s too late now...
    1 point
  7. Hi I just uploaded one of my latest piano solos titled "Seeking Dorian". As the title suggests, it is written in Dorian Mode. I learned about church modes some time ago and wanted to give one of them a try. Dorian mode seemed like an easy place to start. It developed from a piano thing, to an orchestral thing, back to a piano thing, and I'm glad it did. Its always nice when you can actually play your own stuff My piano teacher provided some feedback and even said she would like one of her students to play it during a student concert sometime, which is a nice compliment. When I'm working on things I always think "Oh, my teacher is going to not like that..." so I was surprised to find out she actually liked it (I really need to let go of those thoughts anyway). So here it is: Enjoy.
    1 point
  8. Thanks for the feedback on my three pieces I played them on my digital piano and recorded them with the built-in recording function. I then imported the MIDI into FL Studio, where the sound is replaced by the Cinematic Studio Series Piano. The uploaded files are MP3 at this point. This situation is far from ideal, because the digital piano doesn't have a lot of velocity layers and so I can't really put in the feeling that I want pieces to have. When I hook it up directly with the VST its a little better, but the VST triggers rather loud samples at a certain velocity, so I have to go in and manually fix those unintended loud parts. Unfortunately the next lower level is often too soft. I don't always get the pedal right either and unwanted results can happen when legato or non-legato notes are triggered at the wrong moment. I really wish my playing was so good that I could do perfect recording takes each time and had the right piano and recording methods to do it. Now I have to piece together parts sometimes and that's when inconsistencies arise. Thanks for the positive comments anyway
    1 point
  9. This is why reactionary editing is not reccomended kids. I probably edited that 20 times. K that's enough OCD for 1 night. Cya on the flip side.
    1 point
  10. Spot the Trevor Morris sample (hint: WAAAAAA-AAAANNNHHH!) Feedback welcome but this is objectively awesome and I won't hear a bad word against my own work.
    1 point
  11. Eh, I slapped on a mixed bag. Just to show off to any prospective studios. When I feel like putting myself out there big time... I've got some better tunes sequestered away for reasons I do not fully comprehend myself (fear of IP theft maybe). Probably not securely enough, given how shit that Windows OS is. I've played some of the newer Deus Ex games. But not the newest. Nor the first. Gotta remedy that. Also looking forward to that upcoming Cyberpunk game from CDProject Red hehe.
    1 point
  12. Really enjoying the forward momentum of some of your tracks too, bröther! (Totally love Akira Yamaoka. Also Michael McCann's work on Deus Ex: Human Revolution obsesses me, it's so great).
    1 point
  13. Took me a bit to understand what the title of your song meant "Be What You Needed". Man that is depressing, but it hits me where I live. I am glad I discovered your sound lmao. You listen to Akira Yamaoka, right? If not, you should >:3 - at least for his Silent Hill stuff. (edit) I'll need to listen to the 7 other songs you got later... Plus I'm tired lol.
    1 point
  14. My personal fave is 'Be What You Needed' but it doesn't seem to resonate with others like I thought it would? Maybe it's the spoken word stuff (I like poetry).
    1 point
  15. Rejwan, you may want to submit a vote. There's a 3-point bonus if you do. You don't want to lose out on that, especially since (I think) everyone else who participated has voted, which gives them a 3 point edge. If you're having trouble with Compoverse's system, just private-message me your vote. Thanks. Oops, I'm wrong: Silverpool64 needs to vote too.
    1 point
  16. I know I'm mainly known for my vgm remixes (and on this site even more so, duh) but in between those projects I found time to work on my own original music, and here's the result. It's a mix of late 90s dance music tropes, cyberpunk cheesiness, breakbeat, and something else. Enjoy!
    1 point
  17. No worries. Not sure if SC appreciates my thoughts. Some of my comments got buried in the soundwave widget player thingy. Or maybe that's just my browser. Right. I'll go through the rest in a bit. You've got some pretty kick ass sounds going on.
    1 point
  18. Hi everyone, It's been years since I've done anything new. Recently, I've been working on a VGM remix that fuses Persona 5's "Beneath the Mask" with Street's of Rage's "Keep the Grrovin". I am looking for someone who can sing "Beneath the Mask" in pretty much the same way as original. Meanwhile, I wrote something original. Unfortunately, it is in foreign language and I apologize to those who can't understand it. It is supposed to scratch that 90's pop-chillout itch. Hope you guys enjoy it
    1 point
  19. Ahhhhhh, thank you so much for listening. I see you checking stuff out. That is awesome. I've been working pretty hard on this stuff and... no one seems to care! Really appreciate your thoughts.
    1 point
  20. Hello again I'm currently working on putting my first album together with some of my first and best works. This involves taking new recordings and using better piano sounds. I just now finished the recording for a short piece I did back in 2016 titled: 'Sixty Tears Per Second'. It is one of my all time favorites that came out of a improvisation session. With just some minor tweaks and transposition to a different key, this is the result: Hear it and weep! (You're welcome )
    1 point
  21. Here is a new recording of one of my first piano tunes, titled "A Life Well Spent". I originally wrote it in 2015 to go with the soundtrack to a browser game I was developing. I abandoned the project, but the tracks remain a part of my repertoire. Some of them I really like and I attempt to update them as my skills grow. In terms of feedback, what do you think could be done to make the left hand more interesting (provide a timestamp for where you think improvements can be made)? I'm kind of following a pattern of 3 or 4 chords. What can I do to break out of that in a more interesting way? Thanks for listening
    1 point
  22. Ok, so this is an underrated track right here, super well-produced and it just bleeds Bioware! Nice work.
    1 point
  23. Awesome. I'll have something shortly.
    1 point
  24. Okay, we'll I'm not that familiar with syncopation yet, so that may explain my initial difficulty with it. I tried playing some parts on the piano and recording the MIDI, but unless you got the right tempo and time signature up, that doesn't help all too much. I honestly couldn't figure out how to count beats during the intro. I am familiar with pickup notes, only I didn't know you called them pickup notes (in English) Sometimes I'll know a term in Dutch but not English, and some times it is the other way around. So what do you think of this next track then? Is it as straight forward as the first one?
    1 point
  25. I think you're way overthinking it. The song is in a basic 4/4, same tempo (somewhere 145-150 BPM) the whole way through. It's not really do anything special either, just some syncopation. The "melody beings on the 15th of the previous measure" is just called a pickup note. I would be stunned if you told me you've never heard a melody do that before.
    1 point
  26. It’s a shame you can’t share it to others, as this sounds like a good start. Keep at it man. People at OCR just want to turn simple hobbies into professional Grade A quality mixes. So many small details people nitpick about. (Especially if we were discussing this piece of work) At least with the Compo scene, nobody cares about quality as much. That’s why i like MnP and PRC. Even regardless of production, the Compo scene is more nicer and friendly. I’m more comfortable and open with talking to you, than what I’ve seen from exploring this website. Wow I sound all soppy lol. Oh well thanks for running this anyways.
    1 point
  27. Okay, I've spent some time tackling this beast and learned a couple of things by now: When you don't know what you're doing, you're going to waste a lot of time. Section A: Assuming the tempo is 152 bpm, and the time signature is 16/8, this section consists of 10 measures. Section A: The timpani beat seems to have a hit on each of the following 8th notes: the 1st, 4th, the 5th or 6th has 3 hits in the space of one hit, the 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th an finally the 15th and 16th. Section A: The melody begins on the 15th of the previous measure and has 4 phrases. Intro: The low bass sound could be used to determine measures, but it is still a bit of a pain for me to figure out what the time signature is. Section A: There is a steady snare pattern that is hard to discern with all the other stuff going on. There is also a fast, arpeggiated pattern that is hard to discern because of its chaotic movement. I have a love/hate thing going on with the Orchestra Hit. It is such a lame and at the same time cool sound. Who on earth came up with that thing? I guess 16/8 doesn't make much sense of a time signature. If I take half of that, it would go well with what I think are the measures in other parts. So 8/8 which just boils down to 4/4 when you think about it. The underlying harmony is pretty odd. It is hard for me to replicate it on the piano. John, you better get in here with your massive credentials and help me out What do you make of the harmony in Section A? And what about the voicing? Is that fifths I hear in the trumpet sounding thingies?
    1 point
  28. Hey thanks for the response! Sorry I didn't get back sooner. Thanks for all the feedback! I did actually buy hardware. I found a video that tipped me off to what I needed. The synth was plugged into my former Mesa Boogie DC-5 and recorded using a cellphone. I perused the patches and really used my ears to find them. The synth is not a Roland or Yamaha. It is a synth that is less than 21 years old. I know what the Metroid Prime lead patch is but I actually recreated it in Omnisphere for that first track. The choir patch IS from a Roland product. 1990s and Roland has a virtual vst of it on Roland Cloud. Your Remnants track has drums that remind me of Phazon Mines somewhat.
    1 point
  29. Cool stuff man! I have a bit of experience with Prime-inspired music myself, always great to see like-minded musicians I think that bass in the beginning of the first track could use some refinement, it strikes me as too dry and over-the-top for a MP track. I also like plain sine waves without the layering for most of my MP leads, but that's more a matter of personal preference. I think things sound a lot more cohesive at the 1:15 mark - aside from maybe some more percussive texturing, this part works great for me! I think the second track works better for me overall, you've used the patches that were used in the MP OSTs really effectively. I'm not sure I'd make the track as long as it is without much structural change, but if you like it, keep it! If you don't mind my asking, how did you get access to the original synth patches used in the games? Did you buy the old hardware or are you emulating things somehow? Nice work, keep it up!
    1 point
  30. Glad you liked it :) I may still orchestrate it in the future, provided I learn to properly work with the orchestral things that I have.
    1 point
  31. I thought it was a very pretty composition. I would like to see it orchestrated but it's fine as a piano piece.
    1 point
  32. Bruh, your promotional material links to this thread, lol. You should edit your link so it links to the YT vid, lol. Otherwise, I listened to a few of the tracks. Gario approves the Nario chips.
    1 point
  33. I would love to have an actual piano, but I live in an apartment building so I'll likely annoy everyone else with my playing (plus, there is little room for one, maybe an upright piano). CSS Piano is supposed to be good enough for what I'm trying to accomplish, I just need more experience with it and get my actual playing to a better level. I'm afraid that just getting the more professional tools isn't going to be enough :)
    0 points
  34. It's been eight years since my 2nd album, More Of Me (2011), and probably just as long since I was active on any forum. I'd say it's about time to fix that. My 3rd album is now out! The Tale of Nario! https://nario.bandcamp.com/album/the-tale-of-nario The Tale of Nario is a compilation of 8-bit chiptunes I wrote over the years. Dating between 2008 and 2015, this album consists of singles, new songs that have never been released before, a collaboration, extras, and unfinished pieces. Enjoy! Thank you for listening to my tale. The rest of my discography is also on my bandcamp as well!
    0 points
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